Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
the logic on display here is mindblowing in its retardedness@

a bunch of Americans who carry guns to protect themselves from violent crime, trying to tell someone from the UK who has zero need or desire to be allowed to own a gun that a) his Country is more violent than theirs and b) he should be carrying a gun. REALLY?

I mean, do you see ANYONE in the UK protesting that they should be allowed to own a gun, DO YOU?

0:50 "and we've seen all sorts of fundamental liberties erode in the last 20 years that should never have appeared"

2:13 "it's very simple the authorities have no way of controlling criminals so they control the law abiding instead"

5:15 "everyone around has been saying the same thing, you must have a right to defend yourself, it's swung to far in favor of the criminals"

6:38 "personally in this country I think i've had a raw deal, you shouldn't be afraid to sit in your own home, for some reason people in this country think defending yourself is malice forethought, I thought the people who broke in the house had malice forethought, the constalibary argued I shouldn't have fired my gun I should have yelled for help, I live in an isolated area yelling for help would have done me no good"

Are you sure you don't know because your government censors protest videos TV/Youtube?


<Silver Donator>
George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue a family who was trapped in an overturned vehicle, police said today.

Late to the party, but still...

"Because he's the hero Sanford Florida deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A White Hispanic so slightly darker than full on caucasian Knight."


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Hey Zimmerbros, I have a question.

I'm pro guns
pro legalized drugs
pro death penalty
pro choice
pro free healthcare
pro gay sex
anti religion (some I dislike more than others. I'm looking at YOU Allah!)

What the fuck am I? Am I some kind of hybrid political robot?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The truck(sorry, a van was the best I could find) in question:

For fucks sake soy get together. This is what turned over;



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If Tuco ever runs out of Ned Stark photos to use, I suggest he goes with Mark O'Mara photos. There's fuck loads of good ones out there now.





Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
So pretty much all this "outrage" about the Trayvon shooting is really just to get people on the left all worked up about the Stand Your Ground laws in Florida. Even though GZ didn't use SYG as a defense the shitbags on MSNBC are still trumpeting that this law needs to be overturned or else black males need to fear for their lives.

Is anyone else getting pretty sick of the way the folks on the left are trying to get things done? Its pretty fucking scumbag'ish if you ask me.
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