Some people are not crazy about the "magic" of higher level languages. Personally I find that learning c/c++ as a first language allows one a much deeper understanding of the higher level languages like ruby. The abstraction in such languages always bothers me as I prefer to understand what the hell is going on in my code.And here I am as a Ruby Developer thinking "jeez, what a mess, in Ruby you only have to ask: variable.nil?"
That's why I guess I love the Ruby language, it's so like 'natural' language it scares me. 1..5 do { xyz }, or array.each ... or variable.nil?. So easier and natural to perform operations and checks.
Having said that, if the latest news about JRuby with truffle is not worthless hype and IF it will be accepted, when ready, by the wider community, it would be game changing for me. On top of that SciRuby has been accepted to Google Summer of Code which could mean that I'll be banging out ruby in a few years instead of putzing around with python and c++. That is unless Julia crushes the rest of languages used for scientific computation and then we will all just be using that