To get triggered by it would mean I'd actually have to watch it, and that's not fucking happening.So many people here will get triggered by the latest episode
This show just gets old. I like when he discusses stuff but it's all Trump all the Time just like the rest of the late night shows.
I hear you man. Like when the President's ancestors anglicized their family name. Drumpf should step aside.It's not like he keeps harping on the same thing with Trump just to be a lefty asshole. Trump on a weekly basis continues to raise the bar on how fucking stupid a president can be. Regardless of what he wants to cover as a passion project it would be a disservice to not at least touch on the new stupidity of each week, because sadly this shit does matter, and it could have repercussions for years.
I hear you man. Like when the President's ancestors anglicized their family name. Drumpf should step aside.
It's not like he keeps harping on the same thing with Trump just to be a lefty asshole. Trump on a weekly basis continues to raise the bar on how fucking stupid a president can be. Regardless of what he wants to cover as a passion project it would be a disservice to not at least touch on the new stupidity of each week, because sadly this shit does matter, and it could have repercussions for years.
I hear you man. Like when the President's ancestors anglicized their family name. Drumpf should step aside.
It's not like he keeps harping on the same thing with Trump just to be a lefty asshole. Trump on a weekly basis continues to raise the bar on how fucking stupid a president can be. Regardless of what he wants to cover as a passion project it would be a disservice to not at least touch on the new stupidity of each week, because sadly this shit does matter, and it could have repercussions for years.
i get people not liking Trump, thats fine, but seriously "weekly basis continues to raise the bar on how fucking stupid..."? Care to give maybe 3 examples?
I only ever watch the main segments they put up on youtube, and those rarely center on Trump. He comes up, but he would, he's appointing the people being criticized and setting the policies being implemented, but it isn't about him.I can deal with criticizing Trump. I did for Bush, and Obama.
The problem is Joh nnow goes all in on "its us vs them". This last show he again goes off on how "We need to protest and call our congress members" etc
You can give me your "coverage" but flat out declaring a side is just annoying and he repeats the same shit over and over. I loved this show when we was shining the light on under the radar stories. But now he is just every news show with more swearing.
I only ever watch the main segments they put up on youtube, and those rarely center on Trump. He comes up, but he would, he's appointing the people being criticized and setting the policies being implemented, but it isn't about him.
I like that he's taking a stance in those cases, because he's not a reporter. And really, most of the time the media tries to talk about both sides of an issue it's stupid. It isn't meant to be a sole source of information on any topic, it's a primer. I have seen a couple of times he used some misleading facts, but I've seen a lot of other times that he approached an issue in a pretty common sense way. idk, the stuff I see still looks a lot like him shining a light on stories that either aren't being covered in the media or arent being covered well (Equifax, Arapaio, coal, vaccines, etc). I'm not sure what the rest of the show past those segments looks like.
TBH his long segmentss often touch topics which would put most of the audience to sleep. His arguments are generally well sourced and researched, I just wish he would trust his audience a bit more instead of bludgeoning them to death with a punchline, but he is still a bloody comedian, not a journalist.John Oliver's show immediately turns into garbage once you realize how formulaic and programmed it is. He isn't trying to shine light on news stories, or objectively address newsworthy events, he is just straight up brainwashing people.
John Oliver's show immediately turns into garbage once you realize how formulaic and programmed it is. He isn't trying to shine light on news stories, or objectively address newsworthy events, he is just straight up brainwashing people.