League Of Legends


I think C9's weakest player is Hai honestly. He is just not a super strong laner. Put him in a teamfight with C9 though and he is amazing, all of them are. They have incredibly good coordination, they always seem to be thinking three steps ahead, every single one of them, all the time. It is really impressive to watch. But that said, the Korean teams all play like that. C9's weakness is their very early game which I'm hoping doesn't screw them against the Korean teams.

But they have been truly impressive. Their teamfighting and coordination has been beyond what we ever thought NA was capable of. They have changed NA for the good, it has been great to watch.

And Meteos... my god he is on a whole different level. He is clearly earned a spot among the best junglers in the world and really drawn attention to jungle like there never was before in NA. It is awesome to watch people that are just gifted at what they do.


Potato del Grande
Just entered my promo out of bronze 1. Jumped from 79 to promo on my last win (pts per win been going up for about 7 games straight now from 3-6 to 15-20+. Wonder if he backs out of "i'll shut the forums down if Wizardhawk makes silver" =)



I have that same background in my background folder.

Just placed in silver3 on my smurf. Time to climb into gold and plat again.


Trakanon Raider
Wonder if he backs out of "i'll shut the forums down if Wizardhawk makes silver" =)
Haven't seen you on here bitching about trolls and noobs losing all your games for you lately, though, which was the point. People that blame everyone else for their losses are refusing to see their own mistakes. You were given advice, you followedsomeof it and now you're winning more.
Like.. it really was that simple.


Potato del Grande
Yes, it was. I already admitted that a couple times too after I started climbing steadily too. Not surrendering has also helped. iIve had a few games that were similar to the one posted with the brand/whoever who dc'd early then came back and refused to surrender ended up winning where I would've just given up and gotten pissed that they were wasting more time.


Tranny Chaser
If you surrender early you miss out on all of the opportunities for someone on the enemy team to go nova over just about nothing. The last ranked game I played our top lane Elise went legendary and started chain calling surrender votes because we weren't winning fast enough vs a team with Nami, Ezreal, and a solo lane Janna with the most farm in the game. She didn't understand that sieging vs that team was difficult and catching Ezreal was also difficult. We pulled it off but I'm always baffled when someone puts in a crazy amount of work, crushes their lane, crushes other lanes with their roam, and freaks out because the enemy Nexus is still standing. I've had games where we were behind from the opening minute, lost every dragon, were behind a ton of turrets, and then we somehow come out ahead on a fight at dragon number 4 and the enemy team instantly surrenders. The after game chat fills up with REPORT DIS NOOB JUNGLE OMG NOOB TOP LANE NO WARDS BAD SUPPORT and a bunch of other crazy shit.

And that isn't even taking in to account people just completely throwing. There isn't any lead you can muster that can't still be flushed down the solo queue toilet.


A Man Chooses....
Over 100 games to get out of bronze 1 since I came back. Like 12 to get out of Silver V. I also gotta say either I've been incredibly lucky or the vast majority of the trolls hang out at the absolute lowest MMR, because since I started playing mostly silvers and golds the games aren't half as bad.

Also, Nasus is so much fun. I wish it was possible to beat people like Riven and Vlad in lane, but by god by the 25 minute mark they don't want to mess with you anymore.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Plus teams that are winning hard usually do a lot more cocky (aka stupid) plays and can sometimes result in throwing.


I think C9's weakest player is Hai honestly. He is just not a super strong laner. Put him in a teamfight with C9 though and he is amazing, all of them are. .
He's the only pro I've played against. Got stomped late game by him. Early/Mid game was competitive tho.


Got something right about marriage
I disagree that Hai is C9s weakest player. And even if he was that's not saying much because that entire team is strong. But look at his late game assassin play. He pulls off a lot of impressive stuff. C9 is NAs only real team in my opinion and they proved how much better they were than every other NA team in the regionals this weekend. They stomped TSM hard... I actually felt bad for TSM watching that series.


Potato del Grande
If you surrender early you miss out on all of the opportunities for someone on the enemy team to go nova over just about nothing. The last ranked game I played our top lane Elise went legendary and started chain calling surrender votes because we weren't winning fast enough vs a team with Nami, Ezreal, and a solo lane Janna with the most farm in the game. She didn't understand that sieging vs that team was difficult and catching Ezreal was also difficult. We pulled it off but I'm always baffled when someone puts in a crazy amount of work, crushes their lane, crushes other lanes with their roam, and freaks out because the enemy Nexus is still standing. I've had games where we were behind from the opening minute, lost every dragon, were behind a ton of turrets, and then we somehow come out ahead on a fight at dragon number 4 and the enemy team instantly surrenders. The after game chat fills up with REPORT DIS NOOB JUNGLE OMG NOOB TOP LANE NO WARDS BAD SUPPORT and a bunch of other crazy shit.

And that isn't even taking in to account people just completely throwing. There isn't any lead you can muster that can't still be flushed down the solo queue toilet.
I never try to surrender games where we are crushing them. I used to try to surrender the ones where my team had 0 towers down and were losing 7 to 22 on kills but not any more. Too many times I see the other team start getting cocky and throwing (and i've done it myself in the past too and blown leads) I don't do it any more. Like Gilg said too, now that i'm climbing I notice way way way less trolls.


Vyemm Raider
Just gonna throw this out there but if anyone is interested in getting boosted to gold for the season 3 rewards, send me a PM. My pricing is very reasonable and I work fast.


Anyone that plays riven should never lose to nasus. Riven hard counters nasus and can all in him at lvl2 or 3 and either push him out of lane or get a kill.


How about a boost to plat. I haven't been able to play enough to stay polished for promo. Had a couple failed promo series. Couldn't squeeze it. MMR is somehow around upper plat range. I'm pretty sure it's from all the duo queueing I did.


A Man Chooses....
Anyone that plays riven should never lose to nasus. Riven hard counters nasus and can all in him at lvl2 or 3 and either push him out of lane or get a kill.
That's my point, but once I lose my turret and freeze farm for 15 minutes I can 1v1 her no problem.
That's my point, but once I lose my turret and freeze farm for 15 minutes I can 1v1 her no problem.
Which is one nice thing about being in lower tiers as you move up. They will actually leave you alone long enough and not push objectives everywhere else on the map so that you can get back in to the game.


True. But that should never happen. If shes not in your lane she should be getting kills elsewhere. /shrug
If she's not in lane, then Nasus is getting free farm and he is going to scale a lot better at 30+ minutes. Yes Nasus loses MOST of his lanes, but as long as he doesn't feed hard and gets his Q farmed he is going to out scale pretty much any top laner. Riven wants to snowball otherwise she is not good. Nasus primary goal against Riven is to not let her snowball. Play like a total bitch, don't give her any kills. Sure she will out CS you and take your tower but she won't get the kills she needs to snowball.

To counter Nasus you need to play a top laner that can make plays elsewhere on the map and force Nasus to teamfight before he gets the 20-25 minute lane phase he wants. Rumble for example is great at this, not because he has insane kill potential on Nasus (although he does) but because his midgame teamfighting is strong without needing to snowball.

A good Nasus player is not going to fight early, he should make you dive him to get a kill.