Ladysmith Black Mambazo School of Music


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I remember my dad bitching and saying, "This shit fucking sucks.." when I put in my Ten and Superunknown cassettes. And he remembers his dad yelling at him to "turn that shit down!!" when he threw on Van Halen and Led Zeppelin.

You have become your parents. That's fine, just recognize it for what it is.
My 20 year old cousin listened to this for a goddamn year a few years back. This is hardly my dad bitching about Nirvana.



Mr. Poopybutthole
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
My 20 year old cousin listened to this for a goddamn year a few years back. This is hardly my dad bitching about Nirvana.

I can find plenty of garbage ass music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s that charted too or was otherwise "popular". What's your point?


Avatar of War Slayer
This is true. I find custom streaming service channels will turn me onto new stuff since I’m too busy the seek it out. Greta Van Fleet made it onto my recent rotation.

That's exactly how I found them. After building some high quality speakers for my computer, I wanted to try some lossless streaming music, and gave Tidal a trial (after procrastinating a few years on it).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can find plenty of garbage ass music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s that charted too or was otherwise "popular". What's your point?
That everything charting sucks now?
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The day hip hop can do something as intricate as the odd time signatures employed in progressive, psychodelic, or even stoner rock (QotSA ftw), it will be one step closer to something not shit. Speaking as a musician, hip hop music is like playing chopsticks when everyone else is doing the Rite or Spring. Fucking Gustoff Holtz Planets is more musically intricate and inspired than anything in modern music. And lets go with some more recent shit right out of pop music that hip hop rips off (Stevie Wonder) and just admit that Sir Duke by itself is more complex and demanding than anything to come out by a black artist in the last 30 years. Most modern music (not just Blacks) has not branched past the four bar blues hardly at all.

And country was bad enough when it turned into a 20 year lag behind rock. Its worse now that they want to do poppy shit for sure. The only album I can stand from this year is Offpsrings new one Let the Bad Times Roll, and before that I would have to go with Villians by QOTSA. Speaking as someone with a solid knowledge of music theory (and actively composing and arranging for my club) modern music is mostly shit and made simply to either virtue signal or sell merch.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
For me, this is as much about age, as anything else.

New bands are still making music that you would probably like, it is just incredibly difficult to find them. All the mainstream pop is what pop has always been, mostly shit with a few catchy but shallow tunes.

As I grow older, I'm just not all that much into music anymore, outside of traveling in my car. When my car's SSD holds ~4000 songs, it's hard to work up enough motivation to go find anything new.

Regardless, I have found new music, here and there. Here is an example of a young band that channels the Rock and Blues of Robert Plant/Led Zeppelin, Rush, Cream, and even a bit of Queen:
Greta Van Fleet

I think they have all of there songs, so far, on YouTube. They have more popular songs, but I don't really care to watch videos of the band dancing around like Freddy Mercury.

There are bands that are making entertaining and skilled material, they are just few and far between. Radiohead used to be on that list, but they crawled too far up their own asses since In Rainbows. Muse got too preachy, but their last albumn seems back on track. Queens of the Stone Age and Offspring have gotten actually better as time has gone on (Villans and Like Clockwork are masterpieces). I am not big fans, but Killers and Panic at the Disco are both musically sound and put out good material. I would also throw both recent Alice In Chains and Clutch releases in there, too. Weezer and even Pearl Jam still put out solid records.

But yeah, I think the music industry fell off a cliff mostly after 2000, which is pretty much when experimental shit stopped mostly in modern music. The new generation of musicians are just lacking in a basic sense of the fundamentals and they are not breaking new ground, either. None of this hip hop shit will survive the test of time, meanwhile even Digital Underground songs of the 90s are still popular today (to compare within the same genre). Hip Hop has always been shit, though, as anyone who existed in the Disco era will tell you. An entire decade of that Disco shit and all anyone remembers are Earth Wind and Fire plus Beegees songs. And I am sure the age of electronic studio is not helping (though the early techno era was rather creative) as you do not get groups working up and building a sound together how it was as recently as the 90s.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I can find plenty of garbage ass music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s that charted too or was otherwise "popular". What's your point?
I bet anything you dig up would be almost entirely pop music, which as stated has always been shit.

What you will otherwise find in all those eras (but not so much today) is a lot more variety and musical depth. I can name five different songs from different genres that almost everyone would agree are great classics from each of those eras. I doubt you could do the same with music from the last ten years.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The day hip hop can do something as intricate as the odd time signatures employed in progressive, psychodelic, or even stoner rock (QotSA ftw), it will be one step closer to something not shit. Speaking as a musician, hip hop music is like playing chopsticks when everyone else is doing the Rite or Spring. Fucking Gustoff Holtz Planets is more musically intricate and inspired than anything in modern music. And lets go with some more recent shit right out of pop music that hip hop rips off (Stevie Wonder) and just admit that Sir Duke by itself is more complex and demanding than anything to come out by a black artist in the last 30 years. Most modern music (not just Blacks) has not branched past the four bar blues hardly at all.

And country was bad enough when it turned into a 20 year lag behind rock. Its worse now that they want to do poppy shit for sure. The only album I can stand from this year is Offpsrings new one Let the Bad Times Roll, and before that I would have to go with Villians by QOTSA. Speaking as someone with a solid knowledge of music theory (and actively composing and arranging for my club) modern music is mostly shit and made simply to either virtue signal or sell merch.
Hip hop was never about the instrumentals. It has almost always been oversampled, computer generated percussion breaks and extending/repeating them. Unless you go back to its early days when it was mostly a dogshit offshoot of funk, soul, and disco. It was always about the lyrics and rhyming schemes.

That isn't some people's cup of tea and that's fine, but I also don't really enjoy folk, blues, etc. That doesn't mean there haven't been fantastic music put out by artists in those genres, I just happen to not enjoy it.

People are conflating genres they don't like becoming popular with "music sucks now!".


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Hip hop is the modern version of Wakandans banging rocks together and chanting, just computers have replaced the rocks. Changemymindmeme

Ben Folds even wrote a song about white people doing the same shit:


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I bet anything you dig up would be almost entirely pop music, which as stated has always been shit.

What you will otherwise find in all those eras (but not so much today) is a lot more variety and musical depth. I can name five different songs from different genres that almost everyone would agree are great classics from each of those eras. I doubt you could do the same with music from the last ten years.
I can absolutely name you 5 great songs from most "major" genres in the last 10 years.

The only reason most people would say they aren't "classics" is because music is listened to entirely differently than it was 20-30 years ago. Offspring is a great fucking example of this, as a matter of fact. Not only is "Let the Bad Times Roll" a pretty solid album, but "Days Go By" is probably their best album since "Americana" and barely anyone has even fucking heard of it. When I told my buddy about it (we grew up listening to Americana on repeat), he said, "Holy shit, they're still making music?!".


Uncle Tanya
eta till some 78 IQ poster comes along and ruins my post~
I don’t really interact with you much but your posting style makes me want to....
There’s another that grates on me too. They add winkies to every fucking post.

Speaking as someone with a solid knowledge of music theory

Gustoff Holtz Planets is more musically intricate and inspired than anything in modern music.
Gustoff? Oh wow... you don't say...

I'll let Gustav know you're a cheap intellectual knockoff concerning music theory.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I personally rate Rise and Fall above Days go By, but that I agree is a matter of taste.

And my point is that, no music (from a mechanical standpoint) is not that different from 20-30 years ago. There is more digital aspects to all of it (I am old enough to remember Quadrophonic being a failed fad), but its the same recycled shit. Nu Metal is sort of unique, but its not that far removed from Grunge. Hip hop is still overproduced dick waving by wakandans and flash in the pan teen idols. If anything, the field has actually narrowed quite a bit. And its not like this is the only shit decade of music. Every odd decade since the 50s has had a couple dominant shit genre's that have been forgotten completely (only to come back 20 years later). In the 50s you had some really cringe worthy overproduced pop music (Neil Sedaka being the worst offender) and some truely hideous novelty shit. In the 70s you had Disco and I don't think I have to explain that anymore. The 90s was the produced pop and rap explosion that it took Grunge to finally get out of. Honestly, next to the current decade, I think the 90s was the worst decade of modern music due to the complete lack of variety. For every fucking Radio Head or NIN, there were dozens of CnC Music Factory rip offs flooding the airwaves with total shit.

But where today is there a creation like Ok Computer? Downward Spiral? Full Moon Fever? Melon Collie Infinite Sadness? Ten? Hell where is anything like SNZ's Inevitable now adays? I cannot name a single album by anyone from the last decade (that wasn't put out by an older/long running act) that I enjoyed as a cover to cover experience like any of those, outside of maybe Wolfmother. There is no creative effort behind it, just fucking retreads worse than the movie industry.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
View attachment 354468


Gustoff? Oh wow... you don't say...

I'll let Gustav know you're a cheap intellectual knockoff concerning music theory.

But seriously your posting style could use some revision. And don’t give me that low IQ shit. I think I’ve posted toward you twice in 6 years if that.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
View attachment 354468


Gustoff? Oh wow... you don't say...

I'll let Gustav know you're a cheap intellectual knockoff concerning music theory.
Fuck off attention whore. Let this be an object lesson of what happens when someone gives you any ground.

And yeah I was a music major with intentions of being a band director educator at one point. At my peak I was constantly composing and arranging for groups, as well as playing over a dozen instruments (two to a very high level) and singing at a top level. These days I do a limited version of that for the kraut club and still do first tenor for them. If you really want to be humiliated by me, please keep going down this path especially when I am backing your argument. I am sure that will work out great for you.


Uncle Tanya
when someone gives you any ground.
You think you were giving me.... ground? LoL

If you really want to be humiliated by me, please keep going down this path especially when I am backing your argument.
Yes, please, flex your diminutive, atheistic musical muscle on me. Care to make a new thread about it Fleischberg? I'm more than happy to.

Gustoff? or Gustav? We're talking about Holst, right? So which is it? Gust off wind more like it with you.

I am sure that will work out great for you.
Oh I know it will...


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I have multiple graduate degrees in music history and theory. Not a thing he's said about black music has been accurate. Just ignore it.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Your contention is that blacks invented jazz, blues, and gospel music whole cloth without any prior influences? The magic dirt just taught them how to blow a horn and do four part harmony?

Or are you saying that modern black music is equal or superior to all prior forms of music?

I just want to know which ridiculous argument you want to make here, LD.