Justice for Zimmerman

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
An appropriate response after repeated attempts to actively misrepresent what I'm saying - should I have just said "Hey calm down" when I kept misstating the injuries contrary to what you were trying to say because of missing the DiMaio (or however its spelt) testimony? I try to be very literal and clearcut in what I say, I edit extensively because I reread and realize it could be taken the wrong way (even in one that doesn't show edit notes - I often do multiple revisions before submitting - thrice on this post so far) - if you think I might mean something I'm not absolutely saying I don't mind being ASKED if I meant something, but flat out stating it is offensive and a prickly point for me - as it really is for almost anyone, although some people do try to use sly wording to fit in something further down the line in a conversation. I however never do.


I am sorry Tanoomba but that is bullshit (at least in regards to the President). If the president had said something like "There is no evidence that racial profiling was a problem in this case BUT its a problem in america" fine. That would be an accurate statement. Instead, he AGAIN implied that Zimmerman was a racist. Obama simply cannot be as uninformed about this case as so many others are. He knows that implying racism on Zimmerman's part is at best a slander that is unsupported. It is crap.
The president's not about to say something that will make the entire population look like morons or the media look like manipulative liars. He should, but he won't. Instead, he's taking the public's outrage (misplaced as it is) and channeling it towards more productive issues such as the very real difficulties unfairly put upon some people because of their color. Really, as much as I hate many of Obama's actions, allowing discussion of race issues to be brought about because of a case that may have had nothing to do with race issues doesn't crack the top ten list of shitty things he's done.

not really when you realize the circular logic you just employed, people got upset because of previous bias not because of rational thinking, you are excusing irrational behavior in a circular fashion, until we grow up as a society it will remain in this perpetual state because of race baiters that make an easy living and gain easy credibility from this attitude on non self reflection.

you are creating a feedback loop with this logic that perpetuates a cycle, so in realtiy you are being a conservative by perpetuating a system long in place probably before you where born, try being more liberal.
Saying racism isn't a real issue because of race-baiters is like saying rape isn't a real issue because of false rape accusations. Every once in a while there will be strong undercurrents of "racism doesn't really exist except in black people's minds" in the posts I read here, and it's pretty ridiculous. I'm not excusing irrational behavior for any reason. Anger on a large scale, even anger born from ignorance, needs to be dealt with in some way. Sure, one way would be for the media to say, "Sorry, we were lying to you from the beginning, we played you for pansies and we were right assholes", but that's not going to happen because money. Obama could say "All you morons shut the fuck up until after you've watched the trial, you retards don't know dick about what you're talking about" but he won't because politics. The people are angry because of what they perceived to be racism in the system working against a black kid. As chance would have it, this is an actual issue in America! It may not be an issue in this case, but if that's what everyone's upset about then fucking fine, let's talk about racism in America. It's a discussion worth having because it's real, regardless of whether or not the Zimmerman case had anything to do with it. You're using the facts of the Zimmerman case to dismiss people's attitudes about racism altogether, which is beyond asinine.


An appropriate response after repeated attempts to actively misrepresent what I'm saying - should I have just said "Hey calm down" when I kept misstating the injuries contrary to what you were trying to say because of missing the DiMaio (or however its spelt) testimony? I try to be very literal and clearcut in what I say, I edit extensively because I reread and realize it could be taken the wrong way (even in one that doesn't show edit notes - I often do multiple revisions before submitting - thrice on this post so far) - if you think I might mean something I'm not absolutely saying I don't mind being ASKED if I meant something, but flat out stating it is offensive and a prickly point for me - as it really is for almost anyone, although some people do try to use sly wording to fit in something further down the line in a conversation. I however never do.
You're wasting your time. Hodj reads with blinders and projects when he should infer. He also loves to go off on tangents irrelevant to the point. He thinks it's cute, too.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If three people all think you said one thing, and you think you said another...might want to think about what you said to figure out why it was so unclear.

But you need to chill, because you're freaking out for no reason right now.

I suggest you sit and listen to some nice calming music for awhile.

Try this one



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You're wasting your time. Hodj reads with blinders and projects when he should infer. He also loves to go off on tangents irrelevant to the point. He thinks it's cute, too.
You're an idiot. I mean everyone knows that but you, but you really are.

Vaclav has spent the past hour firing off posts in this thread trying to get someone to react, when three people all read what he said and come to the same conclusion, he exploded.

He needs to go take a chill pill and you need to stop being such a butthurt little bitch.

inb4 another 7000 word essay from Tanoomba crying about me calling him a little bitch.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wasn't aware there was anything to clear up.

By all means, though, you'll be sure to make it clear with your next 7000 word essay on this topic you've been consistently wrong on from the beginning, I'm sure.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So basically now you're projecting?

I mean I'm pretty sure I was simply trying to calm Vaclav down and explain to him why two other people also felt what he was saying was ridiculous when he flipped out, and then you jumped in and attacked me.

Your ass is so fucking sore its really kinda funny.

I mean I really couldn't care less and haven't been responding to you at all today, in case you hadn't noticed. Until you attacked me again for nothing.

Seems the entire problem here is on your end.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He's really doing his best not to break out into another wikipedia entry sized essay on this subject. I can tell.

Anyway, Tanoomba. When you get over it, let me know.



Sparkletot Monger
This thread is good example of something Ive already known for a long time.... People dont want to talk about race, they want to bitch about it.


White Guy: Man, Im tired of these black people acting like fucking assholes, being poor asking for handouts, shitting up their own neighborhoods and commiting crimes on a massively disproportionate basis.
Reason: Why do you think that is?

Black Guy: Im fucking tired of people treating me like shit, assuming im a criminal and suspicious of me, and holding me to account for something someone who looks like me did.
Reason: Why do you think that is?

This shit wasnt about Trayvonn or Zimmerman, both are really imperfect vehicles for the roles each side is trying to fit them in. This shit is about people angry and having no idea how to talk to each other.

Yes, this case had little to do with race at the end. But its comical how many people have invested their racial grips into this case. Black people feeling like they are always going to be personably responsible for what others of their race do and white people not ever able to recognize them as individuals, and White people feeling they have had enough with race shit and why should they be held accountable for racist shit others have done.

All Obama did yesterday was understand that neither side is ever going to walk the full mile to the other. Black people will never see race issues the way white people see them and white people will never see them the way black people do... But a good and reasonable goal would be to get each side to walk about half a mile.


This thread is good example of something Ive already known for a long time.... People dont want to talk about race, they want to bitch about it.


White Guy: Man, Im tired of these black people acting like fucking assholes, being poor asking for handouts, shitting up their own neighborhoods and commiting crimes on a massively disproportionate basis.
Reason: Why do you think that is?

Black Guy: Im fucking tired of people treating me like shit, assuming im a criminal and suspicious of me, and holding me to account for something someone who looks like me did.
Reason: Why do you think that is?

This shit wasnt about Trayvonn or Zimmerman, both are really imperfect vehicles for the roles each side is trying to fit them in. This shit is about people angry and having no idea how to talk to each other.

Yes, this case had little to do with race at the end. But its comical how many people have invested their racial grips into this case. Black people feeling like they are always going to be personably responsible for what others of their race do and white people not ever able to recognize them as individuals, and White people feeling they have had enough with race shit and why should they be held accountable for racist shit others have done.

All Obama did yesterday was understand that neither side is ever going to walk the full mile to the other. Black people will never see race issues the way white people see them and white people will never see them the way black people do... But a good and reasonable goal would be to get each side to walk about half a mile.
Your logical and reasonable view of race issues has no place here. Some of these guys will fight tooth and nail for the right to be as racist as they damn well please, then they'll ironically also bitch at how racism is really all black people's fault, for being so shitty. Don't rock the boat, man.
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