Ah yes, the classic "haha idiot easily replaceable by your own tool " without realizing what you actually have.
Nice phrasing. We have to fight against this as we get older.
this is why a few weeks back I referred to a lot of programming work as dumb automation. IT moves fast, and is not slowing down at all. It is easy to get trapped being an expert in knowledge that becomes very obsolete very fast. Many industries in IT are just not worthwhile investing much time acquiriing knowledge and experience in. The writing is already on the wall for many *easier* programming & development jobs, and this will become very apparent as automated learning software industry matures.
After a problem is solved once, it does not and should not require solving from scratch again except as a teaching method. Applied? Yes. Re-solved? No. We would like the application of the solution to be as automated as possible..... dumb automation unless you keep learning.
Unfortunately businesses are encouraged to hoard ideas and intellectual property for profit. We get scenarios where there are too many companies solving the SAME problem over and over often from scratch. Incredibly inefficient and dumb.... except from a financial perspective for those profiting from the hoarding. A little competition for variety of solutions is good, but diminishing returns kick in pretty fast.
So propagatin of knowledge is slow and inefficient because of human nature and it pays for a lot of *easy* entry level jobs.
A fringe benefit for our economy & IT workers: easy getting work solving easy problems over and over!
However, the ride never lasts long. Once old problems are solved well across the majority of the industry, this acts as a downward pressure on availability *easy* work in the economy. It forces devs to keep learning new more advanced tools and techniques to avoid obsolesence and replacement by students who know the new better than the obsolete old
This obsolesence of knowledge SHOULD be naturally countered by the finding of new usefull work. New work that should be given experienced people to solve new problems .....unless you have blind/greedy or ignorant management as in @Cads example where the dev is fired because the idiot manager views him as obsolete. Unfortunately in reality there is always a valid business (greed) counter perspective that pertpetuates this sort of idiocy for greedy profit.
Good to be aware how the system works

, automated machine learning will make things even more difficult for us pesky humans.