League Of Legends


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do you all buy Champs with RP or do you save IP for them? How critical are extra rune pages?
I bought champs with IP untill I had every champ under 3k IP then I changed to only RP for champs. Wish I had spotted the two mid IP champion bundles sooner in shop had half of each bundle when I bought them but they were still a good deal.
You have to get gold to get it. However you can get gold in any of the ranked categories in order to obtain the awards. 3v3 being the easiest and 5v5 premade being easier then solo queue. The only thing that you don't get in the next season if you hit gold in 3v3 but not in solo queue is a gold border for your loading screen when you solo queue ranked.


Tranny Chaser
That happened at the end of the prior season. People would make a new team, play through their preliminaries, and hope to be shat out as gold. If you weren't you remade the team and tried again.
I feel good about myself in regards to lol this season. Last season I got gold in fives but couldn't do it in solo queue, felt kind of cheap. This season I got that solo queue gold and still have a realistic shot at plat as long as I don't go on a long tilt losing spree.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's preventing a bronze player to join 3v3 diamond team and play the needed 30% of games? Since you can't drop leagues, it doesn't matter. Selling spot in ranked team will be new eloboosting. Apparently you can already buy that shit off ebay and what not. Also, it seems if you're already diamond in 3s, as long as you go 4-1 or 5-0 in the placement matches you'll get put back up into Diamond. The buyer would then only have to play 3 games (no risk of demotion remember!) to get the rewards.

Just saw someone saying on reddit that for 25 euros you can do it over in EU, small price to pay for diamond border, ward skin & champion + skin.


2 Minutes Hate
I tried out that Udyr build a few pages back and it's really fun if you have the team comp for it. The first time I tried it, I didn't get Bear for a few levels, so the constant cycling didn't really work so that kind of screwed up. That and I had a top lane partner which didn't help. Anyway, fail first time.

Second game was much better. I had a solo top, farmed pretty decently. I was left alone and became kind of tanky and no one could kill me except....

...by 22min or so the other team had a 20/0/0 Syndra that just raped everyone. RAPED. The build was interesting because she only chunked me like 30% where she was 100-0 everyone else.

Now after seeing that Syndra, I must buy her and feed just to make myself feel better.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Syndra my 2nd favorite mid atm (behind TF!). Huge lane bully. Huge snowball potential. Huge burst. Stun, Slow, Knockback. Such a great champion. Plus her Justicar skin is the best looking skin in the game. Mmmmmm, I'm getting a boner just thinking about it.


2 Minutes Hate
Probably a smurf account if someone was rocking Syndra to that degree in a pub leveling game.
I use lolnexus for games, and he was part of a three man premade and was Gold V or something. Just some MMR shenanigans. He was grouped with like a level 5 Teemo or something.


2 Minutes Hate
Syndra my 2nd favorite mid atm (behind TF!). Huge lane bully. Huge snowball potential. Huge burst. Stun, Slow, Knockback. Such a great champion. Plus her Justicar skin is the best looking skin in the game. Mmmmmm, I'm getting a boner just thinking about it.
I'm just angry I didn't buy her when she was on sale not too long ago, and then her skin was on sale too. Oh well. My kid doesn't need diapers right?? RIGHT??

Anyway, I've been playing at least one Heimer game a night now just because he's so fun to play. Played a top Heimer and dominated. It just feels empty knowing I'm playing with other sub-30 players. I think I'm going to try a high CDR build 10% CDR from Masteries, (I don't have IP for CDR runes) and just build a chalice and try to get my rockets down to the lowest CD possible. Should be lulzy fun.

Or maybe go Chalice/Nomicon or soemthing.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hah... Just looked at your match and that syndra went 27-0-0... damn, not even 1 assist. Anyway, yea..... that Udyr build is hilarious to play but it is almost like playing a support since you have very little killing power. You can proxy and push waves all day long which means lower elo players might just let you be and you will be able to push turrets/inhibs from that, or they will chase you all over hoping to kill you and your team needs to know to push other lanes to win rather than try to help you. I've lost a few games already where teammates try helping me & they die, I of course survive, but we lose the game cause they insist on trying to "save" me rather than taking objectives.
You can run a variant of the build that incorporates a zephyr in after the first defensive item for some killing power. Tear -- Frozen heart/Spirit Visage ---Zephyr (maybe triforce but I feel thats more of a tiger Udyr item). Makes your 1v1 much scarier and actually lets you push faster but you have to be more aware of enemy positions because you don't survive the 2-4 man gank squads as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Has anyone played an AP Corki with the new Triforce + Liandrys, Rylais, Nomicon, Spirit Lizard?
I just had one in a ranked game last night actually. Appears he didn't get triforce or morellos, ended up going spirit of spectral wraith > lich bane > deathcap > liandries. It does kind of make me want to try it out, although I never really play Corki so /shrug.

The Ancient_sl

How could AP Corki possibly be good? None of his abilities have much scaling, AP does nothing for his great passive, and he has 0 CC. All you get is a short range caster with bleh late game damage and a good escape.


2 Minutes Hate
All about Q and R spam. R is now 20 mana flat. Just pokepokepoke. Q is 0.5 AP and R is .3AP. R scales with AD too, which is why Tri force kind of works.

All that Q and R procs the on hit stuff and the range on R is long.


2 Minutes Hate
I just had one in a ranked game last night actually. Appears he didn't get triforce or morellos, ended up going spirit of spectral wraith > lich bane > deathcap > liandries. It does kind of make me want to try it out, although I never really play Corki so /shrug.
I don't own Corki, but I would like to see if Lizard -> Liandries -> Rylias -> Triforce would work.

Also: Good sale today, been waiting for Fizz/Maokai to go on sale.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm just angry I didn't buy her when she was on sale not too long ago, and then her skin was on sale too. Oh well. My kid doesn't need diapers right?? RIGHT??

Anyway, I've been playing at least one Heimer game a night now just because he's so fun to play. Played a top Heimer and dominated. It just feels empty knowing I'm playing with other sub-30 players. I think I'm going to try a high CDR build 10% CDR from Masteries, (I don't have IP for CDR runes) and just build a chalice and try to get my rockets down to the lowest CD possible. Should be lulzy fun.

Or maybe go Chalice/Nomicon or soemthing.
The chalice is godly for heimer. It pretty much has everything he wants in one item I strongly recommend rushing it first. It is 20% CDR combined with his ULT maxes your CDR with nothing else needed. It has reasonable AP some good magic resists and a boat load of mana regen which is awesome on heimer because he is a total mana hog when you start poking like crazy with rockets.

I have played heimer a good bit on ARAM and rush chalice and its just unending amounts of rockets to the face for the opponents. Pretty much get chalice max it out get some boots usually the magic pen ones and then just build your AP. One thing to note zorjias staff works really nice on heimer. Your biggest danger is people getting up next to you so anything that allows your super fast rockets to apply a strong slow is a big plus and its got great AP and lots of HP to bulk him up to survive what jumps do happen.