League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
"I do take it into consideration. I just tell you that you're wrong."

I don't know how anyone could take that rl trolling.



makes me think of bain


2 Minutes Hate
Vlad is very difficult to play as a noob. I had one game where I just fed and fed and fed. Oooops. He really does need a few items before he can do anything aggressive like.


Trakanon Raider
Man.. I just had a perfect example of how attitude effects your rank. More than skill, strategy, mechanics etc.. your attitude determines how you and your team perform.

I'm on a 7 or 8 game winning streak in ranked, nasus being one of my main junglers, winning 75% of the time with a 6.5 - 1 KDA on him. My duo partner isnt on so I'm just doing normals. We get in, I take nasus jungle since we have little CC and no tanky people. I suggest we should invade at 1:50, as it's worked practically every time when I do it in ranked, hiding in the bottom bush from mid. I ping to tell them to go through mid into the bush, in case someone is staying in the river bush watching then they can't see us come in. What does our vlad do? Goes through river into the small bush. If anyone is in the other one, they see him do that and figure something is up.

Then, at 1:50 we move up and don't find anyone at blue. We take blue, but then 3 of them come up from bottom lane to ambush as everyone is leaving their blue area, Vlad had recalled already, and mid laner went the other way to lane, we're split up and outnumbered running out so we give up first blood. Vlad continues to bitch and moan about how that invade was stupid when he's the one that fucked up the most and likely tipped them off in the first place. Literally, he can't stop bitching everytime someone dies for first 5 minutes, even when they trade 1 for 1 or 2 for 1 and it ends up being 5-5 after 5 minutes and we had secured 3 of the 4 initial buff mobs on map as well setting the enemy jungler back.

He especially bitches at me for not ganking for him since he's losing his lane to a TF, or he pings after he engages TF but they both get away at 5% health, when I'm at bottom of map about to gank for bot lane. Saying it was a 'free kill' but he hadn't paid attention to the fact river was warded, which I had.

Anyways, he finally shuts up for a few minutes, even though our ADC (vayne) probably rage quit and it's 4v5. What happens? We actually start winning 4v5. But, then a tower falls top lane when TF is left alone to split push and starts bitching again. We IMMEDIATELY start losing again..

There was a bunch of other details that make it even more ironic/hilarious in retrospect, but if there is ONE word of advice I can give anyone trying to improve.. DO NOT RAGE. EVER! I don't care if one guy is 0/12/0 and you think he's the worst player you've ever seen. Bitching at someone has NEVER made them play better. If your goal is to the win your games, you can not rage at your own teammates, ever. Period.

Yes, you will still lose some games because your teammates fucked up, shit happens. But, for all you know, the person he laned against is a smurf and you wouldn't have done any better. Telling someone they suck or picking out how they messed up only makes them second guess themselves and play worse from then on. You would have a better chance of winning if you started walking up mid and committing suicide every time you spawn then you would bitching at your teammate for messing up. When I'm in a good mood, my winning percentage is at least double from when I'm in a bad mood.


Blackwing Lair Raider
One of the reasons I stayed away from league for so long is because of hearing about how horrible the community is. Well I've been playing about 2 months now and I've encountered very few "trolls". I don't believe that it is just coincidence or that I've gotten lucky the ~200 games I've played. I always tell my teammates glhf at the start of a match and try to keep a positive mindset, something I learned from sc2. And as a result I win more games.

And on that note, really I just came here to brag, I just finished my placements, went 8-2 and placed silver 2 so no bronze elo hell trolls for me.


Golden Squire
I had a good weekend. Went from 17 points Gold IV to promos for Gold I. Won't be able to play those games until tomorrow though. I'm shooting for Plat by next Sunday.



A Man Chooses....
One of the reasons I stayed away from league for so long is because of hearing about how horrible the community is. Well I've been playing about 2 months now and I've encountered very few "trolls". I don't believe that it is just coincidence or that I've gotten lucky the ~200 games I've played. I always tell my teammates glhf at the start of a match and try to keep a positive mindset, something I learned from sc2. And as a result I win more games.

And on that note, really I just came here to brag, I just finished my placements, went 8-2 and placed silver 2 so no bronze elo hell trolls for me.
I come from SC2 and I'm just as polite as anyone. Trust me, they're out there.


Bronze Squire
Ya, they are absolutely out there and I am sure the trolls are worse and show up more in the lower leagues. At the end of the day though, it has been proven time and time again (and said on this very forum) that if you belong in a higher tier you will eventually get there. The only real determining factor is whether you want to put the time and effort (and self reflection) in to get there or just continue to blame the community.


Vyemm Raider
last game, our mid Vlad disco's about 5 minutes in. meanwhile, jungle, top and bot lane are winning hard. i'm 3-0 as cait w/ rengar support (ikr?). i tell rengar to take over bot and i try to mid vs Malz. we hold our own but eventually lose a team fight at ~25 minutes and they push inhib and nexus. no trash talk, nothing rude, and they honor all 4 of us. 2 guys on my side were in promo too, felt bad.

so there's 'bad' games that aren't negative. then other's other games where I mute everyone on my team
I didn't notice till it waas over, but a few games ago, i notice after winning in the lobby that one of the enemies is muted. i didn't do it that game. i can't remmeber why that guy is muted, but it felt good to win vs him still
Being super positive doesn't mean you'll just breeze through to Diamond or whatever. However I'll take every advantage I can get as I grind my way up the rankings, and while I know being positive may not win me a game... being a negative sure can lose me one. Even if its just negative to myself, my buddies on skype, or here on these forums. It doesn't help anything so don't do it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm kicking myself for uninstalling LOL Replay...

Brand and Soraka are duo queue and get disconnected right when minions spawn so I get blue and go mid. Nunu has free reign in our jungle and camps top, killing Teemo 3 times before the duo reconnects when everyone is lvl 5 or 6 ("OMG MY CAT PULLED OUT OUR INTERNET CONNECTION, LOL SLORRY GUYS WE CAN STILL WIN THOUGH!"). Brand then proceeds die 3 times to Fizz and the game just snowballs in the enemy's favor. By 20 minutes they are up 15 kills and 2 of our inhibitors are down, so we can't even leave our base because we are fighting super minions. Ofc, the duo refuses to surrender and I start giving them a hard time for making the game go longer when there is clearly no chance of winning. For the next 10 minutes Brand refuses to give up, thoroughly employs various and sundry DST techniques, and insists that we are totally gonna win because our team fight comp was off the hizzie (which admittedly, it was) and that we were gonna get crazy farm off of minions. They split push and get our other inhib down and at one point someone gets caught too far out of base, they force a 4v5 and manage to kill both nexus turrets. So at 45:00 we have zero turrets, and have killed zero turrets and I am pissed that I am still playing this game. However, I started to notice that despite all their GA's and free baron buffs, we started winning team fights faster and easier to the point where they are getting impatient and doing poor initiations. So by now all of us have ass-tons of money and Teemo turns our base into a shroom-infested death trap. So we calmly wait until all 3 of our open inhibs respawn, we bait a team fight and trade 1 of us for 3 of them, waltz down mid lane and kill the first two turrets. Then I think to myself: "holyshiiiiiiiit, we gonna wiiiiiiiiiiiiin............. LOLOLOLOL". They respawn and we all recall. Then they wait till they have baron buff again (like maybe 5 minutes?) and then try to split push us which, between Brand's aoe, my aoe, and Teemo shrooms, just doesn't work. They finally got impatient and engaged on us after like another 3 minutes and again we trade 1 of us for 3 of them. We waltz down mid, kill mid inhib, kill both nexus turrets and start on the nexus when the 3 start charging at us with homeguard boots. My ult had just came off cooldown and I stopped them dead in their tracks while Ashe finished the game for us. The volume and color of the call-caps rage/bragging/loling was epic.



Blackwing Lair Raider
I come from SC2 and I'm just as polite as anyone. Trust me, they're out there.
Oh I know there are out there, but some people bring it up like it is every other game for them. Out of the 200+ games I have played, I've had maybe 2 ruined by trolls, a far cry from what some people would lead you to believe. I think a lot of people take a bad situation and make it worse.


2 Minutes Hate
I gotta say, I probably had way too much fun playing Heimer for the first time last night. If anything he really helps me practice and be aware of lane/creep control.


I gotta say, I probably had way too much fun playing Heimer for the first time last night. If anything he really helps me practice and be aware of lane/creep control.
Sadly today's Heim is not even 1/5th of Heim 1.0 : you had 6 turrets (boosted by Aegis of the Legion) and your grenades killed Towers (broken) and your Missiles just targeted Players (but didn't stack on 1 player).
He was either Insane or Broken, basically "i will win the lane, outfarm outpush you 5 to 1, gank me or lose" and his siege breaking was amazing.... I miss old heim
he's nothing like before.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I suck at this game hardcore. Just went 1/10/10 with Trist at bot. It didn't help that Sona kept stealing my last hits and our team fighting was atrocious. Dr. Mundo is not fun to late against.


Tranny Chaser
It's alright. Everyone is terrible at this game aside from 4-5 Koreans and 1-2 Europeans. The entire rest of the player base is absolutely terrible.


Ever since I bought Arcade Hecarim, I can't stop playing him. Also I've been destroying with him. Doing 0/9/21, AD and AP reds, armor yellows, MR blues, 3 MS quints. Getting triforce early on when team comp allows it.