IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


<Bronze Donator>
Some times it is easy to get trapped in delusions of grandeur...
At other times all to easy to feel worthless and irrelevant when things are not going well (anyone work on failed projects? :)

Both tricky things to ballance: respect for ones own talents vs respect for an employer's business view. Really tough with employers that all too often lean towards treating people without any respect, just meat. Bye bye more IBM jobs in North America..... *sigh*

Louis Louis was it all just MVS/TSO iron up above with 3270 emulation?


Trakanon Raider
Some times it is easy to get trapped in delusions of grandeur...
At other times all to easy to feel worthless and irrelevant when things are not going well (anyone work on failed projects? :)

Both tricky things to ballance: respect for ones own talents vs respect for an employer's business view. Really tough with employers that all too often lean towards treating people without any respect, just meat. Bye bye more IBM jobs in North America..... *sigh*

Louis Louis was it all just MVS/TSO iron up above with 3270 emulation?

We're on as/400 with 5250 emulation for all of our backend stuff. My original post was referencing losing our Windows sysadmins, which in comparison to the as/400 side is no big deal. Finding people in the market I live in that are knowledgeable enough to admin that side are few and far between. Only ones I've ever met are women around their 50's, so I guess it was something offered by colleges 30 years ago.
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Trakanon Raider
This. We lost both of our system admins that knew our entire banks infrastructure above the workstation level within a month of each other. I thought for sure shit was going to eventually hit the fan with no one here having any knowledge of it and we'd crumble. Been about a year and half since then and nothing that bad ever happened.

Its always easier to replace knowledge than it is man hours. Everyone under my boss routinely puts in 65+ hour weeks. We've had a few 20 hour days, even. When I bounce its simply going to be a man-hours equation til my boss finds someone. Like I said, he dragged his feet on hiring a fucking greenhorn, I'd hate to see what he does when trying to find someone to fill a mid to senior position.


Trakanon Raider
We're on as/400 with 5250 emulation for all of our backend stuff. I'm kind of the middle man between our windows environment and that side, as none of the other Windows guys have any experience at all with it. My original post was referencing losing our Windows sysadmins, which in comparison to the as/400 side is no big deal. Finding people in the market I live in that are knowledgeable enough to admin that side are few and far between. Only ones I've ever met are women around their 50's, so I guess it was something offered by colleges 30 years ago.

I inherited as/400's at two different jobs. If you've only ever worked in the nix/windows space, it's hard to wrap your head around at first. It is amazingly documented though and you can hit F1 on any command and see it's usage.

I'd guess that the 50 year old women were probably mainframe/mini operators at one point in time and moved up to admin.


A Mod Real Quick
Been working on a feature since mid November and was able to live test it today. Felt good when it worked first try.
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Trakanon Raider
Well, I didnt receive any offers from the other jobs I interviewed for..

But my current company has made me an offer to move from under my current boss, and take the projects I've been handling into becoming their own division. This has me reporting directly to the VP, gives me a director title, has me hiring 3-4 people full time under me. It also comes with a 6 figure salary.

I mean, in Q4 of last year my projects were responsible for around a quarter million in revenue, so it makes business sense, given that I'm on track to better that in Q1, thanks largely to this MSP contract we won.

I still have a sour taste in my mouth from this company, but that is nearly entirely from the bullshit my current boss pulled; This change would place me a tier higher than he is on, though, and take him out of my chain of command.

They want an answer by the end of the week. Thoughts, guys?


A Mod Real Quick
Well, I didnt receive any offers from the other jobs I interviewed for..

But my current company has made me an offer to move from under my current boss, and take the projects I've been handling into becoming their own division. This has me reporting directly to the VP, gives me a director title, has me hiring 3-4 people full time under me. It also comes with a 6 figure salary.

I mean, in Q4 of last year my projects were responsible for around a quarter million in revenue, so it makes business sense, given that I'm on track to better that in Q1, thanks largely to this MSP contract we won.

I still have a sour taste in my mouth from this company, but that is nearly entirely from the bullshit my current boss pulled; This change would place me a tier higher than he is on, though, and take him out of my chain of command.

They want an answer by the end of the week. Thoughts, guys?
If you have no other offers then I don't even see why this is a question.

Is this a double in salary?


Trakanon Raider
55k to 105k, so JUST shy thereof. I would maintain my quarterly performance bonus, that is given based on how much revenue my projects bring in.

Feels like taking the jump is committing long term, and I'm trying to separate my boss from the equation with the company but it is hard. Trying to ask myself: If my boss was never douchey, would I even have a problem here?

Ultimately, I feel like this is the company coming to me, and saying "Hey, you've done great work for us, we want to empower you to continue and grow that, while showing you you're valuable to us"...Which I like since I don't really see how their hand is forced, such as if I gave notice or something...Feels like just a straight up acknowledgement of what I've done.


God is dead
55k to 105k, so JUST shy thereof. I would maintain my quarterly performance bonus, that is given based on how much revenue my projects bring in.

Feels like taking the jump is committing long term, and I'm trying to separate my boss from the equation with the company but it is hard. Trying to ask myself: If my boss was never douchey, would I even have a problem here?

Director title is nothing to laugh at (although, a Director making only 105K is kinda laughable). I'd take it and use it to learn and then jump-ship in a year or two to a higher paying company. Don't make decisions thinking you are committing long term. This is NEVER the case. Do not think this way.
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Trakanon Raider
Everything what Vinen just said. A 50k raise is nothing to scoff at. Worst come to worst you take that title and experience and move elsewhere.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Big_w_powah Big_w_powah Take it.
If they pay you 105k to clean bathrooms floor, will you do it?
I know I would!!

Now the management switch does takes some adjustment. You will be less of hands on to more of following up on people to make sure they do their shit.

As a problem fixer, your fix instinct is to fix a problem; however not anymore. As a manager try to delegate work to your guys. That is why they are there for.


Yeah, take the title and say thanks, put in a few years and then bounce somewhere with the same title and double your money. As a tech guy though, adapting to management from being hands on is fucking rough.