League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
I was tired so maybe I misread it myself but ya, it seems we agree then. You would be amazed how much people get upset if I tell them I don't care about winning. There are some days that I could not give a shit whether I win or lose because I just want to play with my friends. Tell a random that and they blow up freaking the fuck out.

@wizardhawk I know where it originated, I have been playing games for a long long time and I still hate it. I also used to play sports as well and I hated all that smile in peoples face and shake everybody's hand shit. The main reason I am against it is 99% of the people don't mean a god damn word of it and just do it, to do it. Same reason I don't say gg for every game. If I get stomped, I just take my beating and move on, maybe try and figure out what went wrong if I don't already know, but you are also talking to someone who hates the "everybody wins" model that most games are using these days.


I was tired so maybe I misread it myself but ya, it seems we agree then. You would be amazed how much people get upset if I tell them I don't care about winning. There are some days that I could not give a shit whether I win or lose because I just want to play with my friends. Tell a random that and they blow up freaking the fuck out.
Why shouldn't someone get mad at that? The fact that you're saying it in chat at all means that you're trolling them. You can just as easily not care and keep your mouth shut. Most people play the game to win (except for you and the other trolls, I guess?) and you're letting them know that you're working against that goal. So yeah, they should freak out, and they should report you.


Tranny Chaser
I had a Vayne I was bottom with pull that shit. I did everything I could to help us win the lane and when laning was over he played like a complete and total retard. His reason? "I know what the right play is. I'm intentionally putting myself into bad situations for practice." And he did that for the rest of the game until our Nexus exploded. It pissed me right off. So I put in all this good work bottom and you have just zero regard for anything I did or the other players on your team? Fuck. You.


Bronze Squire
Why shouldn't someone get mad at that? The fact that you're saying it in chat at all means that you're trolling them. You can just as easily not care and keep your mouth shut. Most people play the game to win (except for you and the other trolls, I guess?) and you're letting them know that you're working against that goal. So yeah, they should freak out, and they should report you.
It usually happens after a person says something retarded, that is when I tell them (which doesn't happen often as I usually just laugh at them in skype with my friends and never tell them anything). In fact the example you use is the example we make fun of with people getting upset and threatening to report for "not caring" when usually I am doing better than them, which is probably why nothing has ever come of it. Never said I didn't play to win, just sometimes I don't care if I lose which a lot of people can't understand. I suppose a decent example would be last night, a friend of mine wanted to play ranked, so I duo'd with him. Because of the time of the night we full well knew there was a huge possibility we were going to lose and we were ok with that, however, it isn't like we didn't try and we did win the game. I don't actively try to lose, feed, or do shit like Arbitrary said that Vayne did to him.


Potato del Grande
I was tired so maybe I misread it myself but ya, it seems we agree then. You would be amazed how much people get upset if I tell them I don't care about winning. There are some days that I could not give a shit whether I win or lose because I just want to play with my friends. Tell a random that and they blow up freaking the fuck out.

@wizardhawk I know where it originated, I have been playing games for a long long time and I still hate it. I also used to play sports as well and I hated all that smile in peoples face and shake everybody's hand shit. The main reason I am against it is 99% of the people don't mean a god damn word of it and just do it, to do it. Same reason I don't say gg for every game. If I get stomped, I just take my beating and move on, maybe try and figure out what went wrong if I don't already know, but you are also talking to someone who hates the "everybody wins" model that most games are using these days.
We're on the same page 100%. Only thing i'd say is I hope you aren't queue'ing for ranked when you aren't playing to win, because that's what normals are for.


Bronze Squire
No, I do not que for ranked when I am not in the mood to win or don't really feel like playing. I only play ranked to win but last night for instance if we lost I wouldn't have been super upset like normal.


Vyemm Raider
man this game can be so infuriating. this loss was apparently my fault. i didn't do enough in team fights. i would typically live due to net, trap, barrier and flash, while team would dive and die 4v5s constantly. once it was looking like we were going to lose, anytime i was alive after a team fight they'd all rage on me. saying i was scared, wasn't team fighting, why am i full health (after lifestealing ). Malph would ult me every team fight, then trundle would dive me best he could. soon as the team picks the scapegoat, they all turn like rabid dogs.


People tend to blame others for their own failure. Human nature. Unless someone was properly peeling for you (leona or lee), i would see why you would be having trouble vs that team.

My advice to get out of Silver: Play Mid/top. Most games should/can be won in the first 20min. I am 9-1 with Ahri mid this season and won most games by just roaming bot/top and invading their jungle. I have a 70% win rate top in 37 matches (top) by warding their jungle and making it hard on him to gank the other lanes.

Key to going up the ladder fast is not just by winning your lane. I would be up 6-7 kills, a tower and 40cs top or mid, but if all my other lanes lose, i would still be losing the game. You have to support and baby sit your teammates.

The Ancient_sl

man this game can be so infuriating. this loss was apparently my fault. i didn't do enough in team fights. i would typically live due to net, trap, barrier and flash, while team would dive and die 4v5s constantly. once it was looking like we were going to lose, anytime i was alive after a team fight they'd all rage on me. saying i was scared, wasn't team fighting, why am i full health (after lifestealing ). Malph would ult me every team fight, then trundle would dive me best he could. soon as the team picks the scapegoat, they all turn like rabid dogs.
Clearly Lee Sins fault for not peeling for you well.


Golden Squire
Instead of having your paycheck go to a bank account it would go directly onto that card. It looks like it is the same thing as those "paycheck cards" which would mean that it is a bad idea to do this since you will get nickeled and dimes in fees. Would have to look at the fine print though.


Potato del Grande
Yeah i'm pretty sure that's their whole plan, to nickel and dime everyone who signs up because "OMG it's LoL card!". Either that or they're going to have loading options on the card in increments that don't equal out to the same costs as RP so you end up with leftover money on every card (kind of like how you end up with random amounts of RP left that you can't use on anything).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Brilliant idea. I'm sure it will sucker in a lot of young adults. 10k Riot points is worth ~$67, probably not worth the fees. You can easily get the bonus 2k Riot points, there is no credit check, just sign up and load $20 on the card... however 2k RP is only worth $15 so might be more hassle than its worth. Personally I prefer to get the points on my credit card.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People who think they know better / are the best on the team are the worst. Long story short a jungling vi pings blue early/mid game I was playing top ryze and just so happened to be roaming at that moment so I was at mid tower, I check and our mid lissandra was in our base, so I ping omw and then vi kills it and says ryze doesn't need blue. I just say lol, yes he does until he has full build and that evidently pissed them right the fuck off so they decided to troll the rest of the game dragging it out 15 minutes longer than needed.


Potato del Grande
Get in to promo series to bronze 1. First game I get an orianna mid who feeds her lane, talks shit in chats all game, refuses to participate with the team (running from fights full hp/mana, standing still blaming "typing" for feeds lategame etc) still almost won but nope. Guess i'm just not good enough for bronze 1.


Lord Nagafen Raider
why you no respond to me Wizard! When I was drunk this weekend I messaged you to play with me...and you never got back to me. Yet it was right after you posted here on RR. /h8

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
If anybody likes to play Dominion add me in game-- name is Ycore. I pretty much exclusively play Dominion so if you're decent I'm always looking for a queue buddy. Usually play Vik, Volibear, or Irelia.


Molten Core Raider
Just played the funnest aram ever. It was non-stop carnage from the beginning and the game ended with 177 total kills. It basically ended up being Olaf and Nunu trying to keep me and Rengar from murdering Kogmaw. It was a very close game until I got around to finishing my 5th item on Poppy. The CDR from frozen heart made it so I had my ult up every time I respawned, so it was gg after that.
