I hope his career is just fine, I mean if ol' Amber Heard can be the utter piece of shit she is and everyone still fawn over her well then Why not Joss. I actually like his work, hers not so much.
It seems like he did what the studio asked him to do.Yeah he did wonders with Justice League
Yeah, cause he screwed up The Avengers totally.Yeah he did wonders with Justice League
more or less, though Roman Polanski made some great films. he deserves the accolades he receives based on his work. he also deserves to be thrown in the deepest pit and left there to rot.Yeah, cause he screwed up The Avengers totally.
I mean when the studio pretty much let him make a movie he just totally fucked it up, right?
With all the studio interference with The Justice League Steven Fucking Spielberg couldnt have salvaged that shit show.
Zack Snyder's cut didnt suck as bad as Joss Whedons... It was still a fucking steaming pile of shit.
The dude has great visuals (but fuck him and his slow motion shit) but he has no idea how to create characters nor plot.
Boo hoo he treated some shit hollywood fucks like the monkeys they are, I dont give a fuck as long as he makes good stories.
Now, it it was a Roman Polanski type deal that would be a different story, but its not...he was an asshole to a bunch of stuck up little bitches.
Fuck Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher (I think thats his name)
I think it was just a tone mismatch.Yeah he did wonders with Justice League
DC is fun and humor loving, except Batman.I think it was just a tone mismatch.
Avengers with witty banter between the characters makes sense to me. The characters are more grounded so I'd expect them to talk like regular people and many are on their first iteration on film/tv so there's room to define them.
Justice League being like that doesn't make sense. Brooding godlike beings I would expect a degree of seriousness from and many have already had more comedy versions in the past (Dean Cain Superman, Adam West Batman) so comedy is going to have negative connotations.
I think Zack Snyder got it right in tone actually, they just rushed the build up and didn't respect the characters enough.
I'm sure she could fuck his career harder than he could fuck hers.
Given the polarizing nature of the situation, the reactions from some users were particularly angry, railing against Gadot for supporting “ethnic cleansing” and “mass genocide,” among other barbs.
Given the polarizing nature of the situation, the reactions from some users were particularly angry, railing against Gadot for supporting “ethnic cleansing” and “mass genocide,” among other barbs.
This is so stupid. She's saying that wants peace and her leaders to find a solution to both, Palestinians and Israelis.
If she was Muslim, what was the Twitter mob going to say? "you like hitler"?
Why covid won't just kill the human population and leave the animals to rule this planet?
He only gets half the job done. We need a full extermination of the human race.We need Thanos to save us.