League Of Legends


Molten Core Raider
I would guess the # of people that buy a legendary skin is under 3%. Fawe, have they released any statistics in the past on skin purchase rate that leads you to make these conclusions? The HUGE majority of my friends list has spent under $20 on this game over years; they aren't about to drop $25 on a single skin.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nah I don't have any numbers. Riot refuses to release specifics. 3% seems crazy low though.


A Man Chooses....
It's not about spending money. I bought Gentleman Cho day 1 and I've purchased other new skins. I just think $25 for a skin for 1 champ of 120 is pretty ridiculous.

The Ancient_sl

The Pulsefire Ez and Spirt Udyr skin were both amazing. DJ Sona's main draw is a gimmick that would wear thin pretty soon I'd imagine. Changing the game's music? Who cares.


A Man Chooses....
God I hate this game. I go 15-3 on Lee and lose. We have an inhib down and we get an ace-1, only their rammus up, and our top laner refuses to push and goes and solos dragon.


Trakanon Raider
Did you know you couldn't end it without the top laner? If so, why even try? Push lanes, get objectives that you can get. I can see their side " Wtf they are pushing while low, while we have a free dragon/enemy jungle/lanes". Just reading what you said, it almost seems like they were semi right in doing dragon. Sounds like it would have been too close with them anyways to end it if Rammus vs 2 people lost the game for you.

Do you have a replay or anything? I love going back and watching my own games and see where I fucked up, or how other people jungle/react to split pushers etc.


A Man Chooses....
We didn't try, we reinhibbed them and left. But they were down 4 people to our 4 up and had 50 second death timers. Then this game our ahri afk's mid team fight to answer the door and their solo yasuo double inhibs us.

I'm like 7-18 this season and I've played far better than I was last year. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm like 8-5-10, 15-3, 9-3-12 in my last 3, all losses.


We didn't try, we reinhibbed them and left. But they were down 4 people to our 4 up and had 50 second death timers. Then this game our ahri afk's mid team fight to answer the door and their solo yasuo double inhibs us.

I'm like 7-18 this season and I've played far better than I was last year. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm like 8-5-10, 15-3, 9-3-12 in my last 3, all losses.
Your LoL season is playing out like Tennessee's football season.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Promos to Gold IV and get last pick & forced to support 2 games in a row.
Lose both.
7-15 as support this season.

Not blaming my teams or anything, I just suck as support I guess. Hurts when its promos.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also why would you let me cho top. Worst idea ever lol. I mean, yea Cho is fine top but the rest of our team blew ass so it's too hard to carry with him. I should have went Vlad because I actually main him top! The very next game I went Vlad top and go 15/5/8. ezpz, next!


Molten Core Raider
Promos to Gold IV and get last pick & forced to support 2 games in a row.
Lose both.
7-15 as support this season.

Not blaming my teams or anything, I just suck as support I guess. Hurts when its promos.
In my sample size of "me", I determined that the best role to carry is Support specifically to prevent players getting "fucked" into a role with which they're uncomfortable. And that's usually Support. I suspect, mathmatically, the optimal roles to play are Support/[something else].


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's not about spending money. I bought Gentleman Cho day 1 and I've purchased other new skins. I just think $25 for a skin for 1 champ of 120 is pretty ridiculous.
Even though I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game, I refuse to buy ultimate skins on principle. The price points are just so ridiculous to me.

I mean, you can buyentire fucking gamesfor the price they charge for 1 skin.
In my sample size of "me", I determined that the best role to carry is Support specifically to prevent players getting "fucked" into a role with which they're uncomfortable. And that's usually Support. I suspect, mathmatically, the optimal roles to play are Support/[something else].
Support/adc if you are slow climbing and gradually increasing your skill at the game.

Mid/jungle if you are playing at an mmr below your skill level and want to rise quickly. Best pure carry potentials.

Top if you don't care about mmr and want to be at the mercy of your team to a huge degree every game.

This of course is only applicable from low to mid level play (bronze to high plat). Once you get in to the upper tiers of play things kind of even out. However support/adc/mid have the highest representation of consistency challenger players.