Justice for Zimmerman

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Minimum wage.
You've piqued my interest. I read your whole post, but what it's missing (or what I've missed) is why minimum wage hikes increase unemployment for black people.

How can you support kidnapping and slavery?
By having that side of it kept hidden from me through several layers of marketing and media manipulation.

Does my privilege just boil down to me not getting eyed in gas stations?
Among many other small but ultimately significant (especially when grouped as a whole) advantages.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
It's racist to explicitly spell out what those advantages though, right?


People don't look at black people and assume they are uneducated or a thug. They look atpeople who are dressed like uneducated thugslike they are uneducated or thugs. To boil every societal interaction down to racism is just absurd. And you make the assumption that nothing negative ever happens to white people because of their skin color, which is retarded. Of course black people have to fix issueswithin their own goddamn culture.I can't do that for them. Even if I could, I shouldn't, and they shouldn't want me to.
Does Levar Burton look like a thug to you? How about a pre-president Barack Obama? I'm not saying every white person judges every black person, but it happens with enough regularity to be a systematic problem, whereas whatever negative things happen to white people because they are white are not occurring on a regular scale across our society. Don't try to pretend that everybody faces the same challenges and has the same difficulties because that's where things start to get retarded.


Does Tanoomba not realize that everyone makes judgements about everyone they meet. It males sense that based on prior experiences and knowledge in certain fields that people take in information about a person and from that extrapolate who they think that person is. It obviously changes as you learn more or get to know a person.

Literally everyone does it to everyone.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
You've piqued my interest. I read your whole post, but what it's missing (or what I've missed) is why minimum wage hikes increase unemployment for black people.
I had an economics professor my 1st year in school tell me it was because that when faced with more expensive labor costs and employer will hire more experienced or 'better' workers. While you may be cool paying an uneducated, unresponsible, unqualified worker (black, white, whatever) $5, once you are faced with paying someone $10 an hour you want someone with a little more qualifications.

This was the only economics class I ever took and could hardly care, but for some reason 15 years ago that topic has stuck in my head. Interested in the learned individuals on the board to offer more insight.


Vyemm Raider
A couple of gems from a black women directed to me:

"you will never understand the true benefits of White Male privilege, because, well you are a white male and you expect things to be your way."

So it's not racist to assume I've led a a life of privilege just because I'm white?

"Let me tell you the difference between racism and discrimination. Anyone can discriminate against any one for anything...fat, tall, handicap, speech impediment. But racism requires 2 things, for the racist to be in the majority race and to have power over the minority. Know the difference."

Ah, only white people can be racist. Well, kiss my entire ass then you racist hypocrite.

This was in a thread about this piece of shit:


Where I inquired where the frame was with Al Sharpton holding up a bag of money and a sign that reads "It's ALL about race!"

to which the first black man to respond said "Where is the picture of Hannity. Limbaugh, Geraldo, Beck, & Fox News standing on billions of dollars saying it's not about race?!"

Which I helpfully listed out the black NAACP leaders and black celebrities that also belong on his list. And pointed out that I wouldn't watch Fox News at gunpoint.

At this point I went back to work because even a slow work day was more entertaining than discovering how fucking stupid people really are.


Trakanon Raider
Intrinsic_sl said:
I had an economics professor my 1st year in school tell me it was because that when faced with more expensive labor costs and employer will hire more experienced or 'better' workers. While you may be cool paying an uneducated, unresponsible, unqualified worker (black, white, whatever) $5, once you are faced with paying someone $10 an hour you want someone with a little more qualifications.

This was the only economics class I ever took and could hardly care, but for some reason 15 years ago that topic has stuck in my head. Interested in the learned individuals on the board to offer more insight.
I don't really see that being the case. Many low paying jobs don't really benefit from hiring "more qualified" people. Someone better educated isn't going to be able to flip burgers any faster than a hard working highschool dropout. I would think though that raising minimum wages could lead to less minimum wage jobs overall, as employers try to automate things and reduce labor costs accordingly.


Tranny Chaser
I've heard that idea before. The higher you set minimum wage the more people who are going to be kept unemployed due to low skill. Those workers won't ever be able to get a job because there will never be work they are qualified for at that pay grade. It probably holds water but I've never investigated it beyond "I heard about this thing."


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Minimum wage is basically a barrier to entry to the legitimate job market, so if you can't produce you know, 7 and a quarter an hour worth of value with your work, because you have no skills, are uneducated, and generally don't like your job anyway and so don't care or have any personal investment in the job, then you simply aren't going to get a job in that market. So its off to the black market for you.

The issue is that some people perceive minimum wage to mean "living wage", or rather, that they believe a living wage is what everyone should be guaranteed as long as they have a job. Its a merit worthy view, but I just don't see how you make it work in a market economy which implies competition. Others see minimum wage as a starting point. If you view it as a starting point, then you don't care how low it is to start, the goal is to hire people and train them for a job and reward them with higher wages as they progress in time and effort for your company.

I do think high minimum wage basically prices people who are uneducated and untrained out of the market. Considering african americans tend to be unskilled and uneducated, it makes sense that when you raise minimum wage, there is a time period of equilibration during which the unemployment of the most unskilled and untrained will sky rocket as they've been effectively priced out of the job market at that point, and that this will hit particularly hard African Americans.

But there's also a balance to be made. You can't just pay people 90 cents an hour as a starting wage in this economy either. They'll starve to death before they ever get a raise.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
"Let me tell you the difference between racism and discrimination. Anyone can discriminate against any one for anything...fat, tall, handicap, speech impediment. But racism requires 2 things, for the racist to be in the majority race and to have power over the minority. Know the difference."
I had an argument with someone years ago on the Prexus boards who kept saying black people could not be racist because they did not have power. It took some explaining, but he finally got that racism has nothing to do with your position in life and everything to do with how you feel about people based on their race. Discrimination has everything to do with your position and power.

You need to give that bitch a high five in the face with a big ass dictionary - and say "words, they mean things."


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Minimum wage increase means a choice between paying more in wages or go buy a robot to replace the worker.

Most of studies that link higher minimum wage to less jobs used allot of low end textile jobs in there employment models.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I mean yea if you assume those are the facts of the case, then you'd think the verdict was fucked up.


Vyemm Raider
So now I'm told by a black person that had Martin been anything but black, he'd be alive today. He knows this because of his mind reading device.
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