yeah. its hard to place. Goyer had a strong list of credits. But, it should also be noted, Nolan Batman is a pretty strong departure from Batman itself. And in many ways, character breaking. Giving up being Batman, no Robin, Bane, Talia, etc. theres more then a few things in Nolan's movies that do and should trigger the hell out of Batman fans, in the same way as man of murder. Much of it is Nolan's direction itself overshadowing those flaws. and of course Ledger..My first thought was why don't they hire Nolan's Batman trilogy authors to write the newer DCU movies? David S. Goyer and Chris Nolan wrote those ( in my opinion ) decent to excellent movies, and after one moment of research I learned that Goyer had also written the screenplay for Man of Steel. Awwww jesus. =(
I would assume Nolan is indisposed and Goyer without a partner like Nolan goes from working on lines such as "I am an agent of chaos" to SUPERMAN SUPER PUNCHES a spaceship full of EMBRYOS HAHAH. Or did he hurl it into space? I can't remember.
RIP hope for good Batman and Superman flicks
Should have led with this image, would have dodged a lot of criticism.
Never thought it was possible to make Aquaman seem cool at all.