Ill agree the last two weeks have been closer to what the show was. I think that book and cartoon is hilarious.
Im fine with him, you know, doing satire instead of fucking preaching for 30 minutes.
Pence is a dipshit. That was a very fair look at his stupidity. I think hes realizing non stop repetitive Trump bashing is not viable for another 6 years. He needs to get back to Lesser known topics (Crypto) and actual subversive satire and pranks. This is on par with starting his own church or selling the sham Alex Jones suplements. His show was meant to find the absurd and bring it to light, not complain about MUH TRUMPS for 30 minutes. This week is a key week. If he actually spends the segment on ANYTHING other than Russian elections or Trump we may have turned a corner.
PS, Check out the SNL Mueller/Bachelor parody this week with Mueller basically moving on from Collusion and the Female losing her shit because trump is going to have 6 more years" for another example of the shift finally catching up to comedy.