Again, I'm not interested in getting in to the gun control debate. You're an asshole for posting a graph you knew to be bullshit.
I didn't know it was bullshit till after the fact, actually.
Sorry I'm not aware that England has the most lax and broadest definitions for violent crime on planet Earth, though. I mean that's clearly something I should be aware of right off the bat, what with my doctorate in English law...
I went back and looked, if you would take the time to do so as well, you'd see that the image I linked, while using some of the same information, is different from the image which is debunked by the Politifact article. If you look, you'll see that, in fact, my image is correct, because it never makes a direct 1 to 1 comparison between UK and US crime rates, rather it compares UK crime rates to other European nations. The graphic that the Politifact article attempts to debunk is not the same article, while using some of the same information, it asserts a conclusion that includes a direct 1 to 1 comparison between the United Kingdom and the US that my graphic, nor my argument, ever made in relation to the 2000 victims per 100k value. The actual values in question are also not under debate, meaning that the actual crime rate for violent crimes in England, according to English and EU sources, is, in fact, 2000 victims per 100k citizens. The issue is the methodology, and whether 1 to 1 comparisons with US crime rates are valid or not, which they aren't.
Luckily, I never made 1 to 1 comparisons between the two. I merely said that the UK has a higher crime rate that the US, and cited that graphic as evidence for the fact, and asked the other poster to provide citations and data which showed that the UK crime rate for violent crimes is, in fact, lower than the US', by whatever metric or methodology he chose.
So to debunk that graphic, you would need to show that UK violent crime rates, once adjusted to match US methodology, are lower than US violent crime rates. Unfortunately, the very article you cited, which Fanaskin also cites from later, actually shows that even once adjusted, UK violent crime rates are nearly double the US violent crime rates per capita.
So my graphic....isn't bullshit. In fact it never was. What is bullshit, though, is citing a politifact page debunking a different graphic as rebuttal to my graphic, which so far has proven to be both accurate, and validly cited, on it, and then calling me an asshole because you were too lazy to actually look and see if the two graphics being referenced by the Politifact article were the same or not.
Sorry for the late edit but I didn't feel like a bump to the thread was worth this post.