And the irony is that Thanos is a direct ripoff of Darkseid. Oh, speaking of that, when we were at Comic Con, someone asked Stan Lee the one character he'd wished was his idea. He said Darkseid, and you could tell he was pissed the idea wasn't his.Of all the stories in the DC universe history they could have chosen...they decided to go with one that the general public will view as a total rip off of the MCU.
owlman, Boredwoman, Supervillian/decepticon, Red Ranger, Aquabeardman.
Flash seems odd, always seen him with a cloth costume that can fit into his ringYep, the Cyborg and Flash outfits are ass.
Christ, now I can't unsee it. Megatron's just emerging out of his hips.Why does Cyborg have a Michael Bay transformer face on his crotch?
Haven't seen the Flash TV show, nor Arrow or Gotham etc. but it looks shitty. Gal Gadot looks sad. She is too hot to look sad. I don't care for any of this. Not at all.
Someone needs to photoshop Ryan Renolds as green lantern into this abortion of cinema.
I want to get into the CW shows, I've nothing against them. I just don't have time. Hoping to get around to it eventually.If you do watch Flash, season 1 was awesome for nerds, season two was mediocre, and quit after 2 episodes of season 3. Arrow was good for 2 season and then went to shit. Gotham I heard got better but I quit during season 1.
If you're a DC fan Arrow and Flash were fantastic the first seasons