Justice for Zimmerman

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That shit's cray.

Tanoomba, when are you going to go to white slave camp? Did you get in before registration closed?
That shit is stupid. Like I've said at least 4 times, I'm not about "white guilt". I don't want white people to "feel bad" about their historic role in making things shitty for black people. That doesn't mean we can't acknowledge that we are privileged. It certainly doesn't mean we can't try to change our own personal attitudes about black people and/or racism to help everyone operate on the same playing field.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
That shit is stupid. Like I've said at least 4 times, I'm not about "white guilt". I don't want white people to "feel bad" about their historic role in making things shitty for black people. That doesn't mean we can't acknowledge that we are privileged. It certainly doesn't mean we can't try to change our own personal attitudes about black people and/or racism to help everyone operate on the same playing field.
It really is about white guilt, white people shouldn't be viewed as privileged there's more white poor than black poor. it should be viewed as the baseline, the place where we want blacks to be. and yes it makes a huge psychological and real world difference in those viewpoints.

What you are doing is repeating the ideology that allows Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to guilt white people out of money and property not to elevate black people but to line their own pockets. you're literally being a "useful idiot".


Heard a piece on NPR this morning about how black men are compensated less than white men with the same education and position. I'm going to go ask my boss for a pay cut because, well, that isn't fair.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The main reason anybody is arguing with me at all is because (consciously or not) they want to be able to consider themselves superior to other people and not feel guilty about it. It feels good to have a "bad guy", someone who you can compare yourself to to make yourself feel better. Nobody wants to hear that this is harmful for society because then who can they feel superior to? I love hearing "white guilt" thrown about as though it means something when, in fact, fighting for the continued acceptance of racism (as if that were necessary) is an action driven by the need to avoid guilt.
Speaking of out of touch with reality...

You act like we have some conspiracy to "justify" our behavior. Get it through your thick skull. WE JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK. We aren't justifying anything. We don't give a fuck. If we act like assholes its because you guys are fucking annoying pushing your stupid ass agenda about issues we don't give a fuck about.


Musty Nester
No, asking for a pay cut is silly.

Just calculate the difference and send it directly to Al Sharpton.

That brother will see that it gets to the right places.


Buzzfeed Editor
Every time a convenience store owner suspiciously eyes a black guy in his shop, he's giving the message "I don't trust you, I think you may be a thug." When a black guy repeatedly gets this reaction in multiple convenience stores, it tell him that society expects him to be a thug. That in itself isn't a justification for becoming a thug, but it certainly makes it easier to do so. That's one example.
So the individual responsibility is mitigated because a convenience store clerk suspiciously eyed them? Are you fucking kidding me? This is the best you've got?

I've been eyed suspiciously by a convenience store clerk before. To date I own zero Lil' Wayne albums and do not sell drugs or assault people. Was I just lucky? Did "white culture" dodge a bullet?

Come the fuck on, you aren't retarded, why are you posting like you are.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
No, asking for a pay cut is silly.

Just calculate the difference and send it directly to Al Sharpton.

That brother will see that it gets to the right places.
Al likes to call that his "Walking around money"


Musty Nester
It's a stupid and self-defeating agenda to begin with.

Even crack and concussion addled Rodney King had it right. Why can't we call just get along?

A brutally beaten crack addict had a more insightful and meaningful social analysis than this white guilt bullshit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
How dare you question my assertion that I am in fact a pangendered, pansexual seven and a half foot tall 90 year old talking purple chicken?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't feel guilty about being white...and handsome...and smart. I do, however,reallyenjoy it. #justice4soygen


Vyemm Raider
I hope that poll gets a lot of traffic, I'm really interested in the results. Hell, I didn't even know like five or six things on there, especially the details of the crime activity in the neighborhood and his black prom date ffs.
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