

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I bet it's resale value is really low. Most people who would want it and don't have it are in on the second kickstarter.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't know how the resale value will be since people are having an option to buy it again finally. I know I've been wanting a copy for several months.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I bet it's resale value is really low. Most people who would want it and don't have it are in on the second kickstarter.

Not so sure about this. Most high quality/high component board games at the very least retain their value. Many tend to go up in value as availability decreases. Yes, this is another wave of them, but it's expensive, and not everyone has the cash on hand to get everything they want. After sleeping on it, I'm 99% sure I'm sticking with my Satan pledge, and will likely just sell off piecemeal some of the stuff I care less about, particularly these pinup things that seem to just be fancy miniatures with little game value. I imagine I'll recoup quite a bit of my investment, and still maintain a net positive if I keep it all in good condition, which I always do.

My 1st edition Descent collection is worth more than I paid for it, and that shouldn't ever change, in fact it's gone up even higher for parts of it. These ultra-nerd board games are a strange market, in some cases even better than collector shit like cards/comics, short of issue #1's of iconic things, etc.


<Bronze Donator>
It doesn't even have to be an ultra high-end game or even have a lot of KS exclusives to fetch a premium. Anything that was a "viral" Kickstarter has had a decent market and the KS prices are usually very favorable.

Joking Hazard's Red Box was $45 or $60 for 2. I moved my extra copy for $75. Paid for my copy and then some and all that was was an extra booster pack and a different color box. It's not like there was any shortage of availability either. The mass-market version went on Amazon for $25 right as the KS ended. KDM probably won't make that many extra copies to sell in their store.

Right now I'm thinking a base copy for me + 1 extra base copy with a Gambler's chest to sell off. The Gambler's chest is $100 but will probably have well over $100 worth of stuff in it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I bet it's resale value is really low. Most people who would want it and don't have it are in on the second kickstarter.

I've had offers of $400 for my core DURING the Kickstarter FWIW.


Trakanon Raider
Man, I have a core I've never even opened... That Satan pledge would be super appealing if I could really unload my Core at $400....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've had offers of $400 for my core DURING the Kickstarter FWIW.
Which is different then afterwards . My guess is it will not be worth ordering more then you personally want to use. Every time a game gets more popular the resale value goes down .

Example - my original zombicide pledge went for triple what I paid. The Black Plague stuff was going for like 20% over cost last I looked.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Which is different then afterwards . My guess is it will not be worth ordering more then you personally want to use. Every time a game gets more popular the resale value goes down .

Example - my original zombicide pledge went for triple what I paid. The Black Plague stuff was going for like 20% over cost last I looked.

Quite possible, I don't get into the resale game too much. Just stating my own surprise, literally turned the person down and made sure to inform them of the KS being $150 cheaper than what he was offering brand new with some patience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Board gamers are wierd. They want the special now. They also have weird logistical issues. I once lost a sale of a used game because the box corner was slightly dented. I was selling it at half off.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
KD:M is quite the outlier, it appears head-and-shoulders above every other board game ever printed, ever, at least with regard to quality, design, art, etc., which affects things past simple availablility and timing. Like, somehow this guy has created the WoW of board games. Also, the prices of the original game skyrocketeted literally the minute after they began shipping. I don't expect anything too terribly different. As I mentioned, it's expensive (and yet somehow EXTREMELY popular), so people want it. If they can't get everything theyw ant from this KS, they may need to save up and buy later. Shrug.

All I can say is $1666 (plus shipping?) will be a zero-regrets purchase for me, as much as I've wanted the game ever since I heard about it ~5 years ago when the dude began talking about it. REALLY wish I had had the cash during the original KS.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't play through the whole game but I did play through the first couple of missions. It's an interesting design for sure. The combat felt really random and luck based to me personally. Honestly the whole game felt more like a computer game on paper or an RPG in board game form. After playing it I would definitely play through the campaign if I ever had a group who would stick together through it.

I wish there was a way we could survey people 6 months after it comes out and see how far they got with it. My guess is the average player doesn't make it past one or two sessions. Another cool survey would be how many people get their mini's professionally painted. I know 3 pro-painters who already have commissions lined up because of this kickstarter.

It's interesting to see this game hit sites like Forbes because it is getting so huge. Hopefully it spurs more people in to the board game hobby if nothing else :)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've known nothing but zealots that it's created myself Fyff - no one in my area had been an owner, but from my group of folks we've got at least 4 copies that are being bought from playing with mine alone. (And I think there's another 2 that say they want to buy can't afford IIRC)

And I've not introduced it to too many people since it's not suitable for a short night nor is it convenient to move.

But yes, it's 100% Civ meets Monster Hunter meets Something else in board game form.

And no, combat absolutely isn't THAT random once you've got the hang of things - there's definitely a few random elements that can make some things far easier/harder at times - but it's not overwhelmingly random - I could definitely see it feeling that way early on, but anticipation is a key skill that you learn with playing it (or you die, over and over)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Out of curiosity, from a resell standpoint do you think it would sell for more or less if all the figures were assembled and we'll painted.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Out-of-my-ass guess? It would reduce your market, but within that market the price would be higher.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was wondering because alot of people seem to bitching about putting the figures together, some even asked for a no mini version of the game which sounds insane to me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Depending on your painting level it could go for a lot. Can you get consistent 7s and 8s on CMON or similar sites? If not then painting really won't net you much. Speed painters and Chinese sweat shops do table top level for 2 or 3 bucks a mini.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Depending on your painting level it could go for a lot. Can you get consistent 7s and 8s on CMON or similar sites? If not then painting really won't net you much. Speed painters and Chinese sweat shops do table top level for 2 or 3 bucks a mini.

Hmm. I started painting some of my minis for Descent 2E awhile back, but it was such a daunting task and i'm not that great at it (plus I have other things that suck up my time like programming mods and shit), I gave up. Do you have any leads on any good domestic speed-painters who could paint shit for me so it looks good but not like Michaelangelo perfection?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I never put anything on cmon, so I can't Guage that, everyone who sees my stuff always says it is good, I'm definitely not a speed painter, I take my time. I'll have to post up the dark souls commission I'm doing next year and see what people think. question is mainly outo of curiosity as I won't be selling my copy.

Sean how many minis are you talking about?