well the dinosaur island would still be there full of dinosaurs as well as thejurassicpark /research lab/visitors buildings infrastructure, so basically all any new developer would have to do is come there, knock out whatever roaming dinos they can find, round them up and refurbish already existing up to modern standards and make things more difficult for the previous outbreaks from happening.
what i have issue with is how fucking lazy that trailer looked, the CGI looks like shit compared to stan winston's work over 20 years ago. when peter jackson remade Kong, he spent much more effort in making the creatures look like they are actually there than the green screen crap in that trailer. i also dunno why all films need to color their films with a blue tinge. yeah other famous films in the past have done thins and with great success, but there is a point when it ceases to be cool and just looks like a cheap gimmick, Bullet time anyone? its also telling that there doesnt seem to be any original cast in this.
as an adult who saw the original film in the theater back in the day and loved it, what in 2014 are they offering me to get my fat ass back in the theater? more running dinos? more fucking kids? almost all CGI with no practical effects, no credible actors or storyline of any kind? somebody give me a reason to want to see this? and please dont tell me there is a reveal of a spinosauras godzilla hybrid . that shit doesnt do it for me anymore.