Justice for Zimmerman

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There is a war going on over control of your mind
"Someone else could be impersonating him and sending 1000s of these texts without his knowledge, including photos of himself"

Did the judge really just insinuate that? This is probably one of the most dishonest things I have ever heard.

Isn't it the judge's job to be honest and impartial? What the fuck is going on.
LOL, trained to kill? What the fuck.

Roxanne Jones


dumbest bitch in America


Potato del Grande
Jesus christ Zimmerman has a giant head and tiny face.

What was that video about?
I keep seeing people discuss his weight gain and such. Is it not obvious that his new boyish hair cut and puffiness is an advantage compared to when he had a shaved head and was skinny looking like a character from American history X?



Guarantee this is mostly on purpose


privileged excrementlord
Is this typical of other trials? That just seems stupid as hell.
Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. I'm (obviously) no law student, but it seems far more reasonable to assume any text was sent by the owner of the phone and suggesting otherwise would be on the prosecution to prove, in this case at least.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All I know is at this point, you need to search high and wide for anyone with common sense that doesn't think this trial is all but over for the state. The forensic guy for the defense yesterday basically shut the door on any doubt that Zimmerman was on his back getting his ass kicked. The defense should just pack and send it to the jury already, I don't think they even need all this other crap (text messages, animation) anymore. They are ahead by such a wide margin it's not even fair.

The irony about the text stuff is if it was the other side arguing that a defendant's texts be brought in, it wouldn't even be a question, it would of happened by now.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
All I know is at this point, you need to search high and wide for anyone with common sense that doesn't think this trial is all but over for the state. The forensic guy for the defense yesterday basically shut the door on any doubt that Zimmerman was on his back getting his ass kicked. The defense should just pack and send it to the jury already, I don't think they even need all this other crap (text messages, animation) anymore. They are ahead by such a wide margin it's not even fair.

The irony about the text stuff is if it was the other side arguing that a defendant's texts be brought in, it wouldn't even be a question, it would of happened by now.
One of the other issues, that the defense brought up is that the state withheld some or all of these texts from the defense until June of this year? Not sure of any of the details but that was the way West was making it sound. The judges argument though that some 7 year old, might have known the passwords to that phone, sent messages with identical writing style and grammar to TM is completely ridiculous. Next thing you know she'll be saying 9/11 was an inside job, we didn't really kill Osama and the major food companies are trying to poison us all to death with GMO crops.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I guess they are just trying to be thorough at this point. Isnt the jury all women? I think they are trying to make TM out to be as unsympathetic as possible to avoid some emotional decision.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I hope the judge got her feed bag of oats last night so she can think properly. That shitshow she put on last night was real retarded, sir.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Trial delayed to 9 am start.

I'm betting the Defense is destroying the Judge, precedent says that it is assumed a phone owned by someone is being used by them for purposes of evidence. It would require the State to show that some magic 7 year old had gotten access to Martin's phone on a regular basis and was making these texts in order to justify the position Judgie Pudgie took last night.

You can't prove a negative and that's basically what Judgie Pudgie is demanding the Defense do to enter this evidence in, there's no way that's legal. She fucked up giving them the night to go out and drag out the case law to back up their position.

Also, this is perfect justification for an appeal and retrial almost immediately if Zimmerman is convicted.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Judge just lost this case on appeal even if Zimmerman is found guilty in this trial.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Judge just lost this case on appeal even if Zimmerman is found guilty in this trial.
Yea, but she knows he won't be found guilty, so it doesn't matter. She wants to appear anti-defense.


Buzzfeed Editor
The retards on CNN were saying that they can still use the animation as demonstrative evidence rather than substantive. That doesn't seem all that crazy, to me. The phone stuff I just don't understand, though.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The Defense could run the animation during closing arguments, yes, but it wouldn't be evidence then, just demonstrative, as you said.

Zimmerman potentially training in an MMA studio = relevant
Martin texting that he regularly trained to fight and won = non relevant

Judge = worthless

Yea, but she knows he won't be found guilty, so it doesn't matter. She wants to appear anti-defense.
Yeah I mean, I'm not an idealist who thinks this could never happen, of course, its just infuriating that judges can ignore the law to insulate themselves from criticism.

Should be some legal recourse for things like this.
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