Justice for Zimmerman

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's unbelievable how many people I've discussed the case with that have absolutely no clue what the facts are or what happened in the trial and just go off about how Zim was a Racist that hunted down a black kid and our country sucks. Why is it so difficult for people to stay the fuck out of stuff like this if they haven't followed the case or know the facts? If there is a huge scandal going on I stay the fuck out of it and won't put in my two cents until reading up on the facts ec.


Registered Hutt
I am curious if TM was the kind of guy that put a bunch of different flavor skittles in his mouth at once, or if heproperlyenjoyed each flavor separately? This kind of information would have swayed me as a juror.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I am curious if TM was the kind of guy that put a bunch of different flavor skittles in his mouth at once, or if heproperlyenjoyed each flavor separately? This kind of information would have swayed me as a juror.
Did you know?

The only difference between different skittles is their smell and color. They all taste the same.


Molten Core Raider
I credit your experience Hodj. You are definitely getting better at it. Though the OP is probably helping. Now if we could only get CNN, HLN, et al's talking heads to read the thread - Though I have a strange feeling they in no way care about what actually happened.

The Pancreas aids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients and facts. Bravo.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>


Musty Nester
What kind of OCD deviant sorts his skittles by color?

Mouthful of plastic coated sugar, bro. That's the American way to eat skittles. At least I'm pretty sure they coat those things in plastic.


Does it make you cringe to hear rush limbaugh to say "Wakandan"?

can we all say "Wakandan"? I only said it in private setting to people I knew wouldn't be offended and probably haven't said that word since I was 19 listening to eminem, tupac and bigge. Would it be socially acceptable for the common vernacular? I particularly would like to know tanoomba's viewpoint.
Context is everything. "Wakandan" is no different from "American Inventor" or "nagger" or "n*gger" if it's used in a racist or hateful context. I would say that, due to the charged nature of the word, it's generally not considered socially acceptable for the common vernacular. In certain contexts, it's a word that can create a very hostile environment. Of course, free speech says we can say whatever we want, so I'm not speaking from a legal or constitutional standpoint, but there are certain words that common sense and respect for fellow humans say we shouldn't use in certain situations. But then, this is hardly mind-blowing.

I will say that I find the comparisons made between "American Inventor" and "cracker" to be pretty silly, however. They are not two sides of the same coin. When a white guy calls a black guy a American Inventor, he's saying "Fuck you, you're an inferior piece of shit and you'll never be welcome or equal". When a black guy calls a white guy a cracker, he's saying "See? I gave you a name too. Because you're white. Take that!" One is a word charged with oppression given from a position of privilege, the other is an impotent jab seemingly created just to fill a void. Sure, they're both racist and they're both stupid, but these words are not operating on the same level. At all.


FPS noob
america will not be truly equal until black people can steal from parked cars without anyone saying anything



Registered Hutt
Context is everything. "Wakandan" is no different from "American Inventor" or "nagger" or "n*gger"
According to my black friends, I am allowed to say "Wakandan" or "Wakandanh" endlessly and it's fine, but I cannot say "American Inventor". And I am to trust that all that hear will perceive the difference and allow me my freedom. I accused them of either 1) trying to get me fucked up or 2) being idiots. This has occasionally come up in conversation over many years. I refuse to speak the "N word" in mixed company, but I'm fine saying it when it's just my friends and I. I call people fags all day, but I often give it a prefix ala 4chan, which I hope disarms the homo-centrism for the casual listener.

My behavior is the product of at one time having a family of four getting up and moving away from a table adjacent to the one my friends and I were occupying. We then had the manager inform us our speech was absurdly toxic and tell us to tone it down. I figured he was right so now I behave differently.


The point president Obama made was not about whatever Trayvonn did before that night, but the events of that night.

The fact remains that black males in our society are treated with a higher degree of suspicison than anyone else. Right or wrong, justifiable or not, a young black male is regarded as a threat by some people for the sole fact of the color of his skin. This is reality. It doesn't matter if you are a thug or a student in Harvard, you get treated as a possible criminal at times. Not all the time, not by everybody, but enough where it is a common shared experience by black males in the United States. So was Obama ever followed in a store, or had doors lock when he came by or whatever? Yah.. So in that sense he was in same position Trayvonn was in. Did he make the poor choices tm did? No, but the initial situation was the same

So, what I heard is the president trying to articulate why black people are so upset about this. I think that's an important thing to do.
Most intelligent post in this entire thread. Most posters here choose to consider those who are upset with the result of the trial as being ignorant or brainwashed or emotional or irrational... "Why don't they just look at the facts?" A better question would be "Why was it so easy to get so many people riled up over this?" Lleauaric points out why this case struck a nerve, and why it's worth discussingeven ifthis particular case had nothing to do with racism. Yeah, everybody got it wrong, their anger about this case is misplaced and a result of shitty irresponsible "journalism", but the general unease about racial profiling is still something worth talking about because it's still a very real issue, even if it's not a key issue in this case.


Unelected Mod
Lleauaric points out why this case struck a nerve, and why it's worth discussingeven ifthis particular case had nothing to do with racism.
I am sorry Tanoomba but that is bullshit (at least in regards to the President). If the president had said something like "There is no evidence that racial profiling was a problem in this case BUT its a problem in america" fine. That would be an accurate statement. Instead, he AGAIN implied that Zimmerman was a racist. Obama simply cannot be as uninformed about this case as so many others are. He knows that implying racism on Zimmerman's part is at best a slander that is unsupported. It is crap.


Tranny Chaser
Poverty Pimps. HAHA. What a House Wakandan (who actually followed the case, apparently).
Alright, so I officially hate Piers Morgan. He's actively spreading misinformation and doing so with a Hannity style aggressiveness. What a gigantic piece of shit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Tanoomba_sl said:
A better question would be "Why was it so easy to get so many people riled up over this?"
Nah, that's not a very good question because the answer is that people are idiots. Look at what gets people 'riled up' and you'll see what I mean.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
When the fuck is Thug Killer the movie coming out??!!!

This guy is pretty great, I love how he points out the black people profile other blacks and clinch up when they see other black strangers at night and its not just a white thing
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