My OOP class is finally using cpp (the first 3 weeks were C) and ofc we are dealing with pointers now. So far so good but the notation chosen just seems odd. Using * to de-reference stuff, seems like they could have made a better choice or at least something more intuitive. I definitely prefer Java still and I am glad my data structure's class is Java based. My hardest class, by far, is machine code and organization. I rarely am the type to blame the teacher but man this guy just reads powerpoints word for word. Little to no code examples, or working through a problem in class. What's worse is there is no book. Just a damn manual for the AVR controller/Arduino Board. I am looking into buying a book ASAP or maybe checking MITs opencourse catalog for something similar. It is also the hardest class to find code examples for because all the Arduino resources I can find are written in C. Meh I can only blame myself but I definitely feel like this instructor is setting us up for failure.
To elaborate, the actual coding part isnt difficult. It may be annoying but as long as you can think things logically, you can solve the problem. It is questions about memory range or questions like this "How many bytes are used to encode instruction STS [Addr], Rd? How many bits are used to encode the operand? What is the range of address that this instruction supports?" when there are two different STS instructions. I mean it isn't nearly as difficult as some of the physics classes I had but without a book or some references to go off of besides his powerpoints, I feel a bit lost.