Is the whole season out somewhere or something?
As to the end of the pilot / premiere
How many, if any, of the people who help David break out are actually real? I couldn't help but think, given the communication, timing etc. of the 'operation' that all of the mutants there to rescue him were all just different parts of his gestalt personality taking care of business while 'David' stands in the eye of the hurricane just like what happened in the kitchen.
I doubt a lot of people care what the hell you think.First episode was good but I doubt it will get better from there.
I did not care for this episode. I don't like the whole "Hey Fargo did ambiguous time periods, so can we!" stuff and some of the acting seems a bit off to me
Nah, I am pretty sure everyone is real at the end - the camera goes out of its way to not show David specifically kill the one guard, which wouldn't track with the rest of the guards that get murdered in the escape.
Apparently his father is the same as the comics, but I'm not sure anything else is: the alternates we've seen could just be his moods given shape, with yellow fat bastard being his self-destructiveness (in the background when he's hanging himself), Aubrey Plaza being his paranoia, etc. (Also, while Plaza's Puerto Rican-ness is frequently hidden in shows, she barely looks like the same person post-death: she goes from being aggressively curvy and dark to being sexless and white - in other words, looking way more like David.)
People think the yellow eyed devil is Mojo which would be fucking hilarious.