League Of Legends


Sion is so fun to play, and he's so good too. I never thought about actually maining a champ, but Sion might be it. Does not get old. Unfortunately did not get much practice in tonight. So many troll games
I'm starting to feel this way about sona, I really like her kit.


Molten Core Raider
I'm starting to feel this way about sona, I really like her kit.
I went from unranked to Plat with Sona in 55 games. Unsure of how the meta has changed in the last 2 months but I think she was the strongest support for solo queue -- no weak points of her game, late game she incredibly strong.


Tranny Chaser
Sona is one of the first champions that was released after the Euro bot lane had universally solidified (ADC + babysitter) and she always has reminded me of the kind of classes people would make for themselves in D&D if they DM would let them get away with it. Heal two targets, nuke two targets, augmented auto attack harass, MS buff, big AE CC ultimate. Don't you think this is a little too on the nose for bot lane? No? Alright, throw a huge rack on her and ship it out.

The Ancient_sl

Sona is one of the first champions that was released after the Euro bot lane had universally solidified (ADC + babysitter) and she always has reminded me of the kind of classes people would make for themselves in D&D if they DM would let them get away with it. Heal two targets, nuke two targets, augmented auto attack harass, MS buff, big AE CC ultimate. Don't you think this is a little too on the nose for bot lane? No? Alright, throw a huge rack on her and ship it out.

Literally the perfect babysitter support. Except she relies on more skill than Sona so lower winrate.


Tranny Chaser
I know she's not a mammal but could you maybe make her mammary glands a little bigger? What's that? Her mammaries. Yes, tits. I'm talking about her tits.

We have got to stop hiring directly from DeviantArt.


Tranny Chaser
Good use of the lingo!

They need big racks because of the isomorphic perspective in League. That makes it sound classy.

The Ancient_sl

I know she's not a mammal but could you maybe make her mammary glands a little bigger? What's that? Her mammaries. Yes, tits. I'm talking about her tits.

We have got to stop hiring directly from DeviantArt.
I disagree. Nothing better that busting out a quick nut while someone's toaster loads. Man I hate when people play Leona.


Well they removed Poro King.... Mundo/Swain/Trundle/Veigar/Urgot vs Lux/Lucian/Rumble/Akali/Kog guess who loss ?

LOL is only worth playing when they activate special modes, otherwise it's not even remotely fun or enjoyable.


Molten Core Raider
While Sona might be a good champ her kit is about as uninteresting and as low skill as you can get. I don't think that's the same as what he's talking about with Sion.
Just because a champ doesn't have skill shots doesn't make it low-skill. Playing Sona properly requires some decent sensitivity to engagement range; shes quite squishy and dying early in bot lane is bad news bears. A passive Sona is also useless as fuck... its a fine line.

I mean, obviously you have your opinion and that's cool and all... but when it comes to pushing ranking I'd rather steadily climb with a "low-skill" champ as opposed to be one of the thousands upon thousands of shittastic Lee Sins or [high skill champ] that have delusions of grandeur.

EDIT: asked my Bronze 4 brother if he thinks Sona is low skill and he said she definitely is. Damn. ("shes like 10% skill compared to other champs i suppose")


Potato del Grande
EDIT: asked my Bronze 4 brother if he thinks Sona is low skill and he said she definitely is. Damn. ("shes like 10% skill compared to other champs i suppose")
If you duo ranked with your Bronze 4 brother, does he insist on playing high skill-cap heroes or the most important of roles (usually with a terrible choice for it that only a smurf can make successful)? Mine does and it makes me not want to play with him =/.


2 Minutes Hate
Just because a champ doesn't have skill shots doesn't make it low-skill. Playing Sona properly requires some decent sensitivity to engagement range; shes quite squishy and dying early in bot lane is bad news bears. A passive Sona is also useless as fuck... its a fine line.

I mean, obviously you have your opinion and that's cool and all... but when it comes to pushing ranking I'd rather steadily climb with a "low-skill" champ as opposed to be one of the thousands upon thousands of shittastic Lee Sins or [high skill champ] that have delusions of grandeur.

EDIT: asked my Bronze 4 brother if he thinks Sona is low skill and he said she definitely is. Damn. ("shes like 10% skill compared to other champs i suppose")
Every champ is high skill then by your definition. The better the player you are the better your situational awareness is. As you get better with a single champ, the more you know the limits of it's power. Here you learned where Sona's strengths are and where her weakness are you maximize your knowledge on how to play her. You can say that about every single champ in the game.

Sona is a lower skill champ but not the lowest. She's no Warwick or Ryze. The most difficult part is you have to land her augmented aura stuff properly. Outside that, you just have to position yourself carefully.