League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Previous best was a 12 game win streak with Diana.
I currently have a 9 game win streak with her.
been streaming games recently, no mic/cam but added link in sig.
1st pick so going for 10th in a row!
A win gets me back to promo for gold IV


Tranny Chaser
Hi/low/medium isn't enough gradients for the differences in skill level that exist in League. There's countless varieties of "I'm 10x better than you but still bad at the game."


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
There are subtleties at every level.
I don't think Vimesh's breakdown is that good because it largely depends on the person.
I think the best way to rank up is by picking a strong champion and sticking with it for the majority of games.
Doesn't matter which lane tbh.
Know the ins & outs of your champ and you'll carry games.

Anyway, just got back into promos winning that last game w/ Diana. 1st promo game Im last pick and have to support again. lmao.
3 support games in a row for promos now.

The last diana game went long and actually got a rare 6 item build.

So much damage:



A Man Chooses....
Jungle Nid is still ridiculous if anyone wasn't aware. There's nothing like two people having a duel and max range spearing them from out of nowhere.


Tranny Chaser
She's the solo queue mega carry of choice right now, that's for sure. It's not really something that I expect to last though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just finished playing for the night and glanced at my IP. This probably wouldn't have amused me so much if I hadn't just rewatched that DBZ episode last night.


Trakanon Raider
Just finished my placements on the LAN server. I can't tell you how different it feels playing with 20ish ping vs 100-110 ping on NA. I also think I do better since I don't understand half the shit they are saying so I don't concern myself. Hardest placements ever. Was silver 1 last season. Ended up playing before the placements and got gold 5. I went the hardest 6-4 I've ever played and placed Gold 3.

They are scared shitless of Leona and Morg. I would bet they are both 99% bans, and the times they aren't banned they pretty much win the game everytime I've seen. Give it a try lolpals.

J9X0AT0 - ??? ?? ?? :: ?????*??*?? ( LOL : ? ) ?*??*? ?? (LOL Stats)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Draegen rekt me this week with 1 player down. Wildturtle OP

Unless his other 2 players get 0 or negative points


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ravishing trying his best to get last place in back to back seasons. Turn around, you're going the wrong way!!!


Molten Core Raider
Recent LCS Spoilers ahead
Who else thinks CLG regrets their SUPPORT VEIGAR ban against C9, leaving Balls on Rumble. He's been known as best rumble NA for years and that game demonstrates why. Rofl. What a blunder.


Got something right about marriage
You just never give Balls Rumble. 13-0 with it, best in NA? He might be the best Rumble in the world. He never misses his equalizer. Not only that but they gave Hai Zed, which is by far his best champion. He's 13-1 with Zed. So basically they lost in champ select. People shit on Hai but I can't imagine any other mid laner working as well for C9 as a team. He's the initiator and shot caller, he's like a sacrificial lamb which is why you can't give him an assassin that allows easy diving and escape like Zed. They don't perform as well when he's relegated to more supporty type mages that he can't initiate strongly with.


Bronze Squire
I have to think CLG was just too used to facing Dyrus' Rumble...
while it may not be as good as Balls he is still a damn good rumble....that being said, I don't know if you seen the Doublelift article about leadership but he made some comments that amused me. He said, "we didn't really have to refocus at all" "we don't think going on tilt is really effective" so far in the TSM game you lost focus and went on tilt cause CLG was stomping them. "there are times that CLG has known we've been good, but choked at the last minute, we have a special mentality" so you have a choke at the last min mentality and lose games and that is ok to be known for? wtf?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Seems like a fun support, very low damage but tons of utility. Probably a risky pick in Solo-Q since his Ult is going to fuck up so many teamfights and his portals will probably not be very coordinated. The portals seem great for around baron/dragon but don't help lane ganks like Thresh lantern does since it's 1-way.

He has 1 damaging ability (assuming Ult does no damage), and his passive, which is fine for a support. It's like exactly similar to Sona. Passive = Bonus Damage, Q = damage(and stun/slow), W = Heal, E = Movement, R = AoE CC.

Male Sona confirmed.

Taken from reddit regarding grief potential:
Imagine grief potential
Edit: Enemy sieging base? Let them in! Allies caught out of position and trying to run away from enemy team? Freeze them in place!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have no doubt people will troll and get themselves banned but I'm guessing the worst is just going to be shitty players just trying to use it right :p


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can you not turn off ally assist in League? In Dota if someone was trolling you by constantly phasing you out you could just uncheck that box and they couldn't do it anymore.