Justice for Zimmerman

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Silver Knight of the Realm
What's amazing to me is I'm a democrat, voted for Obama and all that and I'm here actually agreeing 100% with guys like Hannity on this case. I don't know if I've ever seen a worse prosecution team.
Same here and it seriously has me depressed.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What's amazing to me is I'm a democrat, voted for Obama and all that and I'm here actually agreeing 100% with guys like Hannity on this case. I don't know if I've ever seen a worse prosecution team.
What ticks me off is when I'm trying to be all reasonable and explain things from a politically neutral legal point of view, then I see the total right wing gun nut whackjobs take my argument and turn it into some frothy Obama democrats etc etc...

And I'm like... well, technically I agree with them on this point. But I can't say I agree with them. Because they're whack jobs.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Do you think the trial would've ended differently if TM was holding a bag of Maltesers?


Tranny Chaser
If the clerk at the convenience store had sold him the cough syrup he was trying to buy along with the candy and drank this probably wouldn't have gone anywhere.


Molten Core Raider
My eyes are bleeding...Defense of Fox News. The world is about to end, isn't it? Have the frogs started to fall from the sky yet?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My dad is a fox news Republican and for a change of pace we had a good time this weekend talking shit about liberals.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My dad is a fox news Republican and for a change of pace we had a good time this weekend talking shit about liberals.
My entire world has been turned upside fucking down. I've been forced to watch Hannity and shit to actually get some real reporting on this subject. I feel dirty.


A Mod Real Quick
I get all my news from Facebook. Zimmerman murder Trayvon in cold blood and then spit on his body and claimed he was going to exterminate all "tar babies".


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dislike all the cable networks, but I do think Greta does really good interviews and always has, back to the CNN days.

Charlie Rose also does amazing interviews.

What made me like Greta's interviews was when she did confronted that dude that killed Natalie Holloway, Joran Van Der Sloot.

She made him so mad I thought he was going to try and kill her like he did those other girls right there on camera

She completely did not give a fuck that she was two feet away from a guy who apparently enjoyed killing women with his bare hands and stood 6 and a half feet tall. Balls of steel.


Tranny Chaser
If anyone ever finds themselves in trouble remember to never testify. If the prosecution is willing to call you a coward for not doing it that must mean doing so is in greatly in their favor.

Do you want to testify?



Vyemm Raider
And CNN's front page has their third op-ed from a black writer posted today. And, oh look, we're 3/3 on articles that completely leave out that Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman. No fucking wonder these fucking idiots are so angry, they've completely blocked out the fact that Trayvon was doing far more than just walking home with some fucking skittles.

Racist dogshit:http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/17/opinio...html?hpt=hp_t4

Relevant passage:
"There being no consequence for killing an unarmed child who wasn't bothering anyone has to be in conflict with our nation's moral compass or we have to admit that our moral compass is at best broken and at worst a convenient lie. This moral distress needs a positive outlet."

NOT BOTHERING ANYONE. Punching guy in face, holding him down so he can't flee (which, btw, makes SYG completely irrelevant) = Not bothering anyone.

Yeah, if racial bias has completely blinded you to all fact and reason.

The only reason I've cared about this whole thing at all is because of idiots like this guy repeating their "Trayvon was just buying skittles!" dogshit. Fuck, a year ago when I first heard it I thought yeah, Zim sounds pretty fucking guilty. Well, fucking duh?


And CNN's front page has their third op-ed from a black writer posted today. And, oh look, we're 3/3 on articles that completely leave out that Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman. No fucking wonder these fucking idiots are so angry, they've completely blocked out the fact that Trayvon was doing far more than just walking home with some fucking skittles.

Racist dogshit:http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/17/opinio...html?hpt=hp_t4

Relevant passage:
"There being no consequence for killing an unarmed child who wasn't bothering anyone has to be in conflict with our nation's moral compass or we have to admit that our moral compass is at best broken and at worst a convenient lie. This moral distress needs a positive outlet."

NOT BOTHERING ANYONE. Punching guy in face, holding him down so he can't flee (which, btw, makes SYG completely irrelevant) = Not bothering anyone.

Yeah, if racial bias has completely blinded you to all fact and reason.

The only reason I've cared about this whole thing at all is because of idiots like this guy repeating their "Trayvon was just buying skittles!" dogshit. Fuck, a year ago when I first heard it I thought yeah, Zim sounds pretty fucking guilty. Well, fucking duh?
Somone post Zimmerman's beaten face on there.

/ nervermind, the comments are fixing the problem.


Somone post Zimmerman's beaten face on there.

/ nervermind, the comments are fixing the problem.
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