League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really stupid call by TSM. Their only chance was to get a 5th dragon for the double stats + true damage and instead they decide to base race 4v4? Dafk kind of call is that. Glad TSM Lost as I'm a clg/c9 fanboy. Wonder who is getting fired now because TSM should just pick up another Korean since they would rather try to buy themselves to a championship.


Trakanon Raider
I think it was a good call. There is no way UOL would be stupid enough to lose another dragon to consume/smite And tsm had the 15% damage bonus to structures.
Just one of those games, that had UoL repeatedly scamper away with sub 100 hps that snow balled into a big lead.
What I did hate was the team comp. if corky had the late game of pre-nerf tristana, it would have made sense.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think it was a good call. There is no way UOL would be stupid enough to lose another dragon to consume/smite And tsm had the 15% damage bonus to structures.
Just one of those games, that had UoL repeatedly scamper away with sub 100 hps that snow balled into a big lead.
What I did hate was the team comp. if corky had the late game of pre-nerf tristana, it would have made sense.
Yeah, it helps but I feel the only reason they were still in the game was because of the dragons they were getting and all they had to do was stall out another 4 minutes or so for the next dragon to spawn to get the double bonus + True dmg and then they could probably start to win team fights just because of how OP that last dragon stack is. Oh wells. I think overall Dyrus was one of the only good players for tsm tonight.


A Man Chooses....
So on PBE they just made dragon unblockable, juggleable, avoidable but after nerfing Pantheon's attack speed from 6.8 to 6.2 so he can't do it easily early. Hopefully they revert the Pant nerf if they are going to make it a non-issue anyway.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, it helps but I feel the only reason they were still in the game was because of the dragons they were getting and all they had to do was stall out another 4 minutes or so for the next dragon to spawn to get the double bonus + True dmg and then they could probably start to win team fights just because of how OP that last dragon stack is. Oh wells. I think overall Dyrus was one of the only good players for tsm tonight.
yeah, dyrus was the only player that seemed to show up for tsm. hell, even loco was terrible. santorin's 2 steals are at least something to hang their hat on for his first time with the team.
the entire thing is a shame, because i was looking forward to making fun of c9's performance vs. the brazilian team.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ok I have a question for everyone?

If your playing ARAM do you think it's is acceptable to lose a tower when score is 0/1. Were not talking about a rushed early tower kill here were talking about a team with poor range simply retreating so much that enemy kills tower because basically no one is trying to defend it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ok I have a question for everyone?

If your playing ARAM do you think it's is acceptable to lose a tower when score is 0/1. Were not talking about a rushed early tower kill here were talking about a team with poor range simply retreating so much that enemy kills tower because basically no one is trying to defend it.
It completely depends on your team and their team. Usually it's not worth it since the tower will give the whole enemy team gold, plus it allows them to start to do damage to your 2nd tower. You're probably better off diving them while they are attempting to take down your tier 1 tower and hope the tower gets a few attacks off to make it worth it.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
What I've learned so far. Gnar is op as fuck. He got overbuffed hard.

The new map encourages people to play like bitches since mess ups seem even harder to recover from. I could be wrong, cause teams have always played like huge bitches in these big tournies. It just feels like its gone even more that way. I don't see teams winning being put into positions where they have to make a hard choice, and I see teams that are losing getting punished for hard choices bad.

It basically feels like games aren't really that close from what I've seen. One team pretty much just dominates all game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Normally in that position I would go with attack them get damage in as you die and go spend the 400+ gold you have acquired. Most of time you get back before they take the tower and you have a huge health and item advantage over them because you have spent that 400 gold and also you're at full health and there still are at partial health. Even if they take your tower the advantages of dying means you have a good chance of bum rushing them and taking out there tower as in counter attack and gaining back any disadvantage in death count.

I think i just need to play less ARAM though.


A Man Chooses....
What I've learned so far. Gnar is op as fuck. He got overbuffed hard.

The new map encourages people to play like bitches since mess ups seem even harder to recover from. I could be wrong, cause teams have always played like huge bitches in these big tournies. It just feels like its gone even more that way. I don't see teams winning being put into positions where they have to make a hard choice, and I see teams that are losing getting punished for hard choices bad.

It basically feels like games aren't really that close from what I've seen. One team pretty much just dominates all game.
People just have no clue what the fuck they are doing right now so everyone is being cautious. Meanwhile UoL gives no fucks and is being aggressive and have been rewarded for it. For example, people talking up poke comps because the new baron/dragon do tons of damage. But a team fight comp who can hard engage can take those uncontested after winning a team fight rather than dancing around for 40 minutes. It's the same shit with the jungle. All these people cry about how hard it is but it's literally exactly the same only you have less money and exp now. It's not any harder to gank level three than it was before, it's just different. That's why this tournament is interesting(new rift, jungle changes, etc), but also kind of dumb because a bunch of obvious changes are going to hit in 4.21 or 5.0 and things will make a lot more sense. I mean we literally had casters talking up how much better at farming Nunu is than Wukong in the new jungle. This is completely asinine. Wukong destroys the jungle once he gets a jungle item and he AE clears very, very fast, as always. Nunu is Nunu. He's not going to outfarm a Wukong. Same thing with the Warwick vs Lee Sin thing. Once Warwick gets his jungle item he actually clears extremely fast, probably faster than Lee. He just got his shit shoved in due to invades and C9 being all up in his jungle.

If anything, it is harder to close out a game now than it was before. Note how far ahead in kills and objectives C9 were against Pain yet they were only up like 5k gold. Now that dragon gives a stacking buff instead of money you can't just steamroll the game by getting that global gold two or three times, and as the casters mentioned repeatedly only the first and fifth stack are super powerful. In addition, because the dragon/baron do more damage steals and stopping people from doing it are much easier. Instead of one person getting picked meaning a free baron the team behind can definitely 4v5 you if you're trying to do them now.

It feels like people are putting way too much stock in the 5 dragon stacks or baron buff to win now, when honestly those are just new options but the old shit will still work. They are not mandatory.