Justice for Zimmerman

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I'm curious what the Obama supporters opinion is now that his administration is creating/continuing this witch hunt on Zimmerman. I guess they really don't care about the justice system -- just surprising that would come out of the department.. of.. well.. justice.
WITH ZERO EVIDENCE. They're super pissed this thing backfired and made them look like FGTS.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Breaking up any monopolies is a good idea, but I also fail to see how the quality of the news would change if big media corporations were broken up into smaller companies. The problem is it's all about money, and it's going to continue to be all about the money no matter how many smaller companies are working distinctly from each other.
Typically, once big monopolies are broken up, money has less power, because it has to be distributed amongst more entities to have the same effect.

Its really quite simple.

If you could find a way to market that level of delusion and unintentional yet incredibly overbearing irony, you could be a billionaire.
Still embarassed about that edit shit I see.

You should be.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I don't think this is the only politician that thinks this way at atleast sometime in their career


<Nazi Janitors>
I gotta say as a firearm owning, concealed carrying, lawn mowing republican - I think the idea of the 2nd amendment supporting my "right" to buy modern firearms is honestly hilarious & totally misguided.
You may think that its misguided, but the Supreme Court didn't think so, twice. Why we have arguments anymore about what is apparently a fundamental right is beyond me. And if you think I'm exaggerating about the fundamental right part, go read the holdings for D.C. v. Heller, and McDonald v. Chicago, and how they interact with each other


Ssraeszha Raider
I voted for Obama, and my impression that this is a ploy to distract people from looking at the IRS scandal and other crap. Before the Zimmerman craze every week was just more and more justified bashing of the current administration. Now all you see is crap about rioting and Zimmerman.
There is no IRS "scandal." But yeah, I've been pretty disappointed with my team this week. I have never seen liberals be so universally moronic on a particular issue. Even the Daily Show and Colbert completely failed.


Millie's Staff Member
This is literally the same bullshit ploy they pulled last year after the 9/11 benghazi. Attacks. blame it on a single guy and a yoitube clip. Have him arrested on a trumped charge and call the whole thing settled. Zimzam is going to be arrested, very soon.


Musty Nester
We'll need an anthem. Are there any of those horrible rap mix ups for buffet?

Cheeseburger in Ratta tat tat Cracker with a gun.


Trakanon Raider
Does anyone feel like playing devil's advocate on why ZM is guilty? I haven't heard one convincing argument that isn't just the black card argument.
I don't think you can find Zimmerman guilty of Murder, I think thatmaybeInvoluntary Manslaughter might have been possible, but still difficult. We know Martin backtracked to where Zimmerman was standing (You can look for the timeline that hodj and Tuco have linked in the previous pages). And even then, the most crucial moment is still missing from the timeline (We know the cell phone recorded Zimemrman and Martin confronting each other, but then cuts out after the struggle started). So all we are left with is Zimmerman's account, where he says Martin stuck first. We have no way to prove that one way or another, which leaves enough reasonable doubt to acquit.

Personally, I think that morally/ethically Zimmerman was a goddamn idiot at best if not criminally reckless at worst. He went out that night looking for trouble and if this story proves anything, it was that his dumbass was not prepared for any kind of confrontation. This isn't the Wild West, this is the 21st Century and people do not need to go out there on some Vigilante hunt for criminals. Its stupid and dangerous because guess what... THEY ARE CRIMINALS WHO WILL KILL YOUR DUMBASS instead of a confused, angry teenager. What would Zimmerman had done if he actually stumbled upon the criminals he was looking for? Chased them too?

In the end all Zimmerman has managed to do is cause enough trouble that the criminals who were doing the breakins have likely moved to a different part of the town, pissed off the whole country, and killed someone who had the misfortune of walking outside that night. He failed in every way managable through his own arrogance. And that is the sadest part of this whole fiasco.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Personally, I think that morally/ethically Zimmerman was a goddamn idiot at best if not criminally reckless at worst. He went out that night looking for trouble
He actually left his house to drive to Target to go shopping that night.

I know you're playing Devil's advocate as a response to Warhead, and I respect that, but that's a little known fact. Zimmerman left his house that night, not to patrol the neighborhood for suspicious black kids in hoodies, but rather, to go shopping. Something he did every Sunday night apparently, which makes sense. Many people go grocery shopping on a set day each week.

Its funny how that little detail gets dropped by so many when they do go, seriously, down that road of "He went out that night looking for trouble."

I guess everyone who goes out to the store to buy bread and milk and eggs before a snow storm (Why do people do that? Like they'll die if they don't have eggs, bread and milk for 24 hours during a half inch snow storm?) is looking for trouble too?


Molten Core Raider
I don't think you can find Zimmerman guilty of Murder, I think thatmaybeInvoluntary Manslaughter might have been possible, but still difficult. We know Martin backtracked to where Zimmerman was standing (You can look for the timeline that hodj and Tuco have linked in the previous pages). And even then, the most crucial moment is still missing from the timeline (We know the cell phone recorded Zimemrman and Martin confronting each other, but then cuts out after the struggle started). So all we are left with is Zimmerman's account, where he says Martin stuck first. We have no way to prove that one way or another, which leaves enough reasonable doubt to acquit.

Personally, I think that morally/ethically Zimmerman was a goddamn idiot at best if not criminally reckless at worst. He went out that night looking for trouble and if this story proves anything, it was that his dumbass was not prepared for any kind of confrontation. This isn't the Wild West, this is the 21st Century and people do not need to go out there on some Vigilante hunt for criminals. Its stupid and dangerous because guess what... THEY ARE CRIMINALS WHO WILL KILL YOUR DUMBASS instead of a confused, angry teenager. What would Zimmerman had done if he actually stumbled upon the criminals he was looking for? Chased them too?

In the end all Zimmerman has managed to do is cause enough trouble that the criminals who were doing the breakins have likely moved to a different part of the town, pissed off the whole country, and killed someone who had the misfortune of walking outside that night. He failed in every way managable through his own arrogance. And that is the sadest part of this whole fiasco.
He was on his way to target lol


Trakanon Raider
He actually left his house to drive to Target to go shopping that night.

I know you're playing Devil's advocate as a response to Warhead, and I respect that, but that's a little known fact. Zimmerman left his house that night, not to patrol the neighborhood for suspicious black kids in hoodies, but rather, to go shopping. Something he did every Sunday night apparently, which makes sense. Many people go grocery shopping on a set day each week.

Its funny how that little detail gets dropped by so many when they do go, seriously, down that road of "He went out that night looking for trouble."

I guess everyone who goes out to the store to buy bread and milk and eggs before a snow storm (Why do people do that? Like they'll die if they don't have eggs, bread and milk for 24 hours during a half inch snow storm?) is looking for trouble too?
Ok, but then that still bolters my point. Martin walked to the store, bought food and was walking home. Was he looking for trouble? No.

Who stopped and called police about a suspicious person? Who choose to confront said suspicious person? Zimmerman made the choices that led to the confrontation.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ok, but then that still bolters my point. Martin walked to the store, bought food and was walking home. Was he looking for trouble? No.

Who stopped and called police about a suspicious person? Who choose to confront said suspicious person? Zimmerman made the choices that led to the confrontation.
Well, first and foremost, you have an absolute right to call police about a suspicious looking person. That's a burden shifting onto the person trying to...do the right thing.

Secondly, Zimmerman didn't choose to confront Martin. That never happened. That's a misstatement of the facts of the case. Zimmerman got out after Martin ran around the townhomes and down the dog path. Zimmerman traveled about 30 yards MAYBE to the end of the dog path so he could continue to report to the police the location of the suspicious person.

That's not attempting to confront anyone. Its a complete misunderstanding of what occurred.

Effectively, any argument for Zimmerman's guilt must rely on burden shifting just like this. That's why no argument for that side makes sense. Nothing Zimmerman was doing was attempting to create a confrontation. He did not seek to confront Martin. He simply attempted to report his location to police as he (Martin) ran. Martin RETURNED and attacked Zimmerman. MARTIN was the one who sought an actual, physical confrontation to the situation.
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