Jupiter Ascending (2015)


Lord Nagafen Raider
The ownership rights reverted back and now they are shopping out to studios for a sequel. This movie suffered not from itself but rather from poor advertising and perhaps the worst title ever given to a large budget film. All they had to do was add " of Mars" to the title and it would have changed everything. The movie itself was actually pretty good and certainly worth admission. If they keep the same actors, I would go and watch the sequel. M<aybe this time they could just use the book title "Gods of Mars".
The dumbest thing is that they actually went out of their way to remove "of Mars" from the title. The movie was originally announced as "John Carter of Mars", but then when the trailer released, they stripped it down to just "John Carter" but kept the "JCM" logo (and eventually they realized that made no sense and removed it). And why did they remove those two words? Because Disney had another massive flop a year earlier with Mars Needs Moms, and rather than realizing they just had a shitty movie on their hands, they decided it had something to do with the word "Mars" in the title. Oh, and girls won't see movies thatrefer to the planet.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was holding out hope since the Sci-Fi scenes in Cloud Atlas were top notch but the janitor princess I should have known better. My dick was thinking with Mila Kunas(sorry I'd fuck her raw if I ever got the chance) but this movie ended up being pure crap. It's pretty telling since no one cared about Sean Bean's fate.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I 2nd "I saw it. It sucked" and even the chick that wanted to go see it gave the same review, afterwards

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
You would assume correctly.

Alien - 8.5
Aliens - 9
Alien3 - 6
Alien Res. - 5 (only saw it once when it first came out. don't really remember much. but it felt kinda meh)
Prometheus - 7.5

Just watched Alien Resurrection again since I couldn't remember much about it off the top of my head. Movie sucked. Changing my rating to a 3.5.


> Than U
Just watched Alien Resurrection again since I couldn't remember much about it off the top of my head. Movie sucked. Changing my rating to a 3.5.
Mine differs but only slightly in some areas.
Alien- 7.8 Not bad for a series Sci-Fi starter.
Aliens- 9.3 Probably one of the better made Sci-Fis for it's time. If Star Wars 4-6 hadn't come before it I would probably bump it to 9.6 or better.
Alien 3- 5 Killing off Hicks before it even began and Newt( who has never appeared in another movie/tv show and is a massively overweight teacher these days ) was stupid. The ninja alien was stupid. The whole damn movie was stupid. It gets a 5 cause Weaver.
Alien Res- 6 The movie wasn't really bad for a Sci-Fi, but it really had little to do with Aliens. Between the cloning thing, the rebel mercs and space pirating, it would have been far better off not even being Aliens. It could have added humor and some slight writing changes and just as well been Ice Pirates 2.
Prometheus 6 Could easily been a 8 or better but visual issues incomplete, story editing was horrible leaving many to wonder what the hell was even going on that took the whole internet months to figure out the story and for the second time now ( with Alien ) we have meet the creatures the series is based on and yet still don't know shit about it. Maybe Alien 5 or Prometheus 2 will finally explain it.

As for Jupiter Ascending Have not seen, probably wait for Netflix based on reviews here and other places.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Alien - 9/10 (best sci fi horror ever)
Aliens - 9/10 (best sci fi action ever)
Alien 3 - 3/10 (retarded story is retarded)
Alien resu. - 2/10 (yeah....gore fest...oh right, alien is not about that)
Prometheus - 1/10 (teen slasher in space)


Just watched Alien Resurrection again since I couldn't remember much about it off the top of my head. Movie sucked. Changing my rating to a 3.5.
I haven't seen it recently, but I doubt it has aged well.

It is a early Whedon movie so it's going to be very campy ,and I think he said he had allot of trouble making it with the studio.

I remember it had some cool ideas in the film, but was pretty much a mess.


> Than U
Lol you have to be smoking some good crack to rate resurrection higher than 3.
True. I rated is higher since if you manage to convince yourself it wasn't aliens, it wasn't too bad for a sci fi.( Especially given the shit we've been given the past few years with exception of EoT, Pacific Rim 2 and so forth )