Justice for Zimmerman

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Millie's Staff Member
thats quite the dilemma. who will be the first to eat trayvon? and you know damned well somebody will. probably that dude right there.


Molten Core Raider
I don't think there's an accurate modern label for this particular set of beliefs, including libertarian. In my experience, modern libertarians aren't generally pro choice, pro universal healthcare, pro same-sex marriage, or anti religion. Which is why I hate on libertarians whenever possible. Most of them are massive hypocrites and they're often worse than even republicans.
Pretty much, Take the tea party for example, it was a badass libertarian movement for about 2 weeks. Once it got mentioned on fox news as a growing "true conservative" movement Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and all the jesus-monkies showed up and turned the whole thing to a giant river of concentrated dog shit.

All the parties are fucky like that to a certain extent though, the democrats have become progressive imperialists and the republicans are plain ole imperialists.

My beliefs on those issues are almost exactly the same as that list. My Only differing opinion is healthcare, I'm "all or nothing", either have zero government interference and let capitalism sort it out, or have doctors be like police or firemen and 100% public servants.

When people ask me my political affiliation I just say "Hail Satan!"


Potato del Grande
This is why I choose to not affiliate myself with any particular label that will allow people to make assumptions about me.

Although... I guess I have claimed to be a feminist... that must be why I'm getting Rerolled ads pointing me towards single lesbians...
Pretty sure you're getting those because you're a fag and not a man.


<Gold Donor>
Hey Zimmerbros, I have a question.

I'm pro guns
pro legalized drugs
pro death penalty
pro choice
pro free healthcare
pro gay sex
anti religion (some I dislike more than others. I'm looking at YOU Allah!)

What the fuck am I? Am I some kind of hybrid political robot?
The technical term for what you are is "Bleeding heart libertarian". I happen to be one myself, though its a fairly vague category. Essentially, you believe in freedom for the people, and the government's purpose is to do things for the good of the people that people aren't willing to do. Basically, enforced charity and social justice. Its essentially the belief that the government should fill the role that the church used to in society.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The technical term for what you are is "Bleeding heart libertarian". I happen to be one myself, though its a fairly vague category. Essentially, you believe in freedom for the people, and the government's purpose is to do things for the good of the people that people aren't willing to do. Basically, enforced charity and social justice. Its essentially the belief that the government should fill the role that the church used to in society.
I'm pretty sure pro-gun and pro-death penalty would not fit with the general definition of "bleeding heart liberal".


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Libetarians are pro choice?
Most libertarians that are not republicans trying to hide place individual liberty above all else.
To be honest, pro-choice and pro-life isn't truly a political issue. It basically boils down to when you think life begins. If you're like me, and you think life begins at conception*, then you'd have to be evil to think abortions should be allowable. There are plenty of democrats who think life begins at conception.

On the other hand, if you think life begins at birth, you'd have to be evil to want to force women to carry these parasites around instead of being cured of them.

The libertarian in me though, simply says that it's not a federal issue. The only federal laws against murder are for killing a federal employee, and there are no federal laws other than FDA approval regarding medical treatments. So it's a states rights issue, and I would work to make sure that form of murder was illegal in my state. If some other state like California wants to allow all possible cures for the pregnancy disease, that would be sad, but, none of my business.

Now, I'm sure there are some evil motherfuckers on both sides of the abortion issue. But for the vast majority of advocates on either side, it boils down to when you believe life begins.

* Note I actually believe life begins before conception, so it's evil not to fuck a girl I have any shot at fucking ... but that's not entirely relevant to this discussion.

Well you did side with the British in 1812. Seems like a natural progression to me.
You're still steaming over the white house being burnt down, aren't you? Let it go man.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I enjoy them as a good counterpoint to all the people comparing the shit to Emmett Till or wanting to prosecute him with hate crime laws.
Pretty much this. Calling him a hero is meant to irritate the Trayvon people who still don't know any of the facts in the case.

As for the libertarian debate.

There are right libertarians, which is a US phenomena, and there are left libertarians, which is basically a form of communism. Right libertarians believe in limited government intervention, which generally includes being pro choice, pro gay marriage (or, in reality, anti government involvement in marriage all together aka no marriage benefits in taxes, no child care tax credits, no federal recognition of the status of Marriage between any two people, churches are free to marry whom they choose but the marriage ceremony bears no legal weight and all relationships are enshrined under contract law, essentially) limited to no involvement in foreign affairs, to the point of being isolationist at times, they are generally for open borders/immigration, against federal regulation of industries, against federal environmental regulations, etc.

Left libertarians are your neo socialist communes, a good example would be the Spanish leftists/anarcho-syndicalists that were crushed by Francisco Franco. As far as I'm aware they had no money, no formalized governing bodies, a good description of them would be basically communist (little c not big C communists) the movements inspired by people like Mikhail Bakunin (the real Mikhail Bakunin, who was at odds with Marx over all sorts of ideas as to what a communist society should look like) lets see I think people like Dumar like to point to what is it the Czech republic run by Tito as another example of this? I might be wrong there.

Anyway. Libertarian is a strange word because depending which side of the Atlantic you fall on, it means radically different things. Probably why so much confusion.

The interesting thing to note is that, in a way, both libertarians and anarcho syndicalists could probably live and share the same planet and even the same village and get along fine, using simple barter exchange to facilitate trade between the two bodies while the libertarians still utilize money amongst themselves and the anarcho-syndicalists share everything. Both have a policy of "live and let live" that really should be considered the defining feature of libertarianism of either a right or left wing bent, in my opinion.

Sorry Tito was Yugoslavia. Why do I constantly get it and the Czech's mixed up? I dunno. But anyway. Here's a link to his wiki


I'm not certain if Yugoslavia under Tito was anarcho-syndicalist or not, I always just sort of assumed it was since between the Spanish Anarchists and the Yugoslav communists, these are the two groups cited by people who are favorable to Marxist doctrine when asked what Socialist/Communist societies have actually succeeded without falling into totalitarianism and mass slaughter like Cambodia, China, the USSR, etc.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
To be honest, pro-choice and pro-life isn't truly a political issue. It basically boils down to when you think life begins. If you're like me, and you think life begins at conception*, then you'd have to be evil to think abortions should be allowable. There are plenty of democrats who think life begins at conception.

On the other hand, if you think life begins at birth, you'd have to be evil to want to force women to carry these parasites around instead of being cured of them.

The libertarian in me though, simply says that it's not a federal issue. The only federal laws against murder are for killing a federal employee, and there are no federal laws other than FDA approval regarding medical treatments. So it's a states rights issue, and I would work to make sure that form of murder was illegal in my state. If some other state like California wants to allow all possible cures for the pregnancy disease, that would be sad, but, none of my business.

Now, I'm sure there are some evil motherfuckers on both sides of the abortion issue. But for the vast majority of advocates on either side, it boils down to when you believe life begins.

* Note I actually believe life begins before conception, so it's evil not to fuck a girl I have any shot at fucking ... but that's not entirely relevant to this discussion.

You're still steaming over the white house being burnt down, aren't you? Let it go man.
Thank you for the post. If anyone wishes to contend the abortion discussion please do so here:

As for the libertarian stuff, we do have a political thread that has probably had no less than 3 'hey we're all bleeding heart libertarian' discussions.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Add "General dislike of unions" to my list.
I think it probably makes you more mainstream than you realize, the political parties operates on the extremes and the people have no real choices, if there where 5 parties instead of 2 you'd see alot more diversity on platform ideas.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Anonymous call to the police that people who were wrong on this case from the beginning have clung to as their last straw in an ocean of countervailing facts?

Hmmm, I just don't know.....

The comments section is great, here's a sample

Jill88 sinbadsailor . a year ago ?
Your the nut job! Go support your racist, pedophile, manipulating beady eyed weasel! He is going to jail and when they find out what he did to this girl they are going to rip him a new one to the point he will need a diaper for his remaining jail sentence.
This case is really a litmus test for whether someone is capable of basic thought processes. I don't blame the far left for having these types of people in their coalition, the far right has people just as retarded. I do blame humanity for not sanctioning the pushing of people like this into wood chippers though.
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