League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Most of the other brands do same shit. You can find c9 teams in dota and hearthstone too


<Gold Donor>
Yeah Smite has all the familiar pro teams too. This is a little different, this is a Stream Division purely for name branding expansion/recognition. Like others have said Sky is no where near pro caliber but , love him or hate him he is an entertainer.

I have been watching Trick2G a lot lately and he said he is moving to Cali. I also heard him talking to Behkuh and she is moving too, they mentioned something about the C9 House. I wonder if they will be under the C9 umbrella. It makes sense for Behkuh to get views up, but not for Trick. In fact I could see Trick managing or co-owning a pro team with his name recognition. I could see a few investors backing a new pro team with the Team 2G tag.

Funny conversation I had with my wife earlier...she asked what I would do if I won the lottery? I replied I would start a LOL Pro Team, recruit a bunch or Koreans and win Worlds.
Funny conversation I had with my wife earlier...she asked what I would do if I won the lottery? I replied I would start a LOL Pro Team, recruit a bunch or Koreans and win Worlds :p
Would have to move to South Korea then with the new rules Riot implemented starting next season so they could keep things region locked.
Yeah Smite has all the familiar pro teams too. This is a little different, this is a Stream Division purely for name branding expansion/recognition. Like others have said Sky is no where near pro caliber but , love him or hate him he is an entertainer.

I have been watching Trick2G a lot lately and he said he is moving to Cali. I also heard him talking to Behkuh and she is moving too, they mentioned something about the C9 House. I wonder if they will be under the C9 umbrella. It makes sense for Behkuh to get views up, but not for Trick. In fact I could see Trick managing or co-owning a pro team with his name recognition. I could see a few investors backing a new pro team with the Team 2G tag.

Funny conversation I had with my wife earlier...she asked what I would do if I won the lottery? I replied I would start a LOL Pro Team, recruit a bunch or Koreans and win Worlds.
Hafu is also under the C9 umbrella iirc and she stream HS and Smite


Bronze Squire
I like this. It will make people think twice about being toxic as you know most of those toxic people want the borders.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Looks like they are extending it to ranked queues as well:

Live-testing Ranked Restrictions in NA and EU - League of Legends Community

"For a while now, the Competitive and Player Behavior teams have been working together to emphasize the competitive nature of ranked play, and we recently tested a new feature on PBE. Known as Ranked Restrictions, the experiment restricted the in-game chat of negative players and prevented them from joining ranked queues until they'd completed the required number of games."


Bronze Squire
I like it but I have my concerns. Are we talking 10 reported games with a majority of the people reporting you or are we talking a 100? If it is the latter that worries me in the sense they are not getting pushed out the system fast enough so it won't solve anything. I do like the idea though of not necessarily regulating them to their own play area to feed the toxic behavior but keeping them out of the competitive environment in hopes they reform due to not being able to play the mode they want or potentially even earn rewards.


Mr. Poopybutthole
As someone who has been chat banned a handful of times, I think this is an amazing idea.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Worlds, LMQ vs OMG:
Definitely surprised with how well LMQ played... damn! My prediction appears to be wrong.
the match Najin White Shield vs Kabom goes as expected

Brazilians going KABOOM

and its 7 -1 now, Brazilians already had a taste of this in the Football World Cup


Buzzfeed Editor
Havn't played moba in ages. And when I did I prefered HON.

I dont know how LOL works, I know it's a fairly different feel? (Though I keep hearing about big reworks). Other than getting my shit pushed in re-warming up. Any huge disadvantages to just now starting in on playing it?

Is there a copy of the original dota hero meepo or whoever. (Teleport with slow poison and nets, had clones that can teleport about with less life and if anything dies all die)

Being LOL thread everyones bias, but if I liked dota/HON would I prefer dota 2? is dota 2 a POS in any way?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Havn't played moba in ages. And when I did I prefered HON.

I dont know how LOL works, I know it's a fairly different feel? (Though I keep hearing about big reworks). Other than getting my shit pushed in re-warming up. Any huge disadvantages to just now starting in on playing it?

Is there a copy of the original dota hero meepo or whoever. (Teleport with slow poison and nets, had clones that can teleport about with less life and if anything dies all die)

Being LOL thread everyones bias, but if I liked dota/HON would I prefer dota 2? is dota 2 a POS in any way?
No disadvantages to just starting other then sucking dick for a while. I have had very little experience with DOTA and absolutely zero experience with DoTA 2 but from what I have heard, LoL champions revolve much more around skillshots and shorter ranged abilities than DoTA heroes. Like in DoTA 2 you can apparently blink across the map whereas in LoL you can only Flash a few feet. I couldn't say if there are any similar champs, I imagine there will be some champs with similarities, but in general I hear that LoL has much more focus on an individual player. Like in DoTA 2 doesn't only 1 player get super-fed and carry? In LoL you have 2-3 players getting super fed and each can carry... etc.
