Justice for Zimmerman

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Tanoomba, do you eat chocolate?

Can I attone for my privilege? What about some sort of carbon offset equivalent?
Rerolled: Anything but the point.

Speaking of out of touch with reality...

You act like we have some conspiracy to "justify" our behavior. Get it through your thick skull. WE JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK. We aren't justifying anything. We don't give a fuck. If we act like assholes its because you guys are fucking annoying pushing your stupid ass agenda about issues we don't give a fuck about.
For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have a lot to say about it.

So the individual responsibility is mitigated because a convenience store clerk suspiciously eyed them? Are you fucking kidding me? This is the best you've got?

I've been eyed suspiciously by a convenience store clerk before. To date I own zero Lil' Wayne albums and do not sell drugs or assault people. Was I just lucky? Did "white culture" dodge a bullet?

Come the fuck on, you aren't retarded, why are you posting like you are.
Here's the difference: You aren'tsystematicallyeyed suspiciously in convenience stores. White privilege doesn't mean we're all born with silver spoons in our mouths and everything is handed to us on a silver platter. We face challenges, difficulties and injustices like everybody else. But those injustices are generally the result of individual circumstances and not a systematic predisposition. Sure, I'm not guaranteed a job because I'm white, but the guy doing the interview won't look at me and instinctively assume I'm uneducated or a thug. I don't have to prove to him that I'm "one of the good ones" because I'm already part of a trusted group by default. If I don't get the job, it will have nothing to do with the color of my skin, but if a black guy doesn't get the job it very well might. It's not a given, of course, but these advantages that white people have (or disadvantages that black people have, same thing) are systematically ingrained into our culture. This is racism on an implicit level, and pretending that it doesn't exist or that black people need to fix their own problems only perpetuates the cycle.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its complex and involves gene flow and the distribution of alleles across distinct populations versus within distinct populations. Basically, there is more variation within a population than between, and no metric, or stereotype if you will, which could be used to define a distinct population based solely on their phenotypic expression is able to be applied equally to all members within that population. So for instance, with dog breeds, you know a rottweiler looks like a rottweilier, meaning it bears the standard markings a rottweilier would bear, its within the size range for a rottweilier, its pedigree states that it is such, etc. None of this exists for humans. Within a population of any particular group, you will find elites who are smarter, you will find plebes who are less intelligent. Blacks in Africa do have complex cultures but the climate variations made it difficult for them (as well as Native Americans) to successfully build large cities which could be supported through agriculture and the like. Asians are smaller generally due to lower nutrition because rice lacked (until golden rice) key nutrients required for growth, such as Vitamin D. Further, Asian countries were actually plundered and looted as soon as it became viable for someone to do so. China, Korea and others had a geographic advantage in the Himilayas/Hindu Kush Mountain ranges and the Gobi Desert, both features which helped separate most of Asia proper from the West, just as the Atlantic kept the Native Americans free of outside influence, until technological barriers to travel over long distances were resolved.

Political correctness necessitates that positive stereotypes are acceptable fodder for comedy (big black dicks and great at sports would be an example of that, anyone who watches enough porn knows there's plenty of white dudes with retarded big dicks too for instance, and there's been plenty of white super athletes over the years, such as Larry Bird).

Mostly the reason why blacks and hispanics underperform is because there is zip, zero, nada influence or involvement by the parents at home in their educations, for all sorts of reasons. In the case of hispanics who are the children of 1st generation immigrants, often the parents can't speak English and don't have any education of their own to speak of, and in the case of African Americans, its because they've been taught that getting a decent education is basically "Being white".

It really has little to nothing to do, overall, with genome. The contribution to intelligence that specific genes provide has been tagged at a very low percentile, something like 2%. Intelligence is more about how someone is raised than just flat natural talent as a result of luck by the combination of genes which contribute to intellect. For instance, Einstein's brain has been examined, and its been shown that the region of his brain which allowed for things like spatial cognition and mathematical computation was larger than the average person's. This is not because of some mutation in his genome that led to that portion of his brain being more developed. Its because he was USING that part of his brain constantly during formative years, slowly gearing it towards a specific purpose. Same thing with people who speak many languages. The portion of the brain which allows for speak recognition and the like is larger from constant utilization.

Yes, genome plays some small part, but the idea that biology is destiny is flawed, profoundly. Biology interacts with environment and culture to create an end product, an individual.

added: Also, a distinction has to be made between the heritability of genes which potentially influence intelligence, and the actual degree to which any one or a combination of those genes influences intellect.

Genes give you a range of potential from low to high, but the degree to which you achieve that potential is implicit on a number of other factors. Another example of this is height. Stature is highly heritable, yet when people from very poor countries or areas with low nutrition move to somewhere where nutrition is much higher, the subsequent generations of children they have, provided they have access to the better nutrition available in the new area, grow taller than their parents, and the taller still than their grandparents. Genes give a range, but environment and culture determine where you finally land in that range.
Very true, and I do not disagree- but there are racial attributes that follow long term- be it physical or mental it really should not matter. Skin color, nose and hair type are all specific changes and adaptations that where made to survive in their conditions etc.. there are also tons of studies etc etc that show brain stimulation is differing by varying of need and conditions etc, if you cant sit there and think about why birds fly and we don't because you have to go hunt a boar for food- there is differing stimulations etc etc-

But really now, years after we all have lived in a similar context and situation it does come down to the support at home and the support or lack there of their culture gives to education as means of advancement. Having seen teaching in a poverty ranked school in the "country" of Florida populated by a spread of races and then the same in a poverty ranked school in the "city" of Florida with almost the exact same race balance- what one do you think has better scores? what one can you walk into the classroom and just observe children and see what group acts like normal humans while the others are acting out and being 'wild' or whatever you want to call it. Also what one do you think has working poor as their population vs government supported poor?

Working for a better life for your kids is not always lost, friend owns an A/C company, built it himself from him and his truck to a very large business making shit-tons of money. I asked him if he wanted his son to take over the business and he said "Hell no, I crawl through attics and work my ass off so he can do what he wants for his life." its not that his son would not continue and makes lots of money etc its to provide him with the opportunity to make choices for what he wants- something not everyone has, and I hope he and his siblings one day understand that.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Rerolled: Anything but the point.
Are you SURE it's because the other parties can't understand the point you're trying to make? or do the other parties take your idea play with it and realize the flaws in it?

Also you grossly overplay social interaction as causes for systemic racism in hiring practices, there's many instances before ~1950 where black employment was higher than white employment, federal intervention in the labor market via the minimum wage laws fucked that up. Go look at the original support for minimum wage laws what was said, at the time black employment rate was HIGHER than white employment rate, the black construction labor was coming up north and the "liberal northeast" resented it greatly because black labor could underbid the lazy northerners and do the job much cheaper. the minimum wage laws where first aimed at undermining this situation and protecting northern white hegemony of the labor market, and they still function to do this to this day.

The Even and Macpherson study finds that among whites males ages 16-24, each 10% increase in a federal or state minimum wage has decreased employment by 2.5%. For Hispanic males, the figure is 1.2%. "But among black males in this group,each 10% increase in the minimum wage has decreased employment by 6.5%."

The effect on the black community is so pronounced, write the authors, that "employment losses for 16-to-24 year-old black males between 2007 and 2010 could have been nearly 50% lower had the federal and state minimum wages remained at the January 2007 level.


Today, black unemployment is almost 16 percent and was at a 25-year high, even as the overall unemployment rate declined from 10 percent to 9.7 percent.

"It's hard to argue that no job is better than a lesser paying job."
Teenaged black males, whose unemployment rate is currently 44.9 percent, up from 39.2 in July (when the minimum wage hike took effect), have been hurt the most by the recession. In fact, November - five months after the wage hike - saw unemployment for this demographic reach 57.1 percent - the second highest rate on record at the Bureau of Labor Statistics."



As early as 1890, the duration of unemployment among blacks was shorter than it was among whites, whereas today unemployment is both higher and longer-lasting among blacks than among whites.

How might one explain yesteryear's lower black unemployment and greater labor force participation?

The usual academic, civil rights or media racial discrimination explanation for black/white socio-economic differences just wouldn't hold up. I can't imagine even the most harebrained professor, civil rights leader or media "expert" arguing that there was less discrimination a century ago and that explains why there was greater black labor market participation.

Milton Friedman:"The effects of the minimum wage have been concentrated on the groups that the do-gooders would most like to help.The people who have been hurt most by the minimum wage laws are the blacks. I have often said that the most anti-black law on the books of this land is the minimum wage law."



Here's how it works. There are some states and a number of localities where the local statutory minimum wage is already higher than what the federal government requires. Some of those communities have automatic escalator clauses that boost the local figure whenever the federal number goes up. There are also labor contracts, especially those let by the federal government under the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires all projects to pay at least the "prevailing" wage rate. When the minimum wage goes up, so does the prevailing wage. All this, in the end, means there's more money available in workers' salaries that the unions can harvest by raising dues.

What the president is proposing is economically irresponsible, sure enough, but its also a well-disguised give back to his political supporters that comes at the expense of every person in the U.S. labor force as well as millions of Americans who want to be but, in Obama's economy, can't find a job. He's trying to make it harder, not easier, to get the unemployment numbers down while making it easier for his friends in organized labor to get their hands on the cash they need to help wage war on his political opponents until the next election.

ask yourself what party pushes affirmative action, abortion, divorce and federal minimum wage laws, what they use as rhetoric for justifying it and what are the actual real world effects it has large scale on the black population. Then ask yourself why this same party aligns itself with al sharpton and jesse jackson. I honestly believe people with tanoomba's attitude are "useful idiots" that perpetuate the plight of black people at the same time caring for them, politicians and race baiters are literally using your love to hurt your fellow man.


The biggest threat to the black community, being eyed down by the convenience store clerk in the ghetto where robbery is common and 99% of the perpetrators are black.

It isn't social programs that promote not working, biased drug laws that have harsher sentences for certain drugs, or a culture that romanticizes criminal behavior. It is chaos going into a convenience store and not being hassled.

If only we could all go live with black families and feel their plight when the walk into a 7-11.


Buzzfeed Editor
Here's the difference: You aren'tsystematicallyeyed suspiciously in convenience stores. White privilege doesn't mean we're all born with silver spoons in our mouths and everything is handed to us on a silver platter. We face challenges, difficulties and injustices like everybody else. But those injustices are generally the result of individual circumstances and not a systematic predisposition. Sure, I'm not guaranteed a job because I'm white, but the guy doing the interview won't look at me and instinctively assume I'm uneducated or a thug. I don't have to prove to him that I'm "one of the good ones" because I'm already part of a trusted group by default. If I don't get the job, it will have nothing to do with the color of my skin, but if a black guy doesn't get the job it very well might. It's not a given, of course, but these advantages that white people have (or disadvantages that black people have, same thing) are systematically ingrained into our culture. This is racism on an implicit level, and pretending that it doesn't exist or that black people need to fix their own problems only perpetuates the cycle.
People don't look at black people and assume they are uneducated or a thug. They look atpeople who are dressed like uneducated thugslike they are uneducated or thugs. To boil every societal interaction down to racism is just absurd. And you make the assumption that nothing negative ever happens to white people because of their skin color, which is retarded. Of course black people have to fix issueswithin their own goddamn culture.I can't do that for them. Even if I could, I shouldn't, and they shouldn't want me to.


Potato Supreme
I basically had this conversation with a very liberal Constitutional Law professor at the law school I attended. Her position was that affirmative action is still necessary because of years of systemic racism keeping blacks disadvantaged. Her reasoning as to why white peoe today should be denied jobs or places in universities/law schools so blacks who didn't have the same qualifications could take those spots was, and I quote, "because the white kids will be ok anyway."

So I asked her if she was going to tell her son not to attend college so that another kid who is more disadvantaged could take his place. She said no her son should be allowed to pursue whatever dreams he had.

Yeah, just not anyone ELSE'S son. She was white, btw. And thank god for blind grading systems or I might not have come away with the grade I did.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Fiddling while Rome burns


The Detroit City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution calling for a federal investigation to see whether civil rights charges are warranted against George Zimmerman, who was acquitted July 13 of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

The resolution, sponsored by Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, sparked a discussion over the need for city leaders and others to focus more on violence in Detroit.

"We need to have that same level of outrage with respect to the black-on-black crime that takes place in our community," Councilman Kenneth Cockrel Jr. said. "How many people were shot - maybe even shot and killed this past weekend in the city - mostly likely by folks who look just like them?"


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Why should I respect a culture that doesn't respect itself? Anyone who does that is just enabling.


Musty Nester
I still think it's Mikhail going for take 2. He dropped the annoying ass quote trains (thank god), and the most blatant of the desperate self congratulatory "I'm cool you drool" posts. But it's the same kind of mindset.

I blame the people that stoked him in his feminism thread.

Rerolled: It's the trannies' fault.
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