J49: An Erotic Life


I have regular access to pussy via my girlfriend and I have no particular interest in seeing J's junk or the girls he picks up; but it's entertaining none the less and worth reading to hear of his experiences (or lies - it doesn't matter to me) with the pictures there to presumingly corroborate what's going on. Personally, I would have separated with the wife after the heart to heart conversation about the sex falling through, but you don't see me in here ragging on him for that or being a douche for no other reason than someone telling stories of his adventures/imagination. Especially on a gamer forum where you all assumingly pay money for people to tell you stories, with some of those companies fucking you in the ass harder than the other Johns for J's girls.

Reading through the old thread it makes me laugh at how much some of you use to hate on Mist for her negativity, yet you're in here projecting onto J with no real reason (even if you disagree with his decisions, your vocalizing it here has zero effect besides making you look like an ass). You rag on him or people that appreciate the content he's putting out by calling him scum/degenerate/etc, but honestly some of you need to look in a mirror and assess what you're doing.


<Gold Donor>
Why do folks need pals like johnny to post pics of hooker tits when you are typing on a box that has unlimtied access to pics of hooker tits?
Much like with my single friends that bang girls from bars all the time....I don't want their lives, I just want all the details.


Vyemm Raider


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
no i didn't report it, i was trying to forget about it, but as i was typing i remembered...so i have deena dressed slutty and blindfolded go up to each guy in the club, she asks them to play with her nipples, and this old fart, decided to reach over her and start rubbing my back, ugh
Were you strangely aroused by the strange man rubbing you while you penetrated a whore?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Never mind, I stand corrected, less "ugly" details please. Did you get the license plate of the truck that hit her face?
It was A84 EMG, right?

Also, does that sign behind her say solicitation welcome?


Trakanon Raider
I haven't followed this thread in awhile and it seems a lot has happened. Can someone fill me in from the time his wife found out till now? I'm just too busy to go through it all. Thanks


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Johnny is a born again christian now. The only contact he has with his whoores is that he joined a rescue group in an advisory role who are dedicated to freeing these girls from the sex slave trade.


Molten Core Raider
I have regular access to pussy via my girlfriend and I have no particular interest in seeing J's junk or the girls he picks up; but it's entertaining none the less and worth reading to hear of his experiences (or lies - it doesn't matter to me) with the pictures there to presumingly corroborate what's going on. Personally, I would have separated with the wife after the heart to heart conversation about the sex falling through, but you don't see me in here ragging on him for that or being a douche for no other reason than someone telling stories of his adventures/imagination. Especially on a gamer forum where you all assumingly pay money for people to tell you stories, with some of those companies fucking you in the ass harder than the other Johns for J's girls.

Reading through the old thread it makes me laugh at how much some of you use to hate on Mist for her negativity, yet you're in here projecting onto J with no real reason (even if you disagree with his decisions, your vocalizing it here has zero effect besides making you look like an ass). You rag on him or people that appreciate the content he's putting out by calling him scum/degenerate/etc, but honestly some of you need to look in a mirror and assess what you're doing.
she pays his allowance he can't


Trump's Staff
i know right...i spend all day working, picking up my whore, taking her to buy her drugs, take her to the club to fuck her, have some old guy start rubbing my back, drop her off, rush back to the office, log on to this forum to give a report, only to have my grammar and typing criticized....
at least you're calling them drugs now! progress.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Gee I'm sorry, I thought a back rub would help calm your nerves.

I guess next time I'll know better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gee I'm sorry, I thought a back rub would help calm your nerves.

I guess next time I'll know better.
I was going to make this joke but them I'm like, wait I'm not older than J52. And I'm one of the older people on the board for sure! How fuckin oldisyou dawg?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sorry, I have done a few months of "Cliff Notes" on these threads. During my quick reads I have not seen one particular picture. Has there been a picture of J49's dumb ass bitch of a mother and wife posted? I would like to see how she compares to the drugged out pube anal whores before she ultimately puts a bullet through his head and hopefully through her own.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
No, his mom hasn't been posted. Why would you ask for that?