Justice for Zimmerman

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Unelected Mod
So while I was at a restaurant earlier today, a father and his teenage daughter were arguing about the Zimmerman case. The daughter (who was maybe 12 or so) kept pointing to all the facts in the case, just like we did in this thread. The dad just kept getting more and more upset, almost shouting "HE STALKED HIM" blah blah. Finally he told his daughter to shut up and eat her food. Was awesome listening to this little girl school her crazy father with facts.

I so wanted to high5 her or cheer her on but I didn't.


Molten Core Raider
So while I was at a restaurant earlier today, a father and his teenage daughter were arguing about the Zimmerman case. The daughter (who was maybe 12 or so) kept pointing to all the facts in the case, just like we did in this thread. The dad just kept getting more and more upset, almost shouting "HE STALKED HIM" blah blah. Finally he told his daughter to shut up and eat her food. Was awesome listening to this little girl school her crazy father with facts.

I so wanted to high5 her or cheer her on but I didn't.
A smart thing. She would have thought you were a gay rapist


Trakanon Raider
Well, first and foremost, you have an absolute right to call police about a suspicious looking person. That's a burden shifting onto the person trying to...do the right thing.
Not sure I understand what you mean by this, that the burden falls on Martin to prove he's not suspicious or Zimmerman to prove he is?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Not sure I understand what you mean by this, that the burden falls on Martin to prove he's not suspicious or Zimmerman to prove he is?
You can't control someone calling the police on you for looking suspicious, you have no knowledge that they're even doing it, unless they explicitly tell you.

If I look outside and see what appears to be a person looking in the windows of a neighbor's house while they're out on vacation and I call the police to question the person as to their intent in the area, they may very well have been simply checking the address because they were lost looking for a friend's house. That's not their fault, its not my fault. Its a simply human error based on context and circumstances. No one is to blame for that particular act, except, you know, the burglars who led to Zimmerman's perception in the first place, maybe. That would be, in my mind, the root people to blame for that particular circumstance.

But you don't make matters better when, once you think the police have been called on you, or someone is watching you and calling someone on the phone and you think they're calling the police on you, instead of handling the situation in a mature manner, you run.

I do not blame Martin for having the police called on him, and I'm not blaming Zimmerman for calling police on him. In life, mistakes occur. We are only human. Zimmerman's suspicion was reasonable because of the context of the fact of the multiple recent break ins in the area in the recent past at the time the event occurred. Martin's reaction to that event was, what I would call, the first truly unreasonable act in the situation, because it increased the level of suspicion Zimmerman had of him, and is a stereotypical behavior of someone who is committing a crime or has a criminal intent, that is, to run when they think someone might have noticed them and are calling the police. I mean how many years has COPS been on air? And what is the first thing that happens when they confront someone, virtually every single time?

They try and run.

Its unfortunate, but I think Martin's education, background, family life, cultural iconography and identity, and youth collided and made him, like so many others, run. And that shit is seriously suspicious as hell dude. Whether you can empathize with Martin or not, from the perspective of someone trying to prevent a criminal act they believe may be about to occur, the WORST thing you can do is just run and try to hide and get away. Its basically painting a giant "I"M COMPLETELY FUCKING GUILTY" sign on your back,even when you've actually done nothing wrong.

So then when Martin returns and assaults Zimmerman, which we can assume to be true because Martin had virtually no injuries, and Zimmerman did, and was seen on the bottom, so a good sucker punch and a whooping basically is probably what occurred, he presumes the worst out of fear, and shoots a young man who overreacted to what could have been a relatively easily resolved situation. Just continue walking down the street like a normal, non criminal human being, back to your father's townhome, walk in, close the door.

Problem resolved.


Trakanon Raider
Secondly, Zimmerman didn't choose to confront Martin. That never happened. That's a misstatement of the facts of the case. Zimmerman got out after Martin ran around the townhomes and down the dog path. Zimmerman traveled about 30 yards MAYBE to the end of the dog path so he could continue to report to the police the location of the suspicious person.
So, why get out and follow him? If he's suspicious enough to warrant calling the police, why get out of your safe vehicle to follow him?

Effectively, any argument for Zimmerman's guilt must rely on burden shifting just like this. That's why no argument for that side makes sense. Nothing Zimmerman was doing was attempting to create a confrontation. He did not seek to confront Martin. He simply attempted to report his location to police as he (Martin) ran. Martin RETURNED and attacked Zimmerman. MARTIN was the one who sought an actual, physical confrontation to the situation.
I'm not trying to 'shift the burden'. if Zimmerman had not called the police, nothing would have happened that night. If Zimmerman had only called the police and not followed Martin, nothing would have happened because Martin would have arrived home before they got there. Zimmerman made choices that he is responsible for. They do not negate the fact that he was legally able to defend himself, but he is culpable for the decisions he made.


Molten Core Raider
Hodj, I think people are just fucking with you now. What is this, attempt 20 with te same argument? Just post the damn timeline


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So, why get out and follow him? If he's suspicious enough to warrant calling the police, why get out of your safe vehicle to follow him?
To continue reporting to the police his location. He ran around the buildings. Zimmerman said he was asked for an address and got out to get the address.

I'm not trying to 'shift the burden'. if Zimmerman had not called the police, nothing would have happened that night. If Zimmerman had only called the police and not followed Martin, nothing would have happened because Martin would have arrived home before they got there. Zimmerman made choices that he is responsible for. They do not negate the fact that he was legally able to defend himself, but he is culpable for the decisions he made.
You may not be trying to, but you are, by claiming that someone who did the correct thing (calling the police on someone they believed to be suspicious in a neighborhood with many recent breakins) was creating an unsafe situation by calling the police. Normally, when someone calls the police on someone they think looks suspicious, this is a good thing. Yet magically in this case, its a sign that Zimmerman was irresponsible and seeking to create a confrontation with Martin.

The evidence simply doesn't support that view bro. That's been shown repeatedly. Getting out of your car after someone who is 30-50 yards ahead of you rounds a corner so you can keep an eye on them and report where they are going to the police on the phone is not attempting to create a confrontation. Martin was literally far enough ahead of Zimmerman that by the time Zimmerman rounded the corner at the T intersection of the dog path, Martin was completely out of sight, and Zimmerman could no longer see him. That's a pretty fair distance for Zimmerman to lose Martin in what amounts to a straight hallway with some bushes and alleys between townhome complexes.

Hodj, I think people are just fucking with you now. What is this, attempt 20 with te same argument? Just post the damn timeline
No he's legitimately already said he's playing Devil's advocate. I'm just talking him through the errors in the argument. Its cool man. He's cool. I dunno how much he believes what he's arguing, but implicitly he quoted someone else asking for a Devil's advocate attempt at making the Martin argument and he's giving it. Its not the same as the uninformed people coming in and just spewing trash to spew trash.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hodj, I think people are just fucking with you now. What is this, attempt 20 with te same argument? Just post the damn timeline
You're talking to a man who has willingly argued logic with Lumie for page after page after page.Lumie.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You're talking to a man who has willingly argued logic with Lumie for page after page after page.Lumie.
Dude I've read Lumie's shit since like 2004, I couldn't pass up the chance. I don't get how people don't get that.

Its like getting to touch Elvis in those final days right before he died when he was all fat and sweaty and blocked up from eating too many pills.

The constipation killed him, you know.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
IT guy who was fired after testifying that the prosecution withheld evidence during discovery files lawsuit.


"We will be filing a whistleblower action in (Florida's Fourth Judicial District) Circuit Court," said Kruidbos' attorney Wesley White, himself a former prosecutor who was hired by Corey but resigned in December because he disagreed with her prosecutorial priorities. He said the suit will be filed within the next 30 days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its like getting to touch Elvis in those final days right before he died when he was all fat and sweaty and blocked up from eating too many pills.
Yeah, see, most of us would not want to touch him. This explains a lot about you...I think?


Trakanon Raider
Hodj, I think people are just fucking with you now. What is this, attempt 20 with te same argument? Just post the damn timeline
Not trying to fuck with him at all. Someone asked for a different viewpoint and I'm putting one out there. Iv'e already said i agree he was justified in defending himself. hodj and I differ on the choices made by both people leading up to the shooting.


Unelected Mod
hodj and I differ on the choices made
By differing, you mean that you think that calling the police on someone you think might be suspicious is an aggressive act that is akin to wanting to start a fight. This is so out of whack to how most people view such an act that its hard to think you truly believe it and just aren't trying to play devils advocate/troll.


Musty Nester
Dude I've read Lumie's shit since like 2004, I couldn't pass up the chance. I don't get how people don't get that.

Its like getting to touch Elvis in those final days right before he died when he was all fat and sweaty and blocked up from eating too many pills.

The constipation killed him, you know.
It would surprise you how many people die on the shitter. It's because of the way you shit. You close your larnyx to create internal pressure to push that turd out.

The turd is just destined to win sometimes.


It would surprise you how many people die on the shitter. It's because of the way you shit. You close your larnyx to create internal pressure to push that turd out.

The turd is just destined to win sometimes.
They've proven the toilet is the culprit. Apparently, only the Chinese do it right. You're supposed to align your "tubes" when you squat, but when you sit, its all bent and what not.
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