League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I feel like once a revamp gets planned any chance at other changes drops to zero. You could do something with Sion as simple as removing the health cost per auto with Enrage active and it would be a nice little change so he wouldn't be the only champion in the game that loses health from last hitting with auto attacks but even basic quality of life stuff is never going to happen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
From what I gather they wanted a true healer in the support role
The problem with the idea of a true or pure healer is that unless they can provide an unbalanced amount of throughput, the utility of a more versatile support will always be superior. It's like that in basically every kind of co-operative video game, whether pve or pvp. The best example I can think of is the defender from City of Heroes. Nothing could compare to the raw healing an empathy defender could put out, but the buffs and debuffs a radiation or kinetic defender could provide were just plain better.
Can we put the "Riot releases OP champs to encourage buys and make money" line to rest?
People said the same thing about yasuo, ori, Zac, Fizz, and a bunch of other champs at their release. Just give it enough time for some master/challenger player to figure out if the champ is good or not. I've already watched nightblue destroy a couple games with him in the jungle. So might want to start screwing around with him there.


Tranny Chaser
Yasuo was regarded as being awful at release. No MR per level? On a melee champion? DID WE LOSE A WAR!?! It took a couple weeks for people to get him down. Lucian didn't take off right away either. Neither did Zed. Ori launched as a support. How long did it take Lee Sin to be regarded as highly as he was? Months? Months.

Rating champions so quickly is just foolish.
For every 5 posts you can find about Yasuo being under powered, I bet I can find 100 "Rito, plz nerf"'s. Stop with this nonsense, please.
My point was that they weren't underpowered at all but that people for the first week to a couple of weeks hought they were. Basically semi complex to complex champs aren't something you can auto pilot to victory as soon as they are released. I did not say that it took a long time for people to discover how broken they were, but it wasn't in the first 48 hours.


Tranny Chaser
You've confused the hatred that Reddit developed for him with how he was regarded at release. Take yourself back to those first weeks. Do you remember everyone being complete garbage with him and complaining about his lack of MR/level?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yasuo and Lucian were definitely considered weak for the first month at least. Everytime I locked in Yasuo I got raged on by sooooo many people. The general public definitely did not consider him good at all.

Lucian was not considered bad or good but was just kinda ignored for a while until LCS players started using him. I posted in this very thread that he would definitely be seen in the LCS and this was at a time when nobody was using him and Doublelift publicly stated that he was not top tier.

Regarding Azir, he's weak and needs buffs for sure.

I can see Gnar being used in LCS before Azir, but I have little hopes of seeing Gnar anytime soon either.

Basically they are creating these mechanically complex champions but are not giving them enough power to compensate for the complexity.
I've said this weeks ago after trying him on PBE, but after using him Live, I can't say my opinion has changed:
His kit doesn't excel anywhere. He doesn't do tons of damage, or cc, or mobility. In fact, his harass is his main strength and it's not even as good as some other mages.
His ultimate seems very out of place, no synergy at all with the rest of his kit.
His passive is dumb.
His passive & ult should be on a support champ.

He's bad. Riot has had a lot of losers recently.
2014 is a bad year for champ releases.
2013 was a great year, except for Quinn.



For 2014 I would rank the champs in terms of viability & strength as such:


Yea last few champs have been such duds.. Yasuo is just so damn strong. Only champ I've been able to get a penta on so far. Hes always banned though.


A Man Chooses....
A lot of pros say Gnar is actually pretty strong, but that he's just a lane bully and that he's kind of like Rengar in that your team has to know how to play around him for him to be effective(ie wait for his transform to be available, etc). I bet we see him at worlds.
More precious developer time being devoted to Soraka? Phew! Wouldn't want those Sion or Shaco revamps to get any man hours. Better work Soraka for the seventh or eight time. Maybe get some skill shots in her kit or something. After that maybe we can give Teemo another rework and maybe a visual upgrade.
Morella hated her so much that her rework was top priority

People said the same thing about yasuo, ori, Zac, Fizz, and a bunch of other champs at their release. Just give it enough time for some master/challenger player to figure out if the champ is good or not. I've already watched nightblue destroy a couple games with him in the jungle. So might want to start screwing around with him there.
Gnar was so underwhelming at release that they had to buff him in the next patch (and fixed his boomerang)

and that list from Fawe is hilariously wrong, Azir is so much stronger than Velkoz or Gnar it isnt even funny, he is such a dominant lane bully and split pusher


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
A lot of pros say Gnar is actually pretty strong, but that he's just a lane bully and that he's kind of like Rengar in that your team has to know how to play around him for him to be effective(ie wait for his transform to be available, etc). I bet we see him at worlds.
Oh, I think Gnar is viable, but we probably won't see him until next split. MAYBE we see him once at Worlds? And if so, probably only in group stages where some bottom-tier team is trying a surprise pick.

My opinion is that Gnar doesn't offer much different that other top champs could bring. Again, he doesn't excel at anything in particular and his transform can be a liability rather than a strength. If you want CC , True Damage and Tanky you can just as easily pick Irelia, Elise, Volibear, Trundle, etc. If you want mobility and damage you can pick Jayce, Nidalee, Yasuo, Akali or a number of other champs. Gnar has flexibility but doesn't excel in 1 particular area which is going to hinder his play.

TSM! TSM! TSM! ... SK were so outmatched. Fun game to watch. Dyrus on Alistar, Bjergsen on Yasuo, Wildturtle on Tristana... wtf? That is a win right out of champ select.

EDG and SSW was a good game. EDG were close but Imp on Tristana was too much of a pain