My 56% win rate with Udyr says otherwise, but that's besides the point. I realize you're just "joking" but I was merely stating his jungle clear speed is godlike compared to practically anyone else. It doesn't matter what they do to the camps, Udyr should be able to excel at clearing whatever they throw in there.We've already had the go round on how good or not good Udyr is currently, so I was poking fun at Fawe for making the claim that Udyr would become even more of a god. In that argument I pretty much tore Udyr down as a silver/gold jungler and told Fawe using him wouldn't get him out of gold. Was a fun conversation!
The tanky junglers are usually the ones who get chewed up on their first few clears. If it gets harder they'll see even less play.Perhaps tankier junglers will become more popular. Sure they will have slower clear times but come out of the jungle with more health.
HI TO YOU Sej, Mao, Mundo, J4 (with Golem), new Sion, Zac, Rammus etc etc etc
Spot on accurate.And on top of that every single time that the simpler junglers have been good (see the entire history of Master Yi and Xin Zhao) they have been nerfed or their items have been nerfed. Don't go and tell me that you want the Xin Zhao to be just as valid a choice as Lee Sin when you always always always fucking nerf successful auto attack characters. Always. Every time. If Xin is just as good as Lee they will 100% nerf Xin because he'll be carrying too hard at low Elo. Just like they've always done forever.
Because it wins solo Q games. The main problem with it is when you don't have another Tank on your team, and the people doing it don't adjust builds accordingly.Currently biggest LoL pet peeve: jungle amumu whose first 2 items are spectral wraith and rylais. It used to be a rare yolo build but lately I would say 75% of all amumu's I see are doing it. /ranton WTFWHY?? /rantoff
Like ancient said, the build is rather effective for solo queue although I prefer Wraith in to liandry's then tank item. After that core three then I'm either building an abyssal, a Rylais, or an hourglass and capping off with another tank item. If I'm behind and my team doesn't have any other tanky initiator type then I'll skip the third offensive item and just go straight defense. Basically if you farm well and keep yourself even to ahead the wraith/liandry's combo lets you solo just about anyone if you have your ult up and are good at landing bandages. This works until about the 25 minute mark where you will need to get some tankiness.Currently biggest LoL pet peeve: jungle amumu whose first 2 items are spectral wraith and rylais. It used to be a rare yolo build but lately I would say 75% of all amumu's I see are doing it. /ranton WTFWHY?? /rantoff
Er? I'm not at home to test but everything says maintenance is tomorrow morning. And I see no one streaming new Sion, which I assume I would4.18 Patch went live this morning, let the Era of Sion begin. My guess is he will be nerfed within 2 weeks.
Just ignore my dumbass, I thought it was this morning.Er? I'm not at home to test but everything says maintenance is tomorrow morning. And I see no one streaming new Sion, which I assume I would
Which I think is a much more reasonable design goal. The jungle role by its nature is more likely than other lanes to be dominated by a very small subset of champions. In a lane you are right up against your opponent and the unique abilities of each character have a huge impact on how that lane goes. If you're jungling you aren't playing against your opponent in the same direct way so although counters exist it isn't really all that relevant. Just pick whoever The Best is. There's only going to be a few champions at any time that are considered The Best so go with them. In competitive play we are seeing very little focus on banning junglers outside of Lee Sin. If bans aren't levied at junglers all that often in competitive play why have some big, diverse champ pool? Just play The Best. In the four different matches of the quarterfinals at Worlds you see mostly Kha'Zix, Lee Sin, and Elise with a couple J4s, two Rengars, and one Evelyn. Sixteen total games, 32 jungle slots, almost all slots taken by one of three characters. And I don't really think it's a problem.I don't see them ever figuring the game out enough to make more than 3 or 4 champs common in the jungle at the pro level, but I wish for the common-peasant level we could have that bigger variety.