League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
dota 2 is basically dota 1 with some new features just now finally cropping in from the new game engine and dropping support (it looks like) from dota 1. HoN was almost a copy of Dota 1 at first so Dota 2 will feel more at home for you.

Personally, I went from dota 1 to LoL and haven't really looked back. I think LoL is the better game. But they're both different and fun. There's no League champ like Meepo, I'm not actually sure if he's made the conversion over to dota 2 yet but I would assume so.
C9 put on a clinic for rotations and map control against Alliance. Then you have XWX jsut going monster mode in both of his games today. I think he wasn't happy about being called the fourth best mid in the group during the LCS pre game show.


Bronze Squire
Who was looking for the Sion rework recently? I remember somebody complaining about it. Anyway, I think his new kit looks good. I can't wait to play him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
He looks fun. Not sure about LCS material, but fun for sure. I'll probably add him to my fairly small top lane roster.
Just looking at the kit he is going to be very pubstompy. I mean his passive is a great kill trader in lane, and that ult haha. I wonder if you can flash a wall with it active and keep running?


Tranny Chaser
Happy to see the revamp actually come through and it looks very good and I am not surprised in the slightest that he's no longer a mage with a point and click stun but I am also sad that the champion I liked so much is gone forever a la Karma.

His ult is a great deal like Power Ball which could make for some very good ganks as a jungler and some really good Teleport shenanigans as a top lane.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I want to see someone just build Attack Speed and Life Steal on him and try to live forever off of jungle creeps/lane minions/enemy champions after triggering his passive.


Tranny Chaser
I don't know what to think about this Sion. What do his abilities scale with?
As always it's going to be the numbers that determine how good he is. Need to see mana costs, ratios, what he scales off of, and all of the little nuts and bolts stuff.


Lord Nagafen Raider
His Q scales with AD, his W scales with max health (NOT bonus health, significant difference) and some AP AND does max health damage for some reason, his E is probably tiny amount of AP scaling, his ult is bonus AD

Edit: his Q looks to be roughly 0.6 through 2.0 total AD scaling based on charge time (up to 2 seconds)

Edit le 2: haha his Q can stun for up to 2.25 seconds in an AE if you get a full charge off. CC stacking team time.


Trakanon Raider
Skill set looks like the undead spawn of poppy.

Does the river bend? If not, I want to ult from the top lane onto bottom lane and will do it every chance I get until I get a highlight video.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Skill set looks like the undead spawn of poppy.

Does the river bend? If not, I want to ult from the top lane onto bottom lane and will do it every chance I get until I get a highlight video.
You can steer way better than the description implies. Not like 90 degree turns but you could navigate around most parts of the jungle even, river is easy. You charge for up to 8 seconds, not sure how far you can get


Trakanon Raider
Bleh, not sure how I interpreted "extremely long distance" to - can't stop unless he hits something. Was thinking he was a living Ashe arrow with his ult. Sigh.