Lena Dunham got RAPED........BY A REPUBLICAN!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah and I am just going to say that just because military guys rub one out in the barracks without enough discretion, does not mean that it is acceptable behavior. And I am not sure how to even respond to the assertion that there is nothing weird about rubbing up against your sister while you bail out the little man in the boat. If you changed the gender of either child in this scenario and the cops would be all over that shit in two seconds.


Buzzfeed Editor
I didn't get the impression she was rubbing up against her or anything. Yeah, involving her in any way pretty much makes it some fucked up shit. I'm just saying, jacking off in the same room as your sibling is not incest, nor is kissing them on the mouth. For a thread dedicated to hating on this hag who walks around in some make-believe reality we should probably hold ourselves to a higher standard.


TLP Idealist
I didn't get the impression she was rubbing up against her or anything. Yeah, involving her in any way pretty much makes it some fucked up shit. I'm just saying, jacking off in the same room as your sibling is not incest, nor is kissing them on the mouth. For a thread dedicated to hating on this hag who walks around in some make-believe reality we should probably hold ourselves to a higher standard.
In the same bed, not just the same room. So, she probably was rubbing up against her.


Trump's Staff
I didn't get the impression she was rubbing up against her or anything. Yeah, involving her in any way pretty much makes it some fucked up shit. I'm just saying, jacking off in the same room as your sibling is not incest, nor is kissing them on the mouth. For a thread dedicated to hating on this hag who walks around in some make-believe reality we should probably hold ourselves to a higher standard.
I shared a bed with my sister, Grace, until I was seventeen years old.She was afraid to sleep alone and would begin asking me around 5:00 P.M. every day whether she could sleep with me. I put on a big show of saying no, taking pleasure in watching her beg and sulk, but eventually I always relented. Hersticky, muscly littlebodythrashedbeside meevery night as I read Anne Sexton, watched reruns of SNL, sometimes evenas I slipped my hand into my underwearto figure some stuff out.

Wonder why people think they were touching? I don't think that interpretation is so off base that calling it 'make-believe' is at all justified.

Furthermore, how many kids who shared a room that you know had double beds?


Buzzfeed Editor
People take their own perception of a story and color it in with additional details that just happen to fit their own pre-existing viewpoint on a person or situation. That is practically the definition of "make-believe".


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Ok then, draw us up a scenario where what she described is acceptable, let alone innocent. Especially in light of the dress up sex slave and pay for French kisses shit.


Musty Nester
If that's a direct quote from some of her writing it is quite wrought. It sounds like it probably didn't happen.

You know how when a guy's telling a story and he goes "And so then I sez to him" how he probably never sezed that to him?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
So her falsely claiming to have engaged in the sexual abuse of her sister would say what about her exactly? Is this somehow better?


Musty Nester
Nah man, it's crap either way.

I don't think anyone is sticking up for her here. What I'm saying is that reads like it was re-written more than once.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I'm willing to bet her publisher made some last minute effort to sanitize it, knowing how it was going to be received.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Any one of those events isn't too bad in and of itself, except for the masturbating thing - maybe it's not technically incest or sexual abuse, although the way she describes it certainly makes it sound like the sister figured into the equation in some sexual fashion, but it's sure as hell pretty fucked up behavior, especially when she admits that she intentionally manipulated her sister into getting into bed/up close with her. I know if I were a pre-teen and I had a sibling 6 years older masturbating in bed right next to me, I'd be pretty fucking disturbed.

And personally, I grew up in a household of 5 kids, shared a room until I was 11 or so and often had multiple cousins, family friends etc. staying over and I never masturbated in the same room as any one else, or (as far as I know) had anyone else do it in the same room as me. I'm pretty weirded out that there are people here who think that's normal - worst case scenario, just go rub one out in the bathroom for fucks sake.

But yeah, other than the masturbating thing, any single one of those events can be written off as childhood fooling around, although even that makes me wonder what kind of home environment they were in. Yeah playing doctor or whatever is normal, but between siblings? and bikie sex slaves is a bit different from ''you show me yours I'll show you mine." But pile them all together, connect the dots with the way she describes her manipulative behavior (she even compares herself to a sexual predator, for fucks sake) and it's pretty obvious that there's something twisted going on. Maybe she was abused, maybe it's the environment she grew up in (those paintings... I won't call them "art"), who knows, but the chick is messed up.

And like others have said, if that's the stuff she felt comfortable putting in, you have to wonder if there's more she left out (although on the flip side, someone with the narcissism to write something like that at the age of 28 might be self-oblivious enough that they leave everything in). But at the end of the day, it's the hypocrisy that really shits me. Comparing all of that stuff she did to her sister to the way she describes the whole incident about getting fucked up on coke/booze/xanax, banging a dude then deciding she was raped because she was high is so absurd it makes me want to believe the whole thing is a sick joke.


Graybeard Lurker
I couldn't care less about this lady, but I love the angle where someone gets a taste of their own medicine.

I'm sure she would be the first to have a man sent down the river for the exact same shit she did. Oh look, here's anarticleabout some such poor bastard.
A lot of people just jelly because they can't get with this:




Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont care if it's made up or not. It's not the kind of thing you put in a fucking autobiography. It's the kind of thing a therapist says to you on a couch..."Well, as it turns out you arent an incestual rapist, sometimes young children dont understand those things".


<Gold Donor>
The context is this is a person who believes stare rape is a thing and patriarchy means all men rape all the time. You can't go around making a big deal of those things as a SJW and in the same day write such stories in a book and claim it was innocent behavior.
This is the best summary I've seen. If she wants to shit up our lives with her bullshit ("our" meaning normal people), we should be able to shit up hers for this.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Drama whore entitled cowards rarely do the world that service.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So is this the new anti-feminism thread? Seems like no one uses the other one anymore:
