League Of Legends


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I have been crushing with 0/9/21 on Hecarim lately too. My normal build is spirit stone + boots -> Kindlegem -> Glacial Shroud -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Boots 2 -> Spirit Visage
Ever since I bought Arcade Hecarim, I can't stop playing him. Also I've been destroying with him. Doing 0/9/21, AD and AP reds, armor yellows, MR blues, 3 MS quints. Getting triforce early on when team comp allows it.
I've come to the conclusion the new trinity force is just plain broken. Udyr, Hec, Vayne, and Irelia seem to be the main beneficiaries... but anyone that can viably use it should at this point. The damage amp + move speed bonus is just sick. I've had to play against it once or twice and I've seen it on streams, but a Vayne with BoRK, Tri force, and Last whisper is basically just a stomp train.


Molten Core Raider
I've come to the conclusion the new trinity force is just plain broken. Udyr, Hec, Vayne, and Irelia seem to be the main beneficiaries... but anyone that can viably use it should at this point. The damage amp + move speed bonus is just sick. I've had to play against it once or twice and I've seen it on streams, but a Vayne with BoRK, Tri force, and Last whisper is basically just a stomp train.
Ikr? I kinda wanna try it with Riven

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Do you all buy Champs with RP or do you save IP for them? How critical are extra rune pages?
Play the free rotations. If you enjoy the game enough then dump money on the starter packs which will net you 40 champs for 15 bucks and then throw some more cash at getting the rune page bundle. Save your IP for runes until you have a basic page for AP champs, AD champs, and a page for jungling or supporting specifically. Once you do that you can start spending IP on champs that tickle your fancy or you can keep spending cash on champs and filling out your runes with IP so that you can have rune pages tailored to specific champs or against specific champs.

edit: Or option C. Get hired by Riot and get a fully loaded account. All riot employees have infinite RP so that they can unlock everything.


2 Minutes Hate
I've been using my IP on runes only. If I want champs, I'll spend $20 bucks on RP and buy them when they go on sale.
Rune pages are nice to have, I bought the bundle of 7 though I only really use a few of them right now.


Vyemm Raider
when just figuring out if you like the game or not, use IP on runes, play free champs. maybe buy a champ w/ IP if you absolutly love the champ and don't want to spend money on the game.

if you're willing to spend money on the game, buy RP, buy champs w/ RP when they're on sale.


Anyone know when and/or how often they do 2 for 1 rune page sales? I have some RP from a gift card someone gave me but I don't need nine total rune pages so I don't feel like dropping money for more RP to buy the huge bundle.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pretty infrequently. The earliest I would expect another rune page sale would be around christmas.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone know when and/or how often they do 2 for 1 rune page sales? I have some RP from a gift card someone gave me but I don't need nine total rune pages so I don't feel like dropping money for more RP to buy the huge bundle.
Seems like maybe once a year or so. I believe the last sale was this past spring. If another happens this year then I would expect around black friday/christmas as mentioned above, but I wouldn't count on it.

RE Trinity:
Trinity is really good, I get it on Lucian at some point and as 2nd item for carry-Udyr.

RE Udyr:
If any of you watch Trick2g you would know he's the cocky-funny Udyr/Volibear streamer. IMO he's funny as shit. Anyway, I saw him playing a tank-Udyr that was just hilarious, I've been playing it some games myself when my team requires a tank or if I think I'll get pwned as carry-Udyr. It's pretty simple actually..

Summoner Abilities: Teleport/Ghost.
Runes:Armor Seals, MR Glyphs, AD Marks (for help with last hitting), Movespeed Quints
Offensive Mastery:
Summoner's Wrath: for improved Ghost
Defensive Mastery (max points in all of below):
Relentless (reducing effectiveness of slows is required)
Tenacious (Tenacity is a core element to this build so you'll never get locked down)
Veteran's Scars
Safeguard (Running through turrets is common, extra defense helps)
Honor Guard
Utility Mastery:
Summoner's Insight (or Improved Recall or put 1 point in Wanderer...)
Meditation (Mana regen is required)
Mastermind (Reduce cooldown of summoner spells by 10%, this is so Ghost is up even more)

Core Build:
Tear of the Goddess: You'll be spamming the shit out of abilities, tear is necessary, buy as 1st item.
Mercury Treads : You want max tenacity so these boots are almost always bought. You can go Ninja Tabi but then you need Ancient Golem item eventually for Tenacity.
Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage: Buy Armor first unless you really need MR, focus on CDR asap so at least get a Glacial Shroud. You can hold off finishing FH and start Spirit Visage if you need MR. Armor is necessary for proxying (turret hits & minions do less damage).
Get Distortion upgrade for boots so that your Ghost is up even faster.
Last items can be: Trinity Force for some damage or more tankiness: Banshee Veil is good if you still need more MR. Also you can upgrade Tear to Muramana as like 7th item.

How to Play:
Playstyle is as Phoenix Udyr. Max Phoenix --> Turtle --> Bear
Farm farm farm and make 2-3 players have to come stop you. Give your team advantage by forcing enemy to expend tons of resources trying to stop you. Kite through their base if necessary, turrets won't hurt you. Proxy the shit out of waves. You can even farm in enemy base. Try not to die, but it might happen if they send 4-5 players. You really should never ever die to 1 or 2 players ever. Make sure to cycle your abilities so you have increased attack speed (monkey agility should almost always have 3 stacks). This helps turtle stance so you can heal up and also helps phoenix stance so you proc more AoE.

Your killing potential isn't that great, just farm waves and if someone attacks you keep using turtle/phoenix/bear to stun them/regen/proc aoes. Eventually they will lose health and maybe you can finish them off, mostly just keep being a pain-in-the-ass. You're a tank which makes you very useful for team fights, get in the middle, draw aggro, proc AoEs and use Bear stance to stun enemy and peel for your carrys.

CON:The Biggest Con with this build is it requires you to have a competent team, you can't win it solo by backdooring or anything.
Your jungler should NOT gank your lane... its pointless, you aren't going to do damage so getting fed won't win the game, you need your carrys to be fed. Tell your jungler to go help mid/bot lanes.
Your team should NOT help you. They need to push the other lanes or do Dragon/Baron while you draw attention from the enemy.
These are the common mistakes that can make you lose, this is the common trend with any tank tbh.

PROS:You are a Raid Boss. Act like it. You can run anywhere & tank anything. You have excellent wave clear with phoenix. You shrug off CCs, you run faster than anyone due to always having Ghost up.

Video proof, 5 minute clip that illustrates exactly how to play:http://www.twitch.tv/trick2g/c/2809787



Announcing end of Season 3 rewards

With less than three months to go until the end of Season 3, we know anticipation is growing around this year's rewards. It's time to reveal what you can earn for Season 3 ranked play.
Like last year, we're dishing out the rewards based on the tier you reach during Season 3 ranked play. You'll earn rewards by playing ranked in any game mode (solo, duo, 5v5 or 3v3), and you'll nab the reward corresponding to the highest tier you hit across all modes. Keep in mind that for 5v5 and 3v3 tier rewards, you have to have played at least five games with the team and participated in 30% or more of the teams total games to qualify.
Enough with the exposition, let's show off the rewards!

Tier Rewards
(Based on highest tier reached during Season 3)


Bronze or higher: Season 3 Summoner Icon
You'll earn a Summoner Icon that displays your accomplishments. There is a different icon for each tier.

Silver or higher: Profile banner trim, Loading screen border, and Victorious Ward Skin
From your profile banner to your loading screen, reach Silver or higher to earn the corresponding trim. Each tier has a different colored trim. At Silver tier, you'll also pick up a new permanent Victorious Ward skin to light up the jungle your way.

Gold or higher: Season 3 medal for Buddy and Team invitations and Victorious Champion Skin
Should you climb to the highest ranks of competitive play, you'll greet new friends and teammates with a personalized invitation badge that shows off your success in shiny style. You'll also earn the permanent Victorious Ward skin and a unique Victorious skin.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe I should refund the 6300ip I bought on elise (just bought her like 2 weeks ago) because I'd assume you'd get the champion + skin...Although, I guess there's still a good 3 months before any of that gets handed out anyway.


I only started playing this season, but can you buy the Victorious skin or do you need the gold rank to get it?

Currently I'm bronze 1, worked my way up from bronze 4, and trying to get at least gold or higher. I main support and jungle mostly, but pretty versed in all roles. In WoW I was usually 2,000 during shoulder seasons and 2200 during T2 weapon seasons and have a strong understanding of the games I play. I've been lurking FoH/RR boards since PoP EQ days.

If anyone wants to duo que add: Nestlehot. I'm usually on during nights at around 7pm CST, but also play during the day starting at 9am or 10am CST. My internet for some reason is unstable during the day but doesn't have problems at night, so that's when I do most of my ranked games.