I've been testing a bunch of champs in the jungle when I have time, here's what I got so far.
- Yorick is fantastic in a team fight. He has great sustain and jungle clear. His only CC is a small AOE slow so ganking is obviously bad. I find it fun though, don't know why. I would not take it into ranked though.
- Hecarim is still decent, and Righteous Glory on him is awesome. I need to test more though.
- Nautilus is fantastic and he can easily do full clears in the jungle. AS reds, Health Quints/Yellows, MR Blues. Build a Devourer into Tank/HP stuff. With a Health focused build, you can run away from a Lee Sin evade if you're not at 10% hps.
- Kayle is kind of OP if you have patience and can position yourself good in team fights. You melt faces.
- Udyr is great but he's hard to come back from more than one lane feeding. Not having to farm longer for Devourer helps.
- AD Malzahar is awesome in the right situation. Unfortunately he's way too squishy. Only would play in ranked if drunk.
- Eveylnn can be ok if you go with an AS/On hit build if you focus on her E instead. However, like with any melee, it's hard to stick. Devourer + Trinity + Frozen Heart into more tank is really strong. If her E worked like Udyr's bear form that kind of leaps at your target would be amazing.
- Elise is still Elise. I tried to mess around with an on hit build that takes advantage of her AS steroid on her W. It's not bad honestly but it's really not good either.
I tried to that Jungle TF that dude did in proplay in a bot game to see how the clear is and you know, it's actually not bad. I'd love to practice Twitch/TF jungle some more. I just haven't really played any ADC jungle games outside bot games. I'd also like to test out personally Nasus to see if he's any better. He probably is the same. Shaco is probably really strong too, but I haven't played him since last season. I have to imagine he's going to be updated at some point this year.
So when the season starts up, I'll probably bring Hec, Naut, Fiddle, Udyr, Kayle into my ranked play.
Not many people are using Righteous Glory in their builds, but if you plop that item into Naut and Hec, you do so well. On Hec, you charge in with your E, pop Glory while you are engaged and just go nutty. On Naut, it just augments your shield with HPs and really helps your engages. The key is to figure out what the best buy order is for both. The pony needs items to do well, so I think if you don't upgrade your jungle item after upgrading your machete and buy Glory as your second full item, you might do well. Naut maybe as your 2nd or 3rd item.
Anyway, enough rambling.