Justice for Zimmerman

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Glad they RRP Numbers. Wouldn't want anything to interrupt the sexual tension between Hodj and Tanoomba.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, Numbers could just be a really great poster that turned to trolling in response to the racism policy. He just tried to keep his trolling just below the level that would get him banned, but then it was too much...

Or he could be exactly what he appears to be. A ultra-politically correct poster that really can't understand why some people sympathize more with a wannabe-neighborhood watchman vs a wannabe thug. He seems to really feel that if you side more with Zimmerman, you must clearly be a racist. This isn't some "crazy" view, hell, it seems half of this country and most of the media currently believes it now.

Now which of these is true, or if its a mix, who knows. I think its the latter.

edit: Regardless of which one it was, him posting "You are a racist" after every post for the last 50 pages sure didn't add anything to the discussion.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Numbers came to this thread without readin' "tha factz" and started spewing his facebook knowledge of TM and GZ. We schooled him right proper with straight up trial knowledge. Wakandan embarrassed himself so he had to go troll in an attempt to cover up his retardation.

Pretty sad really.


Millie's Staff Member
well its his own damned fault for not following the case. the prosecution didnt bring one person to testify for trayvon's character. not one. not even his fucking parents. they were scared shitless the defense would savage them on the stand. the best they could come up with was jabba the hair hat. and she sunk the entire trial. its a hard truth, but people really do judge you by the company you keep. maybe trayvon was a completely misunderstood person. maybe it really was a 7 yr old master hacker making all those texts about fighting, weed, Lean, buying/selling guns and speaking like a complete piece of shit on his social media and cell phone texts. maybe jabba is some kind of black female Rain Man who has a UN level interpreter and she answers a question asked a half hour ago. but sadly nothing was revealed in this case or by the media to prove those things. so yeah, maybe we are being a bit harsh on this "toddler" who was old enough to join the military and own a car but he was no model citizen and even though its perfectly legal to go out buying candy and soda at midnight in a rainstorm on a school night creepin along people's back windows. its fucking shady looking as hell. somehow i doubt Obama ever did such a thing


Millie's Staff Member
oh? hmm i thought i read that it was midnight. maybe the article i read said dead of night and i just assumed it was much later.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Listen to her statement to the investigators at 7:15. This is someone who doesn't know Zimzammerzams, doesn't know traytray, and didn`t see any of the confrontation. Most likely Numnum's girlfriend.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You realize numbers was just trolling the new mod racism policy, right? With the amount of articles he tosses up (That he usually discusses so he's read them), he's generally pretty well read. So I doubt him hinting at the viability of the mass extermination of white people, and that you're racist if you discuss anything about black people, was actuallyhonestposting. He's just illustrating that zealot like policing of racism is just as damaging as the racism itself. Which is actually pretty poignant given the trial and it's effects.
I think you're giving him more credit than you should. When he was first RRP'd he did the standard "Flame the mod who moderated me-private message". I responded with the standard "I don't want to infract people, but quit posting stupid" and he then went on about my friends and I fucking with him in real life. I have no clue what any of that was or meant as the infraction I gave him is, as far as I know, the first interaction I have ever had with him on these boards save for a possible response or two in a thread. I didn't really get the vibe he was testing a racism policy.

I have no clue why he's turned into a really unfunny troll. If you're going to troll, I just ask that it at least be remotely funny.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
National action Network


"They need to change the laws that we all know need changing, because they don't work for us." Fulton said."

So what laws do the "social engineers" think need changing, this should be a hoot.

National Action Network
Not-for-profit organization
The National Action Network is a not-for-profit, civil rights organization founded by the Reverend Al Sharpton in New York City, New York, in early 1991. Wikipedia
Tax ID: 11-3269182
Founder: Al Sharpton
Nonprofit category: Government and Public Administration
Assets: 250,614 USD (2010)
Income: 3.117 million USD (2010)




Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The Trayvon Martin Foundation for Purple Drank and Face Punching (TTMFFPDAFP)

The Rachel Jeantel Foundation for Retarded Sirs (TRJFFRS)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
National action Network


"They need to change the laws that we all know need changing, because they don't work for us." Fulton said."

So what laws do the "social engineers" think need changing, this should be a hoot.

National Action Network
Not-for-profit organization
The National Action Network is a not-for-profit, civil rights organization founded by the Reverend Al Sharpton in New York City, New York, in early 1991. Wikipedia
Tax ID: 11-3269182
Founder: Al Sharpton
Nonprofit category: Government and Public Administration
Assets: 250,614 USD (2010)
Income: 3.117 million USD (2010)


Think the brother on the left is darker than biggie smalls.


Buzzfeed Editor
I think you're giving him more credit than you should. When he was first RRP'd he did the standard "Flame the mod who moderated me-private message". I responded with the standard "I don't want to infract people, but quit posting stupid" and he then went on about my friends and I fucking with him in real life. I have no clue what any of that was or meant as the infraction I gave him is, as far as I know, the first interaction I have ever had with him on these boards save for a possible response or two in a thread. I didn't really get the vibe he was testing a racism policy.

I have no clue why he's turned into a really unfunny troll. If you're going to troll, I just ask that it at least be remotely funny.
Meh, maybe he just lost his mind, his little fetish with Eomer was pretty odd. I just saw his antics start right around Draegen's policy, and slightly after Ary made his first forays into Prometheus. After Ary's lock down, and Draegan trying to be a paragon of good and justice in the name of community growth, most of the standard trolls went for the typical outrageous racism in protest. He went for the same outrageous behavior except in the opposite direction (IE instead of calling everyone (Insert racist remark) he claimed everyone was racist, and started talking about how to best kill whitey.) Seemed like it was a pretty predictable escalation when his initial trolling went largely unnoticed and was only lightly punished when it finally mustered up a response. (I know he was in the rickshaw for a couple days, after that the trolling intensified).

Anyway, intentional or not, I found that the destruction of any rational or logical discussion in the thread, to the point where killing white people, and preventing them from holding positions of power was actually discussed (And responded to ect) ironically showed how over sensitivity to social issues can cause it's own kind of zealotry. In that light, you could view this all as an obtuse parody of how various social groups become cancerous and dogmatic after they achieve their goals (Radical Feminism from Feminism), which is pretty funny. But yeah, can't rule out just crazy.
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