League Of Legends


Honestly the new olaf works ok in ARAM, he melts ADC even more than before, but you must not build him as a ghost/tank anymore, he's a pure AD Melee now.
Get him some utility like Phage / Hexdriker / Cutlass and watch him melt faces even more than before (specially if you end up having a spirit visage).

Finally after more than 3 years, i managed to play an AP Warwick and win, i know our team comp was better for ARAM, but at last !


2 Minutes Hate
I also think it's too hard to call whether somebody is going to be viable in the new jungle or not. I'm sure it'll help out some junglers such as warwick or fiddle because having that new giant wraith or whatever means they can single target it down, yet then I look at Vi, Nasus, Shyvana, J4 and still think they are going to be strong. Look how strong those champions can turn out now and then think about next season were you will get more gold and xp from the jungle.
It will be interesting to see the final power of some of the jungle items that offer some extra sustain.


2 Minutes Hate
If your goal is rating you have made a terrible goal for yourself.
My goal is to see how well I can do in ranked/normals by narrowing down my focus of champions. I currently play a lot like CV's friends; all over the place. My goal for S4 is to attempt to stick to a small core of champs and stick to prioritize which lane I play ranked/normals in.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I agree with Vimesh - I get the most enjoyment from being "good" with a champion. Playing different champs all the time actually frustrates me more because I know I'll be below par. I like taking a champ and pushing it to the limits. Perfect example is when I play MF. I've had a ton of "wow" moments playing her because after over 500 games played her whole kit is just so ingrained in memory that I can normally pull off shit I never expect when I think back on it. Turning on ganks and winning 2v3 or 2v4 or landing that awesome Double Up that ricochets just right and kills the enemy that's beyond your vision, pressing advantages in bot lane and forcing the entire enemy to come deal with you, thus opening up free objectives for your team... getting ahead on ADC is so much fun tbh.


Molten Core Raider
I'm looking forward to jungling Poppy because I love Poppy and getting a quick sheen should be alot easier in the new jungle. And with the new masteries, I am predicting that jungle Kayle is going to be op. I also think that sustain junglers like warwick and fiddle are going to be strong because they will be able to farm up until level 6 alot faster since they can just stay in the jungle.


2 Minutes Hate
That's what I would like to do, I just need to force myself to do it. I get distracted by a new shiny too often in this game. I get full blown "alt-itis" so to speak. I chalk it up to not being able to play on a consistent basis so after a few days of not playing I'm thinking about other champs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm looking forward to jungling Poppy because I love Poppy and getting a quick sheen should be alot easier in the new jungle. And with the new masteries, I am predicting that jungle Kayle is going to be op. I also think that sustain junglers like warwick and fiddle are going to be strong because they will be able to farm up until level 6 alot faster since they can just stay in the jungle.
See, this is where I'm almost thinking the new jungle won't actually change many of the top tier junglers at the moment because the current junglers are just so strong as specific things, if not everything. Sure, Warwick might be better in the new jungle because he can farm to 6 faster, but Lee Sin is still going to gank better, do objectives better and overall be a better champion for your team mid to late game then a warwick is because of his CC, his mobility and his ultimate. If anything it just seems like it's going to make the top tier junglers that much stronger and make the non-viable junglers a little more viable. Or like, if Shyvana gets the new wriggles she'll be able to outfarm a warwick/fiddle any day of the week because of all her added AoE.

I dunno, I'm hoping I'm dead wrong and the jungle changes really do switch a lot of things up, but honestly looking at the PBE items right now, I just don't see why you still wouldn't j4/lee/vi/nasus every game.


Molten Core Raider
See, this is where I'm almost thinking the new jungle won't actually change many of the top tier junglers at the moment because the current junglers are just so strong as specific things, if not everything. Sure, Warwick might be better in the new jungle because he can farm to 6 faster, but Lee Sin is still going to gank better, do objectives better and overall be a better champion for your team mid to late game then a warwick is because of his CC, his mobility and his ultimate. If anything it just seems like it's going to make the top tier junglers that much stronger and make the non-viable junglers a little more viable. Or like, if Shyvana gets the new wriggles she'll be able to outfarm a warwick/fiddle any day of the week because of all her added AoE.

I dunno, I'm hoping I'm dead wrong and the jungle changes really do switch a lot of things up, but honestly looking at the PBE items right now, I just don't see why you still wouldn't j4/lee/vi/nasus every game.
We all know that there are certain champions (like warwick) who are exceptionally weak pre-6 because they *have* to get xp, money, or both in order to be useful and can only do so if they forego ganks in favor of farming or relying on the enemy to mess up. I see where you're comin from, but the point I was trying to make is that the new jungle makes these champs less risky because their power level increases sooner/faster so that they can get to the mid/late game which ought to be a little stronger than a champ whose early game wasn't handicapped. I understand that some champs are simply better in the jungle than others throughout the entire game because of the meta, but there are many junglers who don't get played often, not because they aren't very strong in the mid or late game, but because their weak early game is too easy to exploit by the enemy. Given the same income between Warwick and Lee sin at 30:00, I would much rather have Warwick on my team because he is tanky as fuck, his ult locks down priority targets, and he buffs everyone's attack speed. The problem is that it the nature of the current jungle makes it easy to shut warwick down early game and the lanes know they can go ham without gank pressure for the first 5 minutes of the game. The new jungle changes are going to effect this, the question is how much. For example, right now there is no real meaningful difference between a sustain champ and a non-sustain champ in how long they can stay in the jungle on their first two clears before having to recall, and practically zero difference between them after that. They are making the jungle creeps do more damage and adding items that proc hp on-hit, probably because they have a mind to make sustain junglers that much stronger. I think that this will make more champions "viable" junglers.


Tranny Chaser
Don't forget Zac and Elise! The amount of top tier junglers right now is just ridiculous. It's going to be really hard for anyone on the cast to be a new S4 breakout jungler.


2 Minutes Hate
That's what I was getting at.

I think the new jungle might boost other champs close to the top tier list of junglers only because the changes might improve their early game a lot.
That's what I would like to do, I just need to force myself to do it. I get distracted by a new shiny too often in this game. I get full blown "alt-itis" so to speak. I chalk it up to not being able to play on a consistent basis so after a few days of not playing I'm thinking about other champs.
I used to have new toy syndrome in this game as well. What I do to combat it is pretty effective, at least for me. I have my core group 4-6 champs that I play a ton in ranked and have become very good at. Then I have two to three champs that I want to learn. I'll do a day of normals just learning the basics of the new champs and then I'll slowly work them in to the rotation as my core group gets too stale or nerfed. So far its kept me consistent in only playing a handful of champs but also giving me variety over the long term. By no means am I that guy that can play 500 ranked games in a season and have 450 of them be just on one champ.


Tranny Chaser
The one jungle change that might help the lower tiers is that Red + Blue won't make you level 3 anymore. The buff, buff, gank top while they are still level 2 thing isn't going to work. With a little less emphasis on the level 3 gank and a little less reward for stealing a buff it might provide enough breathing room for someone to farm early. As it is right now if you farm instead of doing buff buff gank you are really hurting one of your lanes.


2 Minutes Hate
I used to have new toy syndrome in this game as well. What I do to combat it is pretty effective, at least for me. I have my core group 4-6 champs that I play a ton in ranked and have become very good at. Then I have two to three champs that I want to learn. I'll do a day of normals just learning the basics of the new champs and then I'll slowly work them in to the rotation as my core group gets too stale or nerfed. So far its kept me consistent in only playing a handful of champs but also giving me variety over the long term. By no means am I that guy that can play 500 ranked games in a season and have 450 of them be just on one champ.
Yeah. My only problem is that I don't have full days anymore to play a single champ. Too damn old for that one. Never get married.
Yeah. My only problem is that I don't have full days anymore to play a single champ. Too damn old for that one. Never get married.
Haha, been married. Currently separated. I usually work from home and only have to be at my actual work place for three or four hours when they actually want me to come in. I do however have my son, but he's four and he's got his own tech stuff that he messes around with right along side of me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's basically the main reason why I'm still single.......ya know....so I can play league with no distractions. Yeah...that's the main reason....

Some junglers might still be able to do Blue > Red > Wraiths and still gank a lane before the laner gets 3? I also wonder if you can do a full clear, get 4, and have the laners still be only 3. Be interesting to see what new jungle paths open up. Although you're still pretty much pigeonholed into getting both buffs before you gank, otherwise you'll just get your other buff stolen and fall behind.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I didn't even think about getting to play WW jungle again in Season 4. That'll bring me up to a solid 2 jungle champs :p


A Man Chooses....
I don't think I've ever been more pissed off at a game than I am at this one. So fucking frustrating to play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Actually just got out of such a troll of a game. Got into game, had a solid ass team, but the enemy team had a j4/lulu/fiddle/brand/alistar. We were all like fuck yea no ADC. Summoner 4 has left the game! Oh well, I stay in queue. Load in, I'm 4th pick, say I can fill. Fist pick lulu. Says ADC lulu. /sigh. Last pick was Alistar. Same trolly duo queue on the enemy team just before. 2nd and 3rd pick were Xin Jungle and Lucian Mid. Okay, sweet. I say fuck it and end up going top Vayne against j4. Went even in lane, I was down about 10-15cs but was up 1 kill. Bot lane fed hard, lulu went 2/6 in lane. (ended up 4/7) alistar went 0/4 in lane (ended up 0/5). Just....raaaaaaaaaaaaaaage. I suppose since I was in a promo it was probably my fault for not just dodging when shit like that happens, but meh. Let's just say the enemy draven was a fucking monster. BT, LW & IE by about 25 minutes. Yeah....gg.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey, don't dis AD Lulu, I'm like 6/0 with her :p She is her own best peel, it's hilarious when a bruiser tries to get on you. Slowed! Polymorphed! Ult myself! Slow again! Meanwhile you're just shooting away. It's dumb but there's worse ADC champs out there~


2 Minutes Hate
I get better teammates in the normals games I'm practicing champs in than I do in ranked. Last ranked game I had an 84 cs Vayne at 25 minutes. I haven't seen that since I was level 24. He was 1/8 or something fun like that too. Lulz.