League Of Legends

Alright, so about this claim that 90% of the AD melee champions use lifesteal quints.

They don't. You were wrong to claim that. Data mining whatever it is you think proves that to be so while ignoring all of the other cases is called you confirming your bias. Making it out like you just slot up lifesteal quints top because pros isn't doing yourself or anyone else any favors.
Righty buddy, and you using champions (and the oh so prevalent nocturne top) that are about as melee dependent as Kassadin for your counter-argument isn't confirmation bias.

If you play right click champs who actually live in melee and depend on auto attacks for trading or wave maintenance then you should be using life steal quints the vast majority of the time. If you aren't then you are gimping yourself. It isn't some niche thing for a couple junglers and a top or two. As far as the 90% comment... when it comes to what I consider melee ad and not AD caster then yah I'm not wrong or far off. Now I'm sure you'll jump to something else that you think you can key in on to dispute since you don't actually respond to a statement aside from saying "I don't believe it, even though I have no facts that disprove it... or maybe I'll use a different champ archetype to try and trip you up!".


Tranny Chaser
Actually, now I just find you sad and pedestrian. You are every retarded Big Fish Small Pond gamer I've ever had the displeasure of coming across and now that I've had that revelation I'm bored with you. Oh, given what you consider to be melee AD your number isn't far off? What. Ever.

I'm actually embarrassed for you now. You've come full circle and I genuinely feel bad for you. I just picture you carefully combing through all of this League information in a desperate attempt to change the color of your frame so you can go from being completely and utterly irrelevant to anyone or anything in the game of League of Legends to being completely and utterly irrelevant in the game of League of Legends but Plat 5.

You can go ahead and get the last word or whatever. I'm just going to move right on past you and do my absolute best to never cross paths with you on this thread again. If I could avoid your kind IRL while playing Magic this should prove to be cake.


Bronze Squire
LOL, that shit was great. Reminds me a lot of what I would do to my friends when I knew they were single and staring at some girl.


Got something right about marriage
Is it just me or do NA pro teams just seem to go on tilt every time they start losing?


Yeah, so, lifesteal quints are really useful. I use them on most ADCs. The most common setup atm I believe (<- caveat to avoid a long, tedious fucking debate) is two LS quints and one AD quint so that you can last hit under turret while sustaining with your 4% lifesteal + dorans blade. I've seen some guys go one LS quint, 2 AD and then 19/0/11 for the 3% lifesteal in utility but I feel like that mastery setup lacks some punch.

Top laner quints are so matchup dependent that I don't think it's useful to generalize. I'll run LS quints if I'll be able to actually use them in lane otherwise I may want to AD cheese (with fort pot) or run pen for lategame or whatever. The important thing is to decide how you want or need to play the lane to win and then choose runes that support that playstyle. These days I usually just go AP bruiser top because it's faceroll to victory against most bruisers.

I don't know why anyone would say Irelia and Jax suck. They are great picks in certain situations. Jax, if they have an AD top and jungle, will exert enormous pressure once he builds his bilgewater + a few dorans. He can't be 2v1'd and he will murder the opposing top if left alone. This means he either free farms or the enemy team has to expend an inordinate amount of resources trying to contain him, and no one wants to fight a Jax that's been free farming. Irelia is good against some of the popular AP tops. She dumpsters Vlad's early game so hard that he will never finish more than an item or two, she's a skill matchup vs Rumble (beats him after 7 or so if she hasn't fed horrendously), beats Diana and Ryze. I believe she also beats most of the non-tanky AD tops. They have their place if you know when to pick them.
Is it just me or do NA pro teams just seem to go on tilt every time they start losing?
Yah I've noticed that too. The EU teams do this as well. Lack of coaching for high pressure instances maybe. I think we also forget that a lot of these guys are actually kids and it is pretty easy for a 17-21 year old to completely lose their composure in stressful moments.


Golden Squire
Yep and the fact that a lot of them likely haven't played competitively in almost anything before LoL. Whereas other sports players at their age and skill level for things like hockey, baseball, etc. have been playing since they were 5-6.


Tranny Chaser
I went back and gave Dominion an honest try again. I just started playing it again last week as a diversion while waiting to get the all clear to buy FF14 (ha) and after another 50-60 games of it I again feel secure in my original assessment that the map is just not very good. It's best function seems to me to be a means with which to quickly gain practice for mechanical skills and skirmish team fighting. I genuinely like the revamped TT and would play it more if the only mode of play open to me wasn't blind pick but I'll probably not go back to Dominion again unless I want to try and pick up Lee Sin or something.


Trakanon Raider
I've always felt that, if both teams agree to it, playing a draft mode on the ARAM map is a great way to practice teamfighting mechanics. You gotta pick champs you would normally pick in summoner's rift or it negates the point, obviously.

I play ARAM to warm up my mechanics when I log on before playing ranked. I wish ABAM filled up quicker and wasn't full of people picking OP champs on that map or I'd do that more.
NA play-offs spoilers.

Cloud9, TSM, and Vulcun will be representing NA at worlds. TSM looked really good this weekend until they ran in to C9. That team is just on another level when compared to everyone else in the NA scene. Hai's Zed was disgusting (that Fizz ult dodge), Ballz is fighting Dyrus for the title of best top laner, and well Meteos is just the best jungler in NA at the moment. I think their only weakness is their bot lane, if you can even call it a weakness... but even so Lemonation might be the smartest picks/bans man on any NA team. They just don't lose champ select.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's sad though because while Sneaky and Lemon are both extremely top notch players, they just don't get the recognition because they are adc & support. It's always rumble, kennen, kass, zed, etc etc that can make the big early to mid game plays, where as adc's can't really do that as much. Then again, when they play Zyra & Ashe they make plays happen. Probably why they are like 10-0 running that bot lane.


Molten Core Raider
Vimeseh is platinum, Arbitrary is Gold or Silver correct? I already knew that LS quints were amazing but it cracks me up how much people are willing to argue with higher rated players. Platinum is something like top 0.5 percent of the ladder.

Respect, V.


2 Minutes Hate
Anyone have any experience playing Spirit Lizard on Renekton? I read the use of that somewhere, and I was curious.


Tranny Chaser
Vimeseh is platinum, Arbitrary is Gold or Silver correct? I already knew that LS quints were amazing but it cracks me up how much people are willing to argue with higher rated players. Platinum is something like top 0.5 percent of the ladder.

Respect, V.
Are you for fucking serious? He dropped it. I dropped it. At no point in time was that argument ever about rating.
Anyone have any experience playing Spirit Lizard on Renekton? I read the use of that somewhere, and I was curious.
Honestly couldn't say if it would be bad or good. I could see how it might work in theory but I would think that you would probably be better off getting a dorans blade or two and a brutalizer if you plan on tossing some offensive power on your croc. I've also had good experiences with an early tiamats --- defensive item ---- upgrade to hydra --- finish out with defensive items. The biggest problem is spirit lizards cost versus its effectiveness, its been nerfed damage wise twice and had the price raised once that I am positive about and may have been twice. So it just isn't cost effective in my opinion.

edit for Sidian:

I respect Lemon and Sneaky a lot. So don't take what I said as bashing them. I even added in the qualifier of "if you can even call it a weakness" because yes they do their jobs very well. I just think that Balls and Meteos mechanically are tops at their position in NA. While Hai is neck and neck in NA with Mancloud for playing assassins (which he is always on). I do however think that Hai isn't great at utility mids. Mechanically Sneaky is middle of the pack for NA adcs, which still makes him strong on the world scene since ADC is the one position that NA probably has more skill at then the other regions teams. Lemon's greatest asset is his understanding of picks/bans and in game strategy, but he isn't incredibly strong relative to the rest of the pro supports mechanically.