League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I played Ahri last season when I was grinding to Gold the final week. Such a great all around champion. Great lane clear, great 1v1, great roaming, great escapes. If you land her charm anytime end game you should be able to melt the person that got hit. I remember I use to always build her with Tear > Morellonomicon > deathcap, but now I tend to go ~2 doran rings + sorc shoes into DFG, then usually zhoynas/deathcap.


Potato del Grande
The other day my buddy sends me a message telling me he wants to play league. In the past he told me he hates mobas because of the community. I ask why. He says he has applied to be a sys admin for a satellite office for riot. He would get a fully loaded account among other cooler-than-you're-normal-job's perks. Here's to him.
Wonder if Riot boosts their accounts elo or not heh.


Vyemm Raider
does MMR hate me? i win a game, +11 to +16. i lose a game, -26. I can lose more in 1 game than i gain in 2 wins.


Tranny Chaser
I have very few kind words to say about their new system. It gave low rated players a path with visible progression when before they really had none. Everything else about it is unnecessarily complicated and/or meaningless window dressing.

Don't worry fris, just keep grinding to raise a number that is hidden to you and once your rating is appropriate to your current tier/the tier you are about to advance to the point throttling will stop and you'll be allowed to advance. How is it the case that the system has no confidence in your current rating in the first place? Maths.


Bronze Squire
does MMR hate me? i win a game, +11 to +16. i lose a game, -26. I can lose more in 1 game than i gain in 2 wins.
It is my understanding that you lost a game that you should have won, which causes you to lose a large amount. The game where you didn't win a lot is you are either closing in our your MMR, about to division up or the games are pretty close in equal rating.


Vyemm Raider
every game i lost i should have won
If not for the troll/feeder/afk/noob/kids!


A Man Chooses....
You say that but it's really pretty absurd. I can play the exact same way the entire night and every game is completely different. My level doesn't change, but one game I go 4-4-6 and lose at 25 mins, the other I go 12-2-15 and win at 25 minutes. It's all luck of the draw based on how non-retarded your teammates are. It almost feels pointless to ranked unless you have a duo partner to tilt the odds in your favor. These bronze 5 guys who want to mid then pick support volibear when they don't get it and go 0-12 just make no sense to me at all. Why do those people even play ranked?


Lord Nagafen Raider
One thing I've noticed from watching some of my lower league friends (one is bronze 3, one is silver 5, one is silver 3) is that I think it would be extremely easy to carry games by picking a type of carry jungler. I swear about 90% of the games I watch the only lane that is ever warded is bot, and even that's not warded 100% of the time.

Hell, I even watched one of Fris' games (haha, I checked you out on Quickfind and it said you were in a game so I thought I'd spectate it heh) he was Cait + Soraka vs I think it was Vayne + ...lulu maybe? But anyway, there was a rumble top who was carrying pretty hard (his teammate vlad was a piece of shit player) but the rumble was pushed 100% of the time, never bought a single ward til about 12 minutes in. There was an enemy brand mid, never bought a single ward. Yet his jungler didn't really gank at all, just farmed the jungle. Was useless.

The same goes for a good percentage of the games I watch from my RL friends as well. Too many players at lower leagues get pigeonholed into the whole super tanky jungler that doesn't do much damage, yet can initiate and tank well, but at that league a good majority of the time players don't follow up which means your initiation + tankiness doesn't help as much.

I also can't tell you how many enemy junglers I see that don't do Buff 1 > Buff 2 > Gank, they do like Red > Wraiths > Wolves > Blue...I was specing my Silver 5 friend today. Friendly Jungle Warwick goes Blue > Wolves > Wraiths > Red then backs? Almost full health, still like 3 pots left. Enemy jungle was a Hecarim and he did Red > Golems > Wraiths > Wolves > Blue. Like...wtf?

Shyvana, Udyr, Lee, Shaco, Eve, etc etc etc. Steal Kills. Tax Lanes. Carry Hard.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Has the game been CTD a lot for you guys? An update a couple months ago made League of Legends crash like 50% of the time during game start. When the game CTD, I have to wait until EVERYONE is loaded in before I can reconnect into game or it just keeps continually CDT. It's pretty fucking annoying because it never crashed for me until 2 months ago.


Has the game been CTD a lot for you guys? An update a couple months ago made League of Legends crash like 50% of the time during game start. When the game CTD, I have to wait until EVERYONE is loaded in before I can reconnect into game or it just keeps continually CDT. It's pretty fucking annoying because it never crashed for me until 2 months ago.
What are your specs? Internet provider and all that? I ask because while my LoL has had a few hiccups, my partner has had many issues; his internet isn't always spot on, but since we're on skype, none of that changes. He can access anything else but LoL will hang for him.

We thought it was skype originally, but if you're having similar issues I'd be wondering about a connection LoL and perhaps Cox.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Sounds like I'm alone here. I always thought it was just Riot doing shitty coding that messed something up. I'm sure it is not my computer spec or internet provider because it was working fine until a specific update came out and everything went to shit. I going to reinstall tonight to see if the problem persists.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like I'm alone here. I always thought it was just Riot doing shitty coding that messed something up. I'm sure it is not my computer spec or internet provider because it was working fine until a specific update came out and everything went to shit. I going to reinstall tonight to see if the problem persists.
Do you have SLI enabled and/or are you streaming?
I've had issues with the game before due to my graphic card setup (SLI) and also had some issues when streaming... I can currently stream and have SLI enabled with 0 issues but still, could be an issue unique to your setup.


Molten Core Raider
It is my understanding that you lost a game that you should have won, which causes you to lose a large amount. The game where you didn't win a lot is you are either closing in our your MMR, about to division up or the games are pretty close in equal rating.
Yep, that's pretty much how ELO works.

The Ancient_sl

Sounds like I'm alone here. I always thought it was just Riot doing shitty coding that messed something up. I'm sure it is not my computer spec or internet provider because it was working fine until a specific update came out and everything went to shit. I going to reinstall tonight to see if the problem persists.
I pretty much had to quit after the last patch the game went so out of control. Lag spikes like crazy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has the game been CTD a lot for you guys? An update a couple months ago made League of Legends crash like 50% of the time during game start. When the game CTD, I have to wait until EVERYONE is loaded in before I can reconnect into game or it just keeps continually CDT. It's pretty fucking annoying because it never crashed for me until 2 months ago.
Yes and no, when that patch came out (the last big one before this most recent one) it would keep disconnecting me from pvp.net and I would sometimes ctd during loading and/or at the start of a match, I would also ctd about 95% of the time at the end of a match. But they resolved it about a month later. Now I normally don't, haven't during loading or the start of a match, but I have ctd at the end of a match a couple of times still, it could be a coincidence, but it seems to usually happen when I hold tab to see the score screen at the end of a game.


2 Minutes Hate
One thing I've noticed from watching some of my lower league friends (one is bronze 3, one is silver 5, one is silver 3) is that I think it would be extremely easy to carry games by picking a type of carry jungler. I swear about 90% of the games I watch the only lane that is ever warded is bot, and even that's not warded 100% of the time.

Hell, I even watched one of Fris' games (haha, I checked you out on Quickfind and it said you were in a game so I thought I'd spectate it heh) he was Cait + Soraka vs I think it was Vayne + ...lulu maybe? But anyway, there was a rumble top who was carrying pretty hard (his teammate vlad was a piece of shit player) but the rumble was pushed 100% of the time, never bought a single ward til about 12 minutes in. There was an enemy brand mid, never bought a single ward. Yet his jungler didn't really gank at all, just farmed the jungle. Was useless.

The same goes for a good percentage of the games I watch from my RL friends as well. Too many players at lower leagues get pigeonholed into the whole super tanky jungler that doesn't do much damage, yet can initiate and tank well, but at that league a good majority of the time players don't follow up which means your initiation + tankiness doesn't help as much.

I also can't tell you how many enemy junglers I see that don't do Buff 1 > Buff 2 > Gank, they do like Red > Wraiths > Wolves > Blue...I was specing my Silver 5 friend today. Friendly Jungle Warwick goes Blue > Wolves > Wraiths > Red then backs? Almost full health, still like 3 pots left. Enemy jungle was a Hecarim and he did Red > Golems > Wraiths > Wolves > Blue. Like...wtf?

Shyvana, Udyr, Lee, Shaco, Eve, etc etc etc. Steal Kills. Tax Lanes. Carry Hard.
Where do you see these Junglers? I either go against no jungler or a pro jungler. Last night played my first Fiddle jungle game and I'm level 24, buddy is 30 and we play a game and I get matched up against a Gold 2 1400 win Lee Sin. What the fuck is that shit? Fucking maths. I went up early but Lee Sin just rolled the rest of my team. Plus I wasn't great with fiddle. I still need to get his build down, I had mana problems.

But the rest of your post, yeah I stopped playing Zac or Naut in soloQ. No one takes advantage of my slows or initiation. We'd get into the late game and I felt useless because my random shitty ADC has like 80 cs.


So learning Eve some more last night and I stupidly realized that her Q just shoots off in random and you don't have to aim it. Fuck. Once I figured that out I was like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I get it now." Group fights just got easier.

How do you guys build Eve? I've tried both Lizard -> Boots -> Sheen -> Zhonyas and Lizard -> Boots -> Twin Shadows -> Zhonyas

Sidian what is your game name again so I can look it up? I'm curious about how you build some stuff.


Lord Nagafen Raider
SidianTheBard is my ign. As for Eve I think Sheen is useless imo. I'd go Spirit Stone > Boots1 > Spirit of the Elder Lizard > Sorc Shoes > Haunting Guise > Abyssal or Zhoynas depending on what the enemy comp has more of.

That's just bad luck to be a level 24 and going against a Gold 2. I remember being level 30 and playing with my RL friends who were still leveling up and getting batshit insane scores constantly. I'll have to rummage through my PC and try to find the screenshots because I know I took some of them. Lee is just a complete boss of a jungle if you get good with him. He gets even scarier if you get some early kills and actually build some damage items. Higher leagues, you're basically forced to build tanky with him, but if you can get a brutalizer or a last whisper, his damage output is stupid strong.