League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea the ultimates have always been ~$25
Spirit Guard Udyr is 3250 as is Pulsefire Ezreal

DJ Sona is going to make Riot like a gazillion dollars imo. The popularity of this game is so much greater now and the Champion is much more popular and sex & music sells.


Buzzfeed Editor
If you otherwise are pretty strict F2p I guess you could rationalize it as the cost of the total game. But yeah, otherwise I am one of the butthurt gamers who hate watching richer people dump hundreds into games like this, not because I care so much they have more skins, just that it further encourages the industry to make games F2p (and most suck hard as opposed to league which is perfectly playable F2p)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I rationalize it as supporting the company that is making game(s) I want to play.

Pricing isn't any different than the other Ultimates but the release discount is definitely not as good. (25% as opposed to the 40% for Udyr or 50% for Ezreal). So yea, for Udyr you spent $15, Ezreal $12.50 and now Sona will be $19 on release.

I like the game and I like the content Riot creates and I want them to keep creating it. They give "free" stuff all of the time and they have become a HUGE company. $19 for a once-a-year skin? no problem! I was subscribed to EQ for 5 years which was ~$10-$12 a month?

The main issue is with people that can't make mature financial decisions. All gaming companies with FTP or P2W models will attract some of these people whom are addicted and need to drop every last cent into the game. On the flip side you have the absolute die-hard FTP players that make it a mission never to drop a single cent. Both types of people should probably not be playing the game. The addictive spenders probably have something akin to a gambling addiction whereas the FTP players should probably work at furthering their careers if they feel so cash-strapped. However, I do give leeway to the FTP players. Financial situations differ and someday maybe they'll decide to support the company once their situation improves (and they deem the content worthy of a purchase).

If you consider yourself a responsible mature person then the asking price for DJ Sona should not bother you. You'll either decide it's worth or not and leave it at that. You understand that Riot is making decisions to stay successful, as any good company should, and you make decisions based on your current financial situation, as any mature adult does.


Molten Core Raider
What the fuck BMW?! 115k MSRP for a 2015 M6? Literally what the fuck. And no, I'm not one of those butthurt people that hate seeing richer people have nicer things than me. This just further encourages the auto industry to keep designing luxury cars and most aren't fucking worth it. If this keeps up then the ONLY cars we'll be able to buy will be 115k.

Definitely not buying it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think for the first ~2-3 years I played league I spent maybe $20 total on a game that I played a good 2k+ games on. Now, I probably have 4k+ games on it & a better paying job so I don't really care if I spend $20 here or there on the game. Shit, I bet I now have at least $100 worth of "mystery" skins now a day lol. Gambling man!

Dunno how accurate this site is (probably just takes the amount of games you have total and multiplies it by an average time) but wastedonlol.com says I have 2,866 hours played on League or roughly 119 days. Not many games in the world have been me playing for that long. Probably only WoW (I played that a shit load up until wotlk), counter strike (1.6 & GO I've sunk many long nights into) and now League.


We just bought a pretty nice brand new 2015 mustang for ~35k *shrug* the thing is a space ship man.

I've spent roughly $700 on league over the years. Mainly on gifts for friends.


Buzzfeed Editor
Mustang, still best bang for buck in that segment. Even if I'm a Vdub guy (R32)

Wasn't trying to draw analogies to spending money elsewhere in life. Just game specifically, like I said I don't hold against it against them too much per say as I said LOL is a good F2P model. Just that so many others ruin it and take games that if released in a classic/conventional format would have been awesome. So in other words with those poorly done games, to enjoy it like a regular $60 game, I'd have to invest a few hundred dollars. Worst is the ones where it's not buy and your done, instead continue milking you hard.

PS: Someones actually trying to haxxor my rerolled login? INCONCEIVABLE. And seemingly pointless.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Dunno how accurate this site is (probably just takes the amount of games you have total and multiplies it by an average time) but wastedonlol.com says I have 2,866 hours played on League or roughly 119 days. Not many games in the world have been me playing for that long. Probably only WoW (I played that a shit load up until wotlk), counter strike (1.6 & GO I've sunk many long nights into) and now League.
Yea that site is most definitely not 100% accurate but mine are:

Ravishing : You've spent about 2.966 hours on League of Legends which means 124 days of your life.

Doesn't even compare to my OVER 365 days /played in EQ over a 5 year span.


Got something right about marriage
I think I had something ridiculous like 134 days /played the year WoW was released.


Trakanon Raider
Started to really dig the Wukong. Dude is a beast. Pretty easy to snowball after the first two kills. Once you get that you can bully np. Also fucks Zed right in his ass nonstop. Ult me? Np have mine right back. You wanna shadow away? Np let me leap to you.

Also I think the Sona skin is worth it compared to all other high priced skins. So much more stuff going on with it, and affecting the music in game etc. Ya. I'd buy it if I played Sona more than I do randomly in ARAMs.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What's crazy about DJ Sona is the fact this 1 skin has the potential to rake in over half a billion dollars easily.

January 2014 (1 year ago), Riot released numbers that 27 million people play LoL daily.
If 50% of those people purchase DJ Sona at the discounted price, that's a quarter of a billion dollars.

They also said 67 million people play monthly. That's $637 million @ 50% purchase rate @ $19 per skin

If the playerbase has grown since last January then these numbers could get even crazier.
I doubt the playerbase has shrunk, though it is certainly possible


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm probably going to grab DJ Sona but I'm not positive. I'm middle-class-ish and don't spend much on games overall so I don't mind it. SG Udyr was worth it for me for sure and I barely play him. The 25% discount makes me hesitate a bit more but eh... still probably worth it even though I have arcade Sona


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think the purchase rate is going to be anywhere near that.
Maybe not but that's why I said it has the "potential".
I figure there's more people playing this year than last so that should make up for it.

Lowest I could assume is a 20% purchase rate since it seems like at least 1 person on a team of 5 will have the ultimate skin. In the past there always seemed to be a Pulsefire Ez or Spirit Guard Udyr in every game when the skins were released.

Even at 20% using the 67 million/month number that's still over a quarter-billion bucks.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Am I the only person that doesn't like Challenger Ahri skin? The splash art is terrible and the in-game skin isn't as good as her others imo.

Also to note with DJ Sona, it's the first Female Champion Ultimate Skin. That alone should drive up sales way beyond the past 2 Ultimates.