Meth just pushed that ugly into hard mode.
We were just dealing with Fake RZ before
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Meth just pushed that ugly into hard mode.
Contest for who has the bigger bulge: noodle's noodle and Trexxy's post-baby FUPA.
I see potential with this.
She was the long-time girlfriend of Furor, who was the creator and leader of Fires of Heaven. She had, by virtue of that history, the trust of the community. Once Furor left her(I think?), it all came crashing down as several members stepped up and exposed her as having ripped them off. It's been a downward spiral of hilarity ever since.Serious question:
I believe the whole Ravenn story is before my time here (started following FOH back in 2010) Already read what happened in the fuck some people gave her money????
She was the long-time girlfriend of Furor, who was the creator and leader of Fires of Heaven. She had, by virtue of that history, the trust of the community. Once Furor left her(I think?), it all came crashing down as several members stepped up and exposed her as having ripped them off. It's been a downward spiral of hilarity ever since.
Given that Noodle has stated he is overweight we can likely just compare FUPA to inability to see own penis.
Serious question:
I believe the whole Ravenn story is before my time here (started following FOH back in 2010) Already read what happened in the fuck some people gave her money????
Why would her "product" feel any different than any other? Its a hooker, dude. You aint paying for her personality. You are paying for a damp hole to tickle your pickle.