League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
How about a boost to plat. I haven't been able to play enough to stay polished for promo. Had a couple failed promo series. Couldn't squeeze it. MMR is somehow around upper plat range. I'm pretty sure it's from all the duo queueing I did.
I'll boost up to any elo, diamond included

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Could you just smurf and duo queue with me?


Trakanon Raider
Missed a bunch of posts.. but re: comebacks from behind.
I've been on both sides of it tons of times. Our team will dominate early cause I feed one or two lanes with ganks/tower kills when I jungle. We get ahead, the fed players get cocky thinking they are awesome (forgetting that I helped them get fed) then start doing stupid 1v3 shit and throwing the game. Or, they forget that being ahead a billion kills means nothing if the game goes long enough and you haven't killed structures.

The most annoying thing is when I'm playing a jungler like nasus with good lane pushing ability, I put pressure on lane but we don't get kill. Enemy recalls so I stay in lane to push wave and try to take tower, then my ally is pinging me to fall back cause i'm stealing his farm.. It's like, the fucking tower is worth more then the CS I stole you idiot. Take the goddamn tower! Structures win the game, not kills. Kills just make it easier to take objectives.

Most players literally don't know how to win a game unless the score is massively in their favor. They seem to only take towers after we've aced enemy team. If we came out 2 for 3, and other 2 recalled.. they rarely push the lane for those 30 seconds we have to do it.


Molten Core Raider
I like the article, I usually always find myself playing jungle because I feel it lets me control the flow of the game better by letting me gank/push at will.


Bronze Squire
Good read, certainly puts in to perspective the small things you can do to influence from the jungle even if you don't have the mechanics.


A Man Chooses....
Gotta say the quality of games once you get out of bronze goes up dramatically. It's a much more enjoyable experience. I've had one feeder and zero afks in the 25 or so games it's taken me to go from fresh silver 5 to my promo for silver 3. People are still gigantic pussies though. Had a Nasus vs Akali top bitching about losing his lane and the game being over because we hadn't gotten him ahead when he was down 9 cs at the 14 minute mark and hadn't died. We also had one guy literally quit when he got 2v1 swapped for five minutes. It wasn't until we were winning despite him being afk that he came back and decided to give it another go.


<Gold Donor>
Gotta say the quality of games once you get out of bronze goes up dramatically. It's a much more enjoyable experience. I've had one feeder and zero afks in the 25 or so games it's taken me to go from fresh silver 5 to my promo for silver 3. People are still gigantic pussies though. Had a Nasus vs Akali top bitching about losing his lane and the game being over because we hadn't gotten him ahead when he was down 9 cs at the 14 minute mark and hadn't died. We also had one guy literally quit when he got 2v1 swapped for five minutes. It wasn't until we were winning despite him being afk that he came back and decided to give it another go.
that happens at every elo.

In my experience, afks and leavers are at their lowest around silver 2-1. Get into high gold and they come right back.


Trakanon Raider
It's one of the better articles we've had. Nice work. If you could post htat in reddit, we should upvote it.
It's been posted to the LOL subreddit. Think this is the right link

edit: heh.. just saw this post from meteos on his AMA.
"It mostly comes down to efficiency. I only really go for ganks if I know that we'll get something out of it. For instance, if I know their jungler started at blue buff, I might gank mid right around 7 minutes because even if I don't kill them, I can still get them low and then push the wave into their tower which will allow myself and my mid laner to roam to their blue and take it while their mid laner is pinned on his tower with low health so he can't help his jungler.
I tend to avoid taking unnecessary risks and capitalizing on mistakes that the other jungler makes."

The first line made me smile.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think your reddit post needs to have a similar title as the JN article.

I've had a rough couple weeks with LOL. I've fallen from Gold I to Gold V. It's been a 2-3 week decline for me. Very frustrating to say the least. Going top lane & jungle were the roles that got me up to Gold I in the first place but recently I've just been either failing hard or super unlucky. Anyway, last night I was stuck going mid and went back to one of my old-time favorite champs: Diana.

Played 5 games in a row with her. Won the 1st 4 games and lost the 5th (but I won my lane all 5 games). Maybe I was just burnt out top or something, anyway... here's to trying to get back to Gold I via Diana. I went a respectable 55/35/43 in the 5 games which is a 2.8 KDA. Ideally i like my KDA to be > 3 though.

I use to be 40 games over .500, now I'm only 12 games over .500... My MMR is ~Silver I level atm. Lost ~350 MMR.


2 Minutes Hate
It's been posted to the LOL subreddit. Think this is the right link

edit: heh.. just saw this post from meteos on his AMA.
"It mostly comes down to efficiency. I only really go for ganks if I know that we'll get something out of it. For instance, if I know their jungler started at blue buff, I might gank mid right around 7 minutes because even if I don't kill them, I can still get them low and then push the wave into their tower which will allow myself and my mid laner to roam to their blue and take it while their mid laner is pinned on his tower with low health so he can't help his jungler.
I tend to avoid taking unnecessary risks and capitalizing on mistakes that the other jungler makes."

The first line made me smile.
I just came here to see if you wanted to do a follow up article heh. And yeah, your title on reddit needs to match your article title. You won't get much attention otherwise imo.


Trakanon Raider
Allright, re-did the post with the title being the same.
Should have realized anything with meteos in the title would have gotten more traffic.. lol

You want me to do a followup article on the same subject? I might be able to do that, but I haven't had time to watch all the matches from the playoffs yet. I'll need to do that first at least.


Potato del Grande
First two games after getting promoted to silver 5 and the trolls came out of the woodworks (i'm assuming it's all the scrubs who got lucky and placed in silver but then dropped to way low silver 5). 3rd game wasn't as bad (was solo and not duo with my brother which might have helped stay out of the bottom of the barrel elo scrapings). This also kind of goes along with Furry's post saying they come back in high gold. Oh well hopefully won't take me too many games to get up to silver 3/2/1.


Golden Squire
I am hanging around Silver IV right now so if you want to duo-queue I will and can maybe help you a bit. Plus I am curious to see how you play given all the drama earlier
My preference these days is Nasus, Zac, and Shyvana all in the jungle. That or Varus. My summoner name is the same as my forum name here.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rank still has no (or approximately no) effect on matchmaking. I skyrocketed into my gold promotion series and fought plat players 3 games in a row, crushing my team pretty badly and dropping me back into Silver I without much fanfare. I did have some plat players on my team as well, but there were some lane matchups that just were awful for us and I wasn't playing well enough to make up for it.


Potato del Grande
I am hanging around Silver IV right now so if you want to duo-queue I will and can maybe help you a bit. Plus I am curious to see how you play given all the drama earlier
My preference these days is Nasus, Zac, and Shyvana all in the jungle. That or Varus. My summoner name is the same as my forum name here.
I'll add you later tonight, my name is Wizardhawk.

I've been maining Ryze lately but if we duo together instead of me with my brother I probably won't be captain and might get stuck filling another role but I can play every role with at least a few champs well enough to get by.


Tranny Chaser
Whenever I play any MMO the very first thing I do is try and find a way to delete/hide/disable the exp bar. I want to play because I am having an enjoyable time playing. I don't want to be watching a bar fill up as I play.

So what I would like would be a way of removing any and all information regarding my rank from the interface. I don't want to know how many games I've played, won, or lost. I don't want to know what my current bracket is, how many points I've earned, how many points I earn or lose in a game, whether or not I'm in a promotional series, when I advance, when I am demoted, or the ranks of any of my teammates or opponents. I want to be able to play ranked with absolutely zero extraneous information. When the season comes to a close you can tell me where I placed. That's the only direct input I want.

I am not so mentally disciplined as to be able to set aside the trappings of the system and play only to become better. I am not Daigo Umehara. Even with full objective knowledge of the meaninglessness of the system it still has the power to alter my behavior. I want it banished!