League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
There haven't really been any abusable ally abilities in League so far. Kalista's ult and now Bard's ult (and maybe his E) could be used to troll for sure. The thing is, it's not particularly worse than what a troll could usually do, so I don't really see it being that big a problem insofar as griefing goes. Again, it's going to cause more tears when honest players try to use it and fuck up.

Edit: And Bards ult is like Voids ult - not really a possibility to allow it to not affect allies.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have to assume so. He does some damage with his Q and his passive but his passive looks like it has to charge up between attacks to gain damage.

Patch notes are out... so many tears on the official post about Veigar "nerfs" but I'm pretty sure he's going to be stronger overall. I'm looking forward to it anyway.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Veiger will be fine. Mordekaiser is objectively worse, not sure what the hell they were thinking there. Kass is dead. J4 nerfs are pretty large, so welcome back the era of Vi I guess.

Honestly most interested in the Zilean changes.

Adding the gold cost to switching the jungle enchant is mind bottling, just a direct tax to every non-bruiser jungle in the game when they already mostly sucked.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Thing with the new champ is he's being touted as a "roaming support". He does have great movement abilities, wonder if the portal can be set in a way to go all the way across the back of drag or baron pits? Would make getting between mid/bot so fast.

Playing him as a roaming support could be fun as hell. Also his Ult allows you to setup some sweet double-stuns with Q in team fights.

Definitely don't think he's boring but if you want to do damage he's probably going to disappoint.

Edit: His Ult in the demo vids puts things in stasis for 3 seconds. That's crazy long. Turret dives gonna be easy lol.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like another champion that will be atrocious in solo q, but amazing in professional play.


Got something right about marriage
I think it's way too easy to not give a shit about his ult in team fights. I feel like it's gonna be just an AE Zhonya's. If it was single target or enemy only (or friend only) it would be a different story but that shit is gonna be hard to use well even for pros.

The only thing I see it being good for is protecting against tower dives from the other team and helping in tower dives for your team. But the enemy team just needs to hug the tower to make sure they get caught in it too.


Trakanon Raider
while it may not be as good as Balls he is still a damn good rumble....
he is usually an ok rumble. but his missed ults and shitty play on said rumble lost TSM the game vs. TL.
41 minutes into the game with 3 inhibs down he was 0/5/0 before finally picking up two assists during turtle's penta.
he usually contributes more even when hard camped by koreans


Trakanon Raider
I think it's way too easy to not give a shit about his ult in team fights. I feel like it's gonna be just an AE Zhonya's. If it was single target or enemy only (or friend only) it would be a different story but that shit is gonna be hard to use well even for pros.

The only thing I see it being good for is protecting against tower dives from the other team and helping in tower dives for your team. But the enemy team just needs to hug the tower to make sure they get caught in it too.
if the range is too good on it, it will be used on enemy backlines to crush team fights.


Molten Core Raider
Looking forward to Bard. I feel bad for AD mains in yoloqueue. Enjoy watching your support try LCS-style roams nonstop while you get zoned.


Tranny Chaser
Let me preface this by saying I'm always open to just being flat out wrong about my assessments but I don't like this patch at all. The changes to Morde, Veigar, and Zilean are all ugly homogenizations and/or nerfs on unique characters that are being sold as buffs or positive changes.

Two armor isn't going to change how ungodly fragile Zilean is (even among mages) and losing 50 attack range is going to actually make that problem worse. The changes to Time Warp read like whoever implemented them didn't know it could be used to haste allies so his awesome long duration haste buff is just cut in half in exchange for bigger slows. A 55% reduction in movement speed for 5.5 seconds was just as much death as 2.5 seconds of 99% will be. It's range is less. His ult already had decreased duration from changes long ago and now it's even shorter? Bleh. His bombs do less damage and are now fixed travel time skillshots. Ick.

Mordekaiser's ultimate was nerfed and nerfed hard, his Creeping Doom does less damage, and although his health costs on that and Mace of Spades are a bit less those also aren't the abilities you max first or use a great deal during laning. You use Siphon of Destruction the most and it's cost is the same. With his health regen being crushed from 8.37 to 3.37 his laning phase is going to be shit. With the new way that health regen items work this season almost every health regen item in the game is now nerfed on Morde. Items like Rejuvenation Bead are going to provide less than half of the regen they currently do.

Veigar's ult does less damage, his Event Horizon is no longer instant. That Q change better be goddamn amazing.

Stalker's Blade is so game-warpingly overpowered that to try and fix it they are going to change the range on Smite, something that has been static for years, rather than focus on Chilling Smite. They are willing to change how a fundamental summoner spell works rather than change one of the season's new items.

Kassadin was dumpstered and I don't actually know why.

Seriously, the health regen changes to Mordekaiser are crippling.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
After looking at Bard's passive again, seems like for him to have the greatest impact he needs to roam a lot, which means Jungling or roaming support.
I can't see him competing with top-tier junglers and roaming supports are going to be so bad in Solo-Q.

Stacking up chimes can make his attacks do some decent damage.

Here's his passive (from[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */):

Passive: Traveler?s Call
Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks. These meeps gain new effects as Bard collects chimes.
Meeps currently deal 30 (+.3 AP) magic damage. A new meep appears every X seconds, max of X
Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, mana [8% missing +15], and out-of-combat movement speed stacks. Chimes remain for 10 minutes.
X chimes collected - with X more, X
  • 5 Chimes : Meeps apply a 25% slow for 1 second
  • 10 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage.
  • 15 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once
  • 20 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 25 more damage.
  • 25 Chimes: Meep attacks will strike through their target
  • 30 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage.
  • 35 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster
  • 40 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage
  • 45 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 45%
  • 50 Chimes :Meep attacks deal 35 more damage
  • 55 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once
  • 60 Chimes :Meep attacks deal 35 more damage,
  • 65 Chimes: Meep attack strike-through cone increases in size.
  • 70 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 35 more damage.
  • 75 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster
  • 80 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 35 more damage.
  • 85 Chimes: Meep attacks will slow by 60%
  • 90 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 35 more damage
  • 95 Chimes: Bard will be able to have 1 more meep following at once
  • 100 Chimes: Meep attacks deal 30 more damage
  • 105 Chimes: Meeps will reappear 1 second faster.
  • [It keeps going]
Chimes spawn all over the map and give a pretty nice movement speed. You can cruise across the map if you keep hopping from chime to chime. They even give xp to make up for lack being in a lane.


Got something right about marriage
I don't know... with how mobile he is and how easy it would be for him to get in/out of enemy jungle it seems like he COULD be a really good jungler. Especially for junglers who prefer farming (Meteos).

AP ratio on meeps suck ass but they stack infinitely along with slows and re-appearing faster. Seems like he could eventually scale out of control just like Nasus depending on how fast Chimes spawn.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
A post on reddit from a dude says he collected 80 chimes in 35 minutes without missing a single one.

At that rate you might expect a normal game to have between 60-90.
They do stack infinitely though.

About leveling to 18 with just Chimes:
Based on the 80 i had after 35 minutes without missing a single, it takes about 400 Minutes. If the pathern of spawns continues.
A single autohit with a Meep would deal over 3000 Damage (+ 30% of your AP) if the buff patern continues infinitely
Nightblue3 tried jungling him and didn't do well. He called him "Underwhelming".

Edit: Every 20 chimes starting with the 5th seems to be a nice spike for Bard.
5: 25% slow
25: Strike through target (AoE attacks I assume?)
45: 45% slow
65: Strike through target cone is wider
85: 65% slow

Looks like 105 doesn't increase the cone and no idea if 125 would make the slow even greater as it's not listed.

This video from Spazie does a pretty good job showing the versatility of the kit.
One thing to note is his Ult range is nearly 1/2 the map. He can be in mid lane and cast it on bot-lane as example. So if he roams away from his ADC he can still ult the bot lane in emergency.

Ult Range:



Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm wondering if they forgot to document some of the Morde changes or if they really rolled back that many that were on PBE. On PBE it was closer to a rework (his shield had gotten buffed), whereas the live changes are just garbage.

I'm convinced Veigar is buffed from all this. If they had changed nothing but his mana costs, it would have been a huge buff. The (slight) nerf to his ult AP ratio and the delay on Event Horizon may seem discouraging but the CD of 3 of his skills getting better and the increased range and potential of his Q really just scream more power. Veigar has always been one of my favorite mages and I am legitimately looking forward to these changes, unlike the changes to every other champion I've enjoyed lately (tears for poor Yasuo).

I think the idea behind Zilean's changes were ok, but the rework of E was terrible and pointless as Arbitrary said.

There is no way Bard can reasonably be expected to jungle with that kit. Anyone that has more trouble clearing than tank junglers is in for a whole lot of not jungling.